dojo loach tank mates


However, if you are still keen on breeding them, then you need to follow many important steps to achieve it. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. Learn how your comment data is processed. Moreover, the fins are thin, which adds to the eel-like appearance. Tankarium is reader-supported. Good meal options can include sinking pellet food, worms, insect larvae, and small crustaceans such as shrimp. It is a species that resembles an eel slightly and prefers cold water. Dojo loaches are a frequently forgotten aquarium buddy for axolotls. Be careful when purchasing Dojo Loach since they may be illegal in your state. Dojo Loach can live alone in the aquarium, but you should consider keeping them at least in a group of 3 to thrive. Also called the red Rasbora, this little fish is a sunny blend of colors that is usually accented by dark, even black, markings. Dojo loaches inhabit swamps, ponds, rivers, and rice paddies where the water is slow-moving and fairly shallow. This can be accomplished by installing a filtration device underneath the substrate. Outside of that, your tank mate options are rather extensive. By They may also compete with native species for food and habitat. Since these Loaches grow to about a foot long, length and width are the most important dimensions to pay attention to when selecting a tank. Your tank water should have a pH of between 6.5 and 7.5, with a water hardness of 5 to 12 dKH. It has an elongated body and can grow to a length of 25cm. Infected fish rub themselves against solid objects and usually secrete excessive mucus. Dojo Loaches are peaceful, docile fish that tend to mind their own business and prefer the bottom areas of a tank, and any non-aggressive fish that keep to the middle and top layers of your aquarium can be great tank mates. Ich, also known as white spot disease, is a highly contagious parasitic infection. In general, Dojo Loaches stick to the bottom of the aquarium close to the substrate. Every week, we suggest routine testing and a 30 percent water improvement. They are a calm species. Dojo Loach gets along well with humans. Due to their social nature, you may even be able to feed your Dojo from your hand! They are bottom dwellers and like to live at the bottom of the aquarium. Dojo Loach. WebKeep tank mates that can live in the same conditions as goldfish. Sexual dimorphism exists in them. What You Need To Know, 10 Best UV Sterilizers & Clarifiers for Koi Ponds in 2023, The latest veterinarians' answers to questions from our database. I just wanted to know if I could keep 3 dojo loaches in a 75 gallon tank with my 3 year old common goldfish(stunted). If the barometric pressure changes, you might see your loaches going crazy in response to the conditions. Read this guide on Dojo loach care to learn everything you need to know about these remarkable weather forecasters! 15 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! As long as none of the fish are aggresive they should be alright. Can become aggressive if kept in too small a space, or with aggressive fish. Selecting tank mates for a Dojo Loach is relatively easy as this fish is often very peaceful with others and is a great community tank choice. Sumo Loaches require a powerful aquarium filter with a water flow of 4 to 5 times the tanks volume. The Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates include goldfish, barbs, danios, and other types of loaches. This is a native Asian fish that originated from Japan and China. Driftwood can also be a good addition to your Dojo Loaches tank, providing them with more hiding spots to relax. They are non-aggressive fish that will not cause your Dojos any trouble and are beautiful additions to any community aquarium. This should be replicated as much as possible in captivity. Fish that are their size or smaller are not compatible tank mates. Maybe some algae on one day and maybe dry food pellets on another day. Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Fish that turn a goldish yellow color are known as gold Dojo Loaches. This can only be attempted if the aquarium is at least 55 gallons in size (208.2 L). WebSumo Loaches are opportunistic feeders that will eat everything from insects to algae. WebThe Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. That, and this fishs interesting bristle-faced appearance make it an ideal choice for dojo loach tank mates. In this article, we will show you our favorites for the 15 best dojo loach tank mates. Tank Mates The most important tank mate you should keep with a Zebra Loach is more Zebra Loaches. No. If this were to happen, Dojo Loaches have a unique ability to survive out of water for a few hours, so more times than not, they will be perfectly fine. This fish can thrive in pH levels of anywhere from 6.0 to 8.0. Both the regular and golden varieties of Dojo loaches are usually available in fish stores or online, priced at around $6 or $7 per fish. In the wild they would be found alongside a whole range of fish, from freshwater crayfish to eels. Mostly silver with warmly tinged fins and hints of blue along the body, this little fish has been compared to the neon tetra and is often described as a less expensive version. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. As loaches are very prone to disease. Dojo Loach is a freshwater fish with some unusual characteristics. Tank Mates Kuhli loaches are shy but sociable fish and can be housed with other peaceful, similarly-sized fish species that swim in the middle and top sections of the tank. WebKeep tank mates that can live in the same conditions as goldfish. Rinse the tank dcor to remove dust, and then arrange your decorations in the tank. Its not so much for the bioload, as an efficient filtration system and regular water changes will handle that, the problem is more the loaches may become belligerent toward your goldfish if theyre too cramped. Although you want to keep your viewing panes clear of algae, remember to leave some algae in the tank for your fish to graze on. You should also note that these loaches can be sensitive to certain fish medications, so we recommend treating them in a separate hospital tank. Since these black and silver striped fish only reach a length of about 2 inches (5 cm), they must be kept in groups of at least 6 or more. Find ones that are just as peaceful as your loach! Dojo loaches also prefer dimmer lighting and lower water flow, which needs to be considered as well. Did you know that the Dojo or Pond loach can be taught to take food from your hand and tell you when a storm is coming? Any leftover flakes that sink to the bottom will become a good snack for the Dojo Loaches. Dojo eats many of the same things as axolotls, such as pellets, brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. This also means theyre more likely to get out through tiny gaps and other crevices between the hood/lid and tank hardware. Breeding them necessitates many months of cold temperatures. You can make it easier for your fish in captivity, despite their toughness in harsh environments. Treat the fish tank with an OTC antiparasitic medication. Dojo loaches are relatively easy to care for, fun fish that do best in a community tank with pristine, well-oxygenated water and friendly tank mates. Fish that are their size or smaller are not compatible tank mates. Dojo loaches are bottom-dwellers, so choose fish species that gravitate to the middle and upper areas of the water column. Kuhli loaches can be pretty shy and keep to themselves. White cottony growths on the face and body. As you can already see after reading this guide, Dojo Loaches are very approachable. Dojo loaches are ideally suited to life in a community tank, being peaceful in nature and getting along well with most other species. Comet goldfish are also, of course, pretty, shining like large fish suns with their bright golden colors in any aquarium. The Dojo Loach can be considered a good fish for the freshwater fish beginner because it generally has undemanding water parameters, except for the temperature. The Rosy Barb, or Red Barb, is a somewhat shy and peaceful fish that prefers its own space, and it is a great addition to your Dojos tank. This courtship will last several hours, by which time the male will have fully engulfed his female. Dojo loaches are usually assumed to be a tropical fish species rather than cold water fish. These fish only reach a maximum of 1.5 inches (2.5 cm) and must be held in at least five groups. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to For example, according to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Dojo Loach is considered an invasive species and they are prohibited. Although Dojo Loachescan tolerate a wide range of temperatures, they thrive in a temperature range of 58 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Dont miss valuable advices. The Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco has been described as one of the easiest and most ideal choices for a tank full of other fish. Since they stay on the bottom of the tank, they would do best in a wider and more shallow tank than a tall tank. What Makes a Good Tank Mate for Dojo Loaches? It is one of the larger species of barbs, but they are fairly active and energetic fish, so they are fascinating to watch. Then, they should have a temperature between 65 and 75 ideally, though they can survive at as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit or as high as 82. Also known as the Red Rasbora in the pet trade, the Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful fish with beautiful metallic colors and makes a striking addition to community tanks. I also use this site as an excuse to spend lots of money on testing and reviewing different aquarium products! Zebra Danios: The zebra danio is a quiteactive mid and upper dwellerwho thrives in water temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They can survive in much colder water than other freshwater animals. They can become rather social with other peaceful fish, and you may even see them playfully chasing one another around the tank. Seasonal shifts in the wild are simulated in this way. live earthworms for one serving, and maybe peas for another. The Bichir is a bottom-dwelling fish that generally only comes out at night. The Dojo Loach is more susceptible to diseases than other aquarium fish due to its thin tiny scales. Tiger barbs are nothing short of beautiful, with a peachy color bordering on silver striped by striking black bars and a diamond shape. Unlike the simplicity of caring for a Dojo Loach, breeding does not come quite as easy. If you have live plants in your tank, you must have the lights switched on for eight to ten hours daily. If youve noticed your Dojo acting aggressively, try adding a looser substrate so they can burrow or add more hiding spots. The Dojo Loach or most commonly known as Weather and Pond loach has always been a popular freshwater fish for aquarium owners. Did you enjoy our guide to the fascinating, quirky Dojo loach? Hoping to find the perfect pal for your dojo loach? That said, these adaptable fish have been introduced as an invasive species in other locations, such as Australia and Hawaii, so the species is doing well overall. A 40-gallon (151.4 L) aquarium is recommended for one dojo Loach, with a 55-gallon (208.2 L) aquarium being even better. Outside of that, your tank mate options are rather extensive. Aquatic mosses or ferns may be a better fit since they cling to tank decorations. They are certain to light up your aquarium! Tell us about your fish in the comments box below! Plants that can tolerate the cooler temperature of the tank can be great auditions, but rooted plants may be dug up due to the Dojos stubborn nature. Instead of featuring a striped pattern, Leopard Danios have spots. They can survive in water temperatures that would make most fish nervous, giving you a lot of leeways. Breeding this fish does not often happen purposefully in home aquariums due to the months of preparation it takes. Before adding your fish, test the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. They have a reputation for aggression, but it is largely among males competing in the same school, so males should not be kept together. Although these fish are relatively small at around 3 inches long, they need a large aquarium of at least 55 US gallons (46 UK gallons) to be comfortable.. Dojo loaches can grow to around 8 inches in length or more They are peaceful fish and favorites among freshwater aquarium keepers. To keep your Dojo Loach safe, follow these water parameters. This affordable snake-like fish will always have you on your toes with its playful personality, especially when kept in groups of three or more. In the wild, the fish can get almost double this size, and some have been seen as long as 12 inches when fully grown! Are they accurate weather forecasters? Signs will provide you with increased swimming activity and will even jump or splash around. They come in a wide range of hues. They are active and energetic fish, making them a joy to observe in your aquarium, especially when kept in small schools. Raise the water temperature to 82o F for three days. Ideally, your tank should be rectangular rather than tall and be at least 4 feet long. The Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco is a beautiful fish, and with its calm, docile personality and tendency to keep to itself, it is a great addition to a community tank. However, others argue that the pace at which they consume the snails is insufficient to eradicate the pathogens and that as a result, they may not be an effective treatment. Ideally, your tank should be rectangular rather than tall and be at least 4 feet long. It is native to Asian waters from Japan to Korea, China, and Vietnam. Also, be careful when you add new members to your tank as this can cause stress to your Loaches also. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. Pairing a Dojo Loach with a Kuhli Loach will greatly shorten its lifespan due to the warm temperatures. Fellow fishkeeping enthusiast and site author. You have to anchor the plants very well, or else they can be uprooted when Dojo Loaches dig into the substrate. Sumo Loaches require a powerful aquarium filter with a water flow of 4 to 5 times the tanks volume. The Definitive Answer. heir pectoral fins, meanwhile, are just behind the gills. Though kissing gouramis are semi-aggressive, they are only prone to violence if they feel threatened. Last but not least, the panda cory is a black and white stunner of a fish that will be perfect for your dojo loach. They are fairly tolerant of a wide range of water parameters and can happily live in water temperatures between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, but between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit is preferable, with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0. When there is plenty of space to expand, however, some aquarists have seen them grow considerably longer. The Dojo Loach should be kept in cool water temperatures with a pH level of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline to live a healthy life span. Where Do Dojo Loaches Prefer to Live in the Aquarium? Its not unusual for them to attempt and climb out of the tank due to their high activity level and need to run. Dojo eats many of the same things as axolotls, such as pellets, brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. Dojo Loaches are often used as solutions to snail problems in aquariums as it is a favorite to eat. She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. The Dojo Loach requires a large tank to offer them enough room to swim around the bottom of the tank as they are bottom dwellers. Even though Dojo Loaches have the unique ability to easily adapt, tank temperature should not fluctuate much throughout the day as this can easily cause them stress. Dojo loaches can grow to around 6 inches long and need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be comfortable. Starting with antibiotics is always a good start, as a parasitic infection should be treated as a priority. They need lower water temperatures in the 65F - 75F range (18C - 24C) which may limit the number of possible tank mates. Weather loaches tend to hang out at the bottom of their habitat. Parasitic infections can be treated by antibiotic medication administered through the mouth or feeding pellets soaked in the medication. As a general rule, Dojo Loaches should be fed an average of three times a day with sinking pellet food or some living foods they will be able to hunt. This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. However, aquarists have reported that their fish are too active and nip at fins. In addition to Oregon, they may be illegal in states such as Massachusetts, Maine, and others. What better to keep your dojo loach company than another loach? Keep in mind that Yoyo Loaches grow up to 5-6 inches long. Caused by internal parasites, causing weight loss even though the fishs appetite is normal. This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. We will also go over the reasons they make such excellent neighbors for dojo loaches. They have several barbels around their head. In their natural habitat, they tend to live in areas with plenty of loose-leaf litter on the floor, where they can burrow and hide to feel safe. It is a species that resembles an eel slightly and prefers cold water. An excuse to spend lots of money on testing and a 30 percent improvement! 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dojo loach tank mates