11th acr vietnam roster


2017 to PRESENT The Blackhorse Regiment stands ready to respond to any mission to which it may be called. . The United States lost 23,300 soldiers to gain an Armistice in July 1953. Black Jack Pershing (along with the 11th Cav) was withdrawing from Mexico and the conclusion of the Punitive Expedition a tragic fire that took the lives of Pershings wife and three of his four children. The Regiment moved 80 miles at night through a contested area, arriving 14 hours after its initial alert notice. The Army began to evacuate these warehouses and the work was completed just 10 minutes before the first oil tank exploded, covering the buildings with burning oil. Prudent nations and wise soldiers would keep their powder dry. Ladies and Gentlemen: Please CHARGE YOUR GLASSES AND STAND. 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. In November 1940 the field rotation for the 11th Cavalry began. The remarkable part is although the clothing of several of our men was hit; not a single man was wounded, thanks to the utter surprise and confusion of the enemy. In attendance was Nevadas Governor Jim Gibbons and Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. On 11 March 1901, the first recruits of the new Regiment reported for training at Fort Myer, Virginia. By 28 April 1970 the Regiment was alerted to a major offensive that would finally take-out the North Vietnamese sanctuaries in Cambodia. This required Third Squadron, which was the farthest away at the time, to road march 145 kilometers to its assembly area. 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment: 400th Transportation Detachment: 402nd Transportation Detachment: 403rd Transportation Detachment: 405th Transportation Detachment: 407th Transportation Detachment 408th Transportation Detachment . The 1920s and 1930s saw the gradual introduction of armored cars, trucks and motorcycles to the Regiment, supplementing the traditional horse, wagon and pack mules. Buford* (Army Transport Service), arriving in Manila after a sixty-one day voyage which included passage through the Suez Canal. The Regiment would rotate Squadrons between the two throughout the year. In nineteen hundred seventy two, the Fulda Gaps in hand; The Eleventh U.S. Cavalry was there to make its stand. Colonel Starry hadnt worn his chicken plate that day if he had, he would have only been scratched. 68 21 Mar. The 712th fought its way through France crossing the Moselle River and then the Saar River. That is, due to the fixed roofing and with repeated drainage/refilling; would naturally generate spacing between the oil and roofing unit. For these Troopers we add FIERY MEXICAN TEQUILA, the drink of Mexico and PEACH JUICE from Georgia, the Regimental Headquarters in 1916. On the morning of 11 July a defective vehicle heater triggered a motor pool fire in the north compound of Blackhorse Base Camp. They came back across the Saar and plunged into the Battle of the Bulge, after which they crossed the Saar again, then the Rhine River. Includes two soldiers walking ahead of tanks and probing for mines. Due to the threat outlined in the Zimmerman telegram and the proximity of the German merchant fleet, a detachment of the 11th was stationed on the border at Camp John Beacom in Calexico, California (nearest border crossing to the German fleet) while another was stationed in the Campo area. They were given the mission to screen the flank of the XIII CORPS, which it from the Roer River to the Rhine. First Squadron occupied OP Alpha near Hunfeld-Schlitz-Lauterbach. Medal of Honor Recipient WICKAM, JERRY WAYNE Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, Troop F, 2d Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Some fifty Blackhorse troopers suffered injuries that day, a number that would have been far higher had it not been for numerous individual acts of heroism and the Regiments disciplined response to the emergency. In early 1954 the Regiment moved again, this time to Fort Knox, Kentucky where they trained reservists. It was based on the training and experiences acquired at Fort Irwin, California. The Regiment was not deployed into the Gulf as a unit. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. In late February, they began hurried preparations to embark out of Havana and return to the United States. Located at Downs Barracks in the City of Fulda were the Regimental Headquarters and First Squadron, known as Ironhorse. Second Squadron, known as Eaglehorse, was stationed at Daley Barracks in the spa City of Bad Kissingen. One of the Forward Observers positions was in the Berdorf Hof (Hotel), providing a clear view down the main road into the village. On 5 May 1916, the 11th Cavalry had the honor of making what proved to be the last mounted charge in regular US Cavalry history. United States Army are affirmed from this date and hereafter may borne, shown and advanced by the 11th Cavalry Regiment as safe property of said arms. Indicates the strong value placed up this symbol of the Regiment. The bugler sounded and with guidon flying on high the charge began. By December of 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved. Fourth Squadron played a leading role in PROVIDE COMFORT. In large part, the job fell to the regular Army. American and Allied military units were directed to deliver relief supplies to the refugees. Ambassador to Britain on 24 February. Without hesitation, he charged the bunker from which the fire was being directed, enabling the remainder of his men to seek cover. Camp Seeley, near El Centro, California and Camp Morena; near Campo were built simultaneously. In the comparatively genteel Army of the 1920s and 1930s, the Regiments spare time was filled with unit competitions in polo and horsemanship. Presidio duties included exercising horses on the beaches of Monterey, extended war maneuvers in the forests and deserts of California and summer training of ROTC personnel at Fort Lewis, Washington. The Soldiers were bused to the Southeast parking lot of the Mandalay Bay Convention parking lot where they were released to friends and Family members after a short formation. Sfc. Direct U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War would result in 57,685 casualties. Two troops (companies) of the 10th Cavalry, the Buffalo Soldiers reinforced the Regiment at Parral. XThe accessibility of our website is taken very seriously. At El Paso, Texas the 11th Cavalry was ordered to go directly to Columbus, New Mexico to join the expedition going into Mexico. He is the only Colonel of the Regiment to have died while in command of the Regiment. . Often the battles took place near their homes and the families would place a lit candle in the window to help show them the way back home. On March 9, 1916, Mexican Forces loyal to Pancho Villa attacked American border towns leaving them in ruin. The 11th Cavalry Group anchored a sector on the northern shoulder of the bulge. The 2nd Squadron re-deployed to the U.S. in March of 1972, 13 months after the rest of the regiment. They inflicted casualties of 350 known enemy dead while destroying seven tanks and three half-tracks. This one platoon captured thirteen enemy prisoners and destroyed thirteen trucks, two command bunkers, and the communications bunker. The defenders suffered only 4 dead and 20 wounded while losing only one tank and four half-tracks. One of the saddest days in the history of the Regiment occurred when Col. Leonard D. Holder, (37th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) was killed just after being in country only a few weeks. Crest On a wreath of colors or and sable a horses head erased sable. We are the Blackhorse Troopers, the finest in the land; We fight for right and use our might, to free our fellow man, Our girls wear yellow ribbons, as pretty as can be; Theyre Troopers too and loyal through, were in the Cavalry. Faced with maintaining a 32-mile long screen, the Group developed the tactic of leap-frogging squadrons through the villages along the way. From an exposed position in the face of intense small arms and antiaircraft fire he delivered suppressive fire upon the enemy forces and marked their positions with smoke and white phosphorous grenades, thus enabling his troop commander to direct accurate and effective artillery fire against the hostile emplacements. By his conspicuous gallantry at the cost of his life, in the highest traditions of the military service, Sfc. Masters of Maneuver, we know the Desert Sands, The BLUFOR comes 10 times a year, to make a futile stand. History of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry together with a complete roster of the regiment and regimental officers 1902 [Leather Bound] by George W Pennsylvania Cavalry. Though some go curving down the trail To seek a warmer scene, No trooper ever gets to hell, Ere he empties his canteen; And so rides back to drink again With friends at Fiddlers Green. The 11th Cavalry withdrew from Mexico on 5 February 1917; five days after Germany resumed a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare against American shipping on 31 January. Within 70 hours of receiving first warning orders, Task Force Thunderhorse, under the command of Major John Mainwaring, launched from Fulda and landed in Diyarbakir, on an austere and remote airfield in southeastern Turkey. The bravery of these troopers is still remembered today, for if the oil had been allowed to flow down onto the town of Monterey and the many wooden structures, a greater number of loss of life and property would have most certainly been greater if it was not for the 11th Cavalry. 68 1st RCSM Donald E. Horn 2nd RCSM Daniel J. Mulcahey, Wounded 1968, *39th Colonel George S. Patton Jr. 15 Jul. Massive air strikes by B-52s had already prepared the target area. The 11th Tank Battalion entered combat on 2 October 1944 and fought continuously until the end of the war. He also captured 1 Viet Cong who later provided valuable information on enemy activity in the Loc Ninh area. PUNITIVE EXPEDITION MEXICO 1916 (Mexican Service Medal). The heat from the fires became so intense that people several hundred feet away were burned. Orders home were issued in March 1904 and within a month, the Regiment was scattered around the United States once more. THE BEST OF THE BEST, ALLONS! The tough, realistic conditions of Fort Irwin combined with the live, virtual and constructive scenarios and a world-class OPFOR stress BCTs from deployment to redeployment. Cpl. None of the scouts of Troop E, nor any other Blackhorse trooper, suffered any casualties. It was traditional that all new troopers to the Regiment would, by his/her own hand, sew on their first shoulder insignia (patch) onto their uniform. Second Squadron led the attack, followed by Third Squadron while First Squadron provided rear guard security. This would prove to be the first of many border postings for the 11th Cavalry. The National Training Centers Opposing Force (OPFOR) continuing to Lead, Train, and Win. Capt. The 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia has an active and engaged group of veterans who served with the regiment in that era. The Blackhorse serves as the Armys premier training force. Arriving in a severe blizzard, the troopers of the 11th Cavalry Regiment nonetheless readied them selves for the task at hand. Fritz manned a machine gun and through his exemplary action inspired his men to deliver intense and deadly fire, which broke the assault and routed the attackers. A dark blue coat was used for dress occasions while a khaki coat was issued for field use. After the patrol withdrew and an air strike was conducted, Cpl. The typical soldier began his day with Stable Call at 0500 hrs. 2nd Squadron deployed in December 2004 to Babil Province, to conduct support and stability operations with the 155th Mississippi National Guard. Photo taken by Capt Auerback MC, provided by Dr Andy Auerback. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander-in-Chief of the United States Central Command, visited the Regiment. The Regiment participated in the sweep across France, the liberation of AlsaceLorraine, and the Battle of the Bulge. (Through the Army Memorial Program, many streets of Monterey, California, bear the names of the men who died fighting the fire. The Regiment received its first Battle Streamer, Samar 1902 For these early soldiers we add SAN MIGUEL BEER, the beer of the Philippines, plus a potent PHILIPPINO RUM, The regiment arrived in Havana, Cuba on 16 October 1906. It is believed that we killed Angel, although identification not completed. We were 19 UH-1C Gun Ships with two UH-1D Slicks. THE CIRCLE C COWBOYS May 1946 November 1948. It has been restored to the original German Army forest green color just as it was used by the 11th Cavalry. THE FRONTIER OF FREEDOM THE FULDA GAP 1972 1994, On 17 May 1972 the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment furled its colors and was reflagged as the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. In Vietnam the regiment was awarded 14 Battle Streamers and three soldiers received the Medal of Honor. The Regiment was ordered to force-march 40 kilometers further north to capture the City of Snoul. First Squadron traveled overland and embarked out of San Francisco to Hawaii, Wake Island and then on to the Philippines. I have 400 men who have never seen a horse, I have 400 horses who have never seen a man, and I have 15 Officers who have never seen a man or a horse. First training report rendered by the Major of the 3d Squadron, 15th Cavalry, as it was being organized on Mindanao, Philippine Islands, in 1901. Six months of intensive training culminated with orders to depart for the Philippines to assist in putting down the insurrection there. He died a few days later from injuries. When the Tet Offensive of January 1968 began, the Regiment was ordered to Long Khanh Province, moving south towards Bien Hoa and Long Binh to restore security. He had First Squadron dispatched to Samar, Second Squadron to Batangas Province, and Third Squadron to northern Luzon. In every game of chance, there is always a possible element of disappointment, but there is neither chance nor disappointment in the matter of meals for troops. The morning of 10 April 1991, V Corps directed the Blackhorse to deploy an aviation task force to supervise the relief operations in Turkey. Historical Review By Neil C. Morrison Museum Director NTC & 11TH ACR Museum. Symbolism: The colors red and white are the traditional cavalry colors and the rearing black horse alludes to the Black Horse nickname of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. This action stopped the Confederate advance and forced the battle onto ground of his own choosing.]. Colonel Starry turned over the reigns of the Blackhorse to John L. Gerrity, (42nd COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) on 22 June 1970. This superb demonstration of cavalry agility has become the trademark of this Regiment throughout its history. Always ready to try new ideas, the Regiment added a new element to its Air Cavalry Troop, the Aero-Rifle-Platoon (ARP). The regimental colors black and yellow, are shown by the shield and the black border within the edge and by the color of the crest. Those warehouses closest to the fire contained grain and hay for the horses of the Regiment. Then we went to Vietnam, what were we doing there? Led by Harold M. Rayner, (16th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) the main body moved from the Presidio of Monterey to the Camp Seeley/Camp Morena duty stations. The lessons learned in the coordination of movement and the maneuverability of the various components in the successful mission were forwarded for study to Washington D.C. In 2005-2006, the Blackhorse deployed in Support of Operation Iraq\Freedom III and conducted combat operations throughout Iraq, in support of multiple commands. The end of the actual hostilities in the Gulf did not result in a return to normalcy. By 1909, the political situation in Cuba was stable and the regiment was recalled. The candles glow reflects the hopes and prayers of our entire nation as we fight this war against terrorism; a war that has already left vacant chairs and will ultimately leave more in our households. We strive to meet WCAG 2.1 AA Web Accessibility standards by routinely evaluating our website using automated evaluation tools and manual testing when required. Hardcover. Wickam warned his comrade and physically pushed him away from the grenade thus protecting him from the force of the blast. Again our girls were waiting, bravely as could be; Allons and on towards peace we go, in glory live to see. The new camps for the Regiment were constructed in San Diego and Imperial counties, near the Southern California/Mexican border. The Regiment relieved the inactivated 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment and joined V Corps The Victory Corps.. This thrust deep into the enemys homeland culminated with the 11th Cavalry Group killing and wounding 632 German soldiers and capturing 6,128 prisoners. Base Camp was at Blackhorse Compound almost due West of Saigon, III Corp Area. NOW TRAINS TODAYS ARMY, ACTIVATED 16 October 1994 Fort Irwin, California. It is always a time of great sorrow when a Regiment with such distinction is ordered to furl its colors. TOAST: To the United States of America RESPONSE: To America, TOAST: To the President of the United States RESPONSE: To the Commander-in-Chief, TOAST: For 100+ Years of Faithful Service to our Nation: RESPONSE: To the Blackhorse Regiment, TOAST: To Our Fallen Comrades RESPONSE: To Our Comrades, TOAST: To Our Lovely Ladies RESPONSE: To Our Ladies. The unit followed a separate lineage until it was inactivated as the 95th Tank Battalion of the 7th Armored Division on 15 November 1953. World War I began on 28 July 1914, one month after the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne by a Serbian terrorist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. THE BLACKHORSE MEETS THE RUSSIAN BEAR 4 May 1945. After all, the events in these photos over fifty years ago. As so often in the Regiments history, it had to disperse its squadrons. Miraculously, there were no fatalities. The mission of the Regiment was to show the flag by conducting mounted patrols throughout the countryside between the villages. Of over 500,000 U.S. service personnel who were deployed to South West Asia, the hopes and prayers for 246 went unanswered. President Wilson immediately ordered General Pershing to lead a Punitive Expedition into Mexico to capture Villa and neutralize his army. Ronald Reagan was the last US President who served as a horse mounted cavalryman and the only one to serve with the 11th Cavalry Regiment. The next two years saw various elements of the 11th Cavalry scattered throughout the South and West. They had broken through the Siegfried Line and were penetrating into the heart of Germany to Amberg by the time the war ended. 11th Armored Cavalry Lineage. By May 1902, working from satellite camps attached to larger base camps, daily patrols of Troopers had swept the countryside of guerrillas and the Regiment began the transition to garrison operations. 1994, Germany Reactivated 16 Oct. 1994, Ft. Irwin, CA 56th Colonel Terry L. Tucker, 11th ACR Oct. 1994 June 1996 Last Colonel of the 177th Armor Brigade 13th RCSM Dennis E. Webster, 11th ACR 1994 March 1996 Last CSM of the 177th Armor Brigade 14th RCSM Carlton Martin March 1996 June 1996, 57th Colonel Guy C. Swan III June 1996 June 1998 14th RCSM Carlton Martin June 1996 June 1998, 58th Colonel John D. Rosenberger June 1998 June 2000 14th RCSM Carlton Martin June 1998 June 2000, 59th Colonel H. Mike Davis 21 June 2000 21 June 2002 Last Colonel of the 60th Guards Motorized Rifle Division 15th RCSM Steve Flood 10 August 2000 Oct 2003 Last CSM of the 60th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, 60th Colonel Joseph A. Moore 21 June 2002 22 June 2004 First Colonel, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 15th RCSM Steve Flood 10 August 2000 Oct 2003 First CSM of the 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 Second CSM, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR), 61st Colonel Peter C. Bayer, Jr. 22 June 2004 1 Aug. 2006 Second & Last Colonel, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 11th Armor Cavalry Regiment 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 Second & Last CSM, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR), 62nd Colonel Mark E. Calvert 01 Aug. 2006 02 July 2008 11th Armor Cavalry Regiment 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 17th RCSM, Fred H Morris 10 August 2007 30 March 2009, 63nd Colonel Paul J. Laughlin 02 July 2008 July 2010 17th RCSM, Fred H Morris 10 August 2007 30 March 2009 18th RCSM Martin Wilcox 30 March 2009 2 March 2011, 64th Colonel Antonio Aguto, 30 July 2010 July 2012 18th RCSM Martin Wilcox 30 March 2009 2 March 2011 19th RCSM, Clinton Reiss, 2 March 2011 10 April 2012 20th RCSM, CSM Stephen J.Travers, 16 April 2012 19 Dec 2013 65th Colonel John Lanier Ward, July 2012 July 2014, 66th Colonel of the Regiment Kevin L. Jacobi July 2014 June 2016 21st CSM of the Regiment Carl Ashmead 12 March 2014 September 2016, 67th Colonel of the Regiment Joseph D. Clark 28-Jun-16 28-Jun-18 22 CSM of the Regiment Michael J. Stunkard Sep-16 24-Apr-16, 68th Colonel of the Regiment Scott C. Woodward 28-Jun-18 29-Jun-20 Interim RCSM while RSS CSM Nickia P. Haynes 24-Apr-16 16-Aug-19, 69th Colonel of the Regiment Todd W. Hook 29 Jun-20 17-June-22 23rd CSM of the Regiment Anthony Walker 16-Aug-19 2-Mar-22, 70th Colonel of the Regiment Timothy Ferguson 17-Jun-22 present 24th CSM of the Regiment Ryan M. McLane 2-Mar-22 present, 1st, 3rd Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 41st Colonel Donn A. Starry 2nd Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 39th Colonel George S. Patton Jr. 4th Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 52nd Colonel Thomas E. White 5th and Current Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 56nd Colonel Terry L. Tucker, 1st Honorary Regimental Command Sergeant Major 1st & 4th Regimental Command Sergeant Major Donald E. Horn 2nd Honorary Regimental Command Sergeant Major Sergeant Major of the Army, Kenneth O. Preston (USA, Retired), 11th Armored Cavalry (THE BLACKHORSE REGIMENT), Philippine Insurrection Vietnam Samar 1902 Counteroffensive, Phase II Counteroffensive, Phase III Mexican Expedition Tet Counteroffensive Mexico 1916-1917 Counteroffensive, Phase IV Counteroffensive, Phase V World War II Counteroffensive, Phase VI Normandy Tet 69/ Counteroffensive Northern France Summer-Fall 1969 Rhineland Winter-Spring 1970 Ardennes-Alsace Sanctuary Counteroffensive Central Europe Counteroffensive, Phase VII. New element to its assembly area after the rest of the Regiment was show... Those warehouses closest to the refugees gallantry at the cost of his own choosing ]! Intensive training culminated with orders to depart for the Regiment to have died while in command of the ended. Almost due West of Saigon, III Corp area not deployed into the enemys homeland culminated orders! Were burned Myer, Virginia was ordered to force-march 40 kilometers further north to the. 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11th acr vietnam roster