drow city map


Someone is kidnapping lesser daughters of drow houses. Other ways to improve these abilities included training to cast the cloud of darkness faster in response to harm, or to turn the darkfire into a flickering protective shroud that made the beneficiary harder to hit. [92] The drow used ambush tactics that exploited existing dangers like loose rocks, and were skilled in using traps, such as deliberately placed phycomids or glasses full of ascomoid-spores, to gain an advantage in combat. The Wild Beyond the Witchlight is D&D's next big adventure storyline and is now available for preorder on D&D Beyond! In fact, traveling all the distance down to the Middledark with an army from the surface wasn't a feasible undertaking. Putting a fantasy spin on the Five Families of the New York Mafia, Salvatore designed a cruel society of drow families that are constantly trying to one-up each other. Some known drow rituals and customs included: Due to the dark elf love of beauty, the demand for art and skilled craft, particularly exquisitely forged weapons, was high. 13. [97] The gates of a drow city, as well as its important buildings, usually had jade spider guardians. [108], The faerzress radiation near most drow cities provided protection from magical spying via divination, and also made it difficult, or even dangerous, to teleport within the area. generally unknown to other races.[237]. 0. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset. [75] Those lands were usually found inside the main cavern but sometimes, usually due to space limits, they could be found outside as well. Contents 1 Geography 1.1 The Last City 1.2 Arsyrvhar 1.3 Ghenavoc 1.4 The Noble Houses 1.4.1 The Greater Houses Steps. Before we travel too deep into the inner bowels of each urban location, let's summarise. Each family is led by a matron mother, since Menzoberranzan is a matriarchal society where men are regarded as inferior beings. The curious gaze marvels at towering stone structures, intricate web-patterns, and down dark alleyways kept immaculately clean by legions of slaves and servitor creatures. [197] Noble households often had their own exclusive sculptors and gemcutters. The setting is prominently featured in the adventure Out of the Abyss. They believed to have been punished by the Seldarine for their triumph in the Fourth Crown War, and used this as a justification for their entitlement to exact vengeance on the other elves and their gods.[18]. 28. Positions were normally sorted by age but were ultimately not set in stone, and could be changed at the matron mother's whims[89], Females had absolute power within their household, and owned all the governmental and militaristic power within the city, although they held no authority until after puberty. With all the above tools, you can get a town generated for your campaign in no time at all. [198] An art form unique to the drow was the use of continual faerie fire to create murals or to highlight temples. While attacking a House in short succession wasn't technically punished by law, the offending Houses's priestesses would lose Lolth's favor and be unable to cast spells until they performed a great deed to regain it. [197], Artwork and craftwork of the drow were often made out of materials like metal and cloth. Surface tales of the drow speak of dank caverns, hovels dripping with mold, a vile and harsh existence far from the warmth of the sun. Gems were usually worked in rings, wristlets, gorgets, belts, pendants, or collars. Wellget on with it. [57], Upon reaching a sufficient degree of expertise, the drow gained their so called "mature powers". Withe is dying and desperately seeks the secret of immortality. Contents: An underground Drow city, deep within a cavern. Tier Breche is the Academy of Menzoberranzan. A council of male wizards, called an "inner ring", ruled over the clan. [119][118], However, as the priestesses had power invested in them by the Spider Queen, the actual basis of drow society law was the Way of Lolth. [261], Like all elves, drow required no sleep, instead entering a meditative trance while retaining full awareness of their surroundings. Even after getting used to the sunlight, drow had a strong tendency to cover their skin and head when exposed. [62][63] Such drow made up the noble class of their society, and among them this was a dominant trait. Among commoner drow and in non-Lolthite socieites, matters weren't so extreme. They frequently included spider motifs, such as the curtains positioned to emulate spider webs that often adorned noble Houses. Alright, I've had THE BEST idea for a character that would fit so well into a campaign in the Underdark. [45][50] "Good drow" made up about 15% of the entire race, although most of them weren't actually of the good alignment, being merely chaotic neutral or lawful neutral. [233] The drow had also created a number of spells that summoned or imitated spiders and their webs, like giant spider, spidereyes, summon spider, passweb, spellweb, death spider, spider bite, and spider climb. A letter with the royal seal of a surface kingdom, unopened. [244], Drow of average wealth wore banded agate, blue quartz, crown of silver, eye agate, hematite, malachite, obsidian, jasper, moonstone, onyx, rock crystal, smoky quartz, zircon, aquamarine, garnet, jade, jet, pearl, spinel, and tourmaline. For example, some tried to gain high officer positions or win a coveted place as the consort of a powerful matron mother. Open or create a map. Salvatore(March 2006). [251], Surface drow, while ignored by others, were attractive to the merchant clans, for they represented a contact to the surface for trade. Someone shouts Run. An angry mob bursts from a nearby street. More than once a female would "give up" on a male before flaying him and leaving his corpse in a rival's bedchambers,[32] and a discarded male would more likely end up dead than left alone. Drow magical abilities[56] were somehow tied to the faerzress,[57] the radiation of the Underdark, and its intensity in the birthplace of a drow could influence their base powers. [53], Drow had tremendous resistance to magic, with adults overcoming magic around half the time. Male This is balanced by their light sensitivity. Holding a last name, in general, meant that the holder was either born into a noble family, or had a rank and role (like weapon master) in a household. Even so, surface cities generally didn't allow drow into their cities because of their reputation,[72] though followers of Eilistraee sometimes managed to gain a place within surface communities. 1e Drow City streets. Talk to Phaere and Solaufein at the Merchants' Circle of Ust Natha. See more ideas about dungeon maps, tabletop rpg maps, fantasy map. Beggar-slaves stick their hands into the street from a celled window at street level, they need to buy their freedom. In general, drow women chose their partners as animals would be chosen for breeding purposes, with males expected not to resist the other's affections. 12. Whats this, that and the other special-looking building? A note in a characters pocket says, meet me later, with no other instructions. This place is amazing!!! Good resources, and a wonderful, in depth description. For any of these quests, you can roll some simple monsters from a random encounter table or pick specific enemies, such as bandits, from the back of the D&D manuals. A tiny music box plays a drow lullabythe sound reliably creates nightmares. War is brewing. [28] They lived in about forty city-state scattered around the Upperdark and Middledark,[108][117] primarily in the latter. Fey Ancestry. Each House had a standing army of drow soldiers, priestesses, and wizards, which included contingents consisting solely of non-drow slaves, usually bugbears, ogres, and minotaurs. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and related content, such as map creating tips, map ideas, or map play tests. Every day spent in the city makes the adventurers start to feel safer and safer. [199][200] Drow that remained loyal to Lolth were known as Lolth-sworn drow. [46] Lolth claimed that, in order to achieve such goals, the drow had to be in a state of perpetual infighting and violent competition, the constant training serving to make them stronger and smarter while breeding out indolence and other weaknesses. Boots of Dark Elvenkind. [83] The drow created some weapons with the specific purpose to fight their own kind, namely the flash globes and light pellets.[84]. Whether noble or commoner, children generally lacked any strong parental bonds, being both physically and emotionally distant to their absentee parents, thus limiting the emotional growth they could achieve in a more normal (by surface standards) home environment. Drow that didn't meet those criteria weren't allowed to have a surname. It is a pocket dimension, and a humanoid is trapped inside as punishment. 42. If even one member of the defending family survived, they could apply for "justice", and the entire city would turn on the attackers. Hair color(s) This made it easier for individual drow to enter surface communities without meeting hostility as long as they didn't do or say something that could catch attention and lead people who had real knowledge about the drow to cleanse their community of the threat the drow represented.[43]. Teaming up with actual will-o'-wisps to make this more effective was a known technique, however, this was viewed as corrupted behavior. Smells were dulled in the Underdark, and the ubiquitous smell of damp rocks and the fungi-riddled air of their natural environment, combined with the strong incenses and the scent of slaves in the drow cities, made it difficult to develop a keen olfactory sense. (Wizards of the Coast). The ceiling is 1,000 feet high, and stalactites, stalagmites, and columns litter the cavern. A tavern entrance made of bone caltrop flooring. [88] Prolonged covert warfare between two houses, by means like assassination, were not exactly forbidden, but it was only tolerated for a time counted in years, after which the drow city's ruling council forced the two houses to enter open war. Systems of intricately curved pipes that bore through solid rock, fitted with shut-off valves, side-channels, and pumps, collected and diverted water for various purposes, from dietary, to industrial, to waste disposal. A powerful sorceress was killed in a rival city, creating a power void. If someone could not defend themselves, as the logic went, they deserved to have cruelty inflicted on them, which would prove the superiority of the drow performing the torment. Humanoid Technically the only rule was "might makes right",[118] and the priestesses were judge, jury, and executioner (or whatever other punishment they saw fit to enact). [95] When a drow died in battle, they were sometimes reanimated as a zombie if the lower half of the body was still functional. 64. -I know about the two different Arena's in the inn are there other stuff like . [283], The drow descended from the dark elves of Ilythiir, the first and one of the most powerful elven nations, and, in minor part, from the survivors of Miyeritar. We've compiled a list of some of the greatest DnD cities, as well as the D&D books you'll need to bring them to life. [Worn effect 2: Drow Friendliness +10] . For lack of better terminology, one simply couldn't truly feel the Divine Dance of Eilistraee "properly" except as a female, and so her rare and secretive male priests had to spend some time as a female, not just for the duration of a ritual called the Changedance, but in everyday ways. The house ranks as of the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR: Surviving houses following the collapse of the city on Uktar 3, the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR: Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Various instruments of torture decorate the windows of a shop. A warehouse holding crates of salt bound for the surface bears the mark of a familiar merchant. I'm a deep gnome, you're a drow. [113] They could recognize drowcraft items by holding them,[113] and if given a piece of Underdark-metal, or a cut or worn gem, drow could typically identify it. [28] If a drow was not where they believed they should be, their pride demanded they blame someone else (sometimes everyone else) for their incorrect position. Lolth I have been sooooo tempted to throw my players into the Underdark, force them to have to work with Nezznar in LMoP. [74] They also had darkvision up to the same range, but not the low-light vision characteristic of other elves. [239], Only the most experienced and worldly drow of the merchant clans were capable of forming genuine friendships with the so-called lesser races, including mind flayers or duergars. The drow are a very hated race, perhaps you wouldn't do wrong to hate them. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. [58][15] Particularly intelligent and powerful drow could maintain two inborn abilities, or one inborn ability and one normal spell, simultaneously, using levitate and darkness at the same time for example. What books reveal new Drow cities that aren't with Lolth? Some purported that females were generally bigger and stronger than males,[22] while others claimed the males had superior strength. [28] They had a tendency to ambush their enemies with ranged weaponry, choosing hand crossbows when possible, to deliver their poisons from afar. Drow tavern suitable for a capital city (23x19) . [75] Commoners normally learned a craft or entered military training, while talented individuals could hope to enter one of the magic schools. Located near Baldur's Gate on the continent of Faern, Elturel isn't a particularly unique city. [73] Other popular poisons were those extracted from purple worms, scorpions, and spiders,[73] the so-called calling, the eyeburn paste, and the skullrot. [22], While the drow understood the advantage of forging bonds with others,[30] they did not see the value in honesty. It leads to slave pits. Within its black walls ferment all manner of evils, depravities, and additions. 17. 23. [37][30] This mindset created an arrogance so strong that drow could be incapable of viewing other creatures as their equals,[30] including members of their own kind; almost every drow believed themselves to be the epitome of their superior species. We did not go anywhere nearMenzoberranzan, for obvious reasons. Please read the rules before you post! About 70% of drow had an intuitive understanding of how fortifications or waterworks were constructed, operated, circumvented, and controlled, an innate "feeling" that extended to works made by other races. These priestesses of Lolth that normally reigned over drow societies were poor rulers who tossed their cities into a haphazard organization. Created by: Drone Metal 4 weeks ago. When I say I'm drawing a "city map," it usually means something like Brazenthrone or Finbarr's Marsh. Last edit: 4 weeks ago. In some cases the number was rarely above the House's drow population[127] and in others the slaves outnumbered them either two or three to one. 33. Drizzt Do'Urden was a drow. This is a list of the drow houses of the notable drow cities Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad and their ranks over time. They would interact with other societies when needed, but not out of choice. [73][85] Especially famous was the powerful drow knockout poison, made from a slippery black fungus that grew in certain Underdark caverns, and commonly applied to crossbow bolts to easily put enemies to sleep. It's the third installment in the D (Drow) series, that follows on from the G (Giant) Series. [231] For example, the vipergout spell was originally developed by the scalykind,[232] but was still considered drow. An exclusive restaurant boasts unique cuisine. It was this slapdash approach to their architecture that meant that instability issues in drow cities had a tendency to persist. Repeat offerings can have dire consequences, as the allegiances and rivalries of demons are complex. 67. When worn, the character feels tired all the time and cant get rid of one level of exhaustion. Alignment A demon lord is looking for a rare artifact. [108] The priestesses of the Spider Queen forced others to comply with Lolth's dogma, which in turn became the main law. It is the calling of theirof ourreligion, the incessant pulling of hungering heartstrings. Many fanatical drow told lies and fabrications about their own history to serve the ends of the noble Houses and of the faiths. Their sphere of influence, however, was much larger. Nothing is. A tiny cage with a phosphorescent spider. The geosphere package provides the gcIntermediate () function that computes the path. Outside the environment of the drow cities, merchant clans and noble Houses openly fought each other. They're built on a terrain of blackstone . [42], To achieve their individual desires required their society to retain at least some level of stability, and they were held tightly to tradition even if that code wasn't actually codified into law. I want to make a larger, region-sized map of the whole loch with 10-12 locations marked: maybe a kuo-toa village, a duergar outpost, a few islands with some ruins, a series of caves, maybe something underwater, stuff like that. and our [53], Their massive use of poisons led the drow to developed the virulent weapon enchantment to enhance the effects of any toxin applied to their weapons. This servant was not heartlesslike the others though and was instead left atBregan Daerthe. 10. [54] Like with base powers, it was normally impossible to cast mature powers in the presence of intense light. Drow ambition combined with the other teachings of Lolth meant that the competition between female drow, particularly those who belonged to powerful houses, was violent, aggressive, and lethal in a way that males didn't have to deal with. An old male drow sits outside the entrance to a major house for 1 hour every day, before leaving a bouquet of Underdark flowers. [244], Drow were the most wide-spread and numerous among the Underdark races. [9][8] During infancy it fluctuated between almost non-existent and youth-level (resisting around two fifths of the time), stabilizing as they grew up. Constant application of magic was needed to make the water seals function perfectly. [75] As was common for elves, drow speech was quite eloquent and their speech was almost musical. 34. 3e That is, it wasn't. Recently, the events of Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus saw Elturel ripped from the Material Plane and chained by infernal iron to the River Styx in Avernus, the first of the Nine Hells. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. [43][30], This was when a drow's parents were actually in the drow's life. An unguarded cart filled with bolts of hardened spider silk interwoven with filaments of precious ore. When using this list, feel free to choose any options you particularly like. I am so glad that that the DM picked this module, and we are all having a blast. A young male begs to see the surface world. Glad you like it, good luck with the campaign! The relic of the First House is a fake magic item. The map is small and easy to follow so you should be able to navigate this fairly easily. [22] Drow had white, black, or purple teeth, while their gums, tongues, and throats could be red, pink, or purple. 73. In fact, the drow responded poorly to social norms being turned into written rules, obeying them primarily out of fear and social pressure (but obeying them nonetheless). She was considered unpure, not even fit enough to sacrifice to Lolth, and was sent by this noble to be left to die in a field somewhere by a servant. Paying gold or blood tribute offers a boon (like advantage on a skill check or attack roll.) Inner ring '', ruled over the clan drizzt do & # x27 ; s the. The ends of the First House is a fake magic item. [ 237 ] all... Own history to serve the ends of the drow cities Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad and their ranks over.. Than males, [ 22 ] while others claimed the males had superior strength pulling of heartstrings! To search maps, fantasy map form unique to the Middledark with an army from the surface world buildings usually! In non-Lolthite socieites, matters were n't so extreme ] the gates of a kingdom! 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drow city map