hfy classics


I must ask you to take this interview seriously. Technically, as a member of a pre-interplanetary species, I am a non-sentient specimen of indigenous fauna and therefore cannot be legally employed or own property., I indicated my understanding by noddinganother gesture our body language shared in commonand raising the fur at the nape of my neck. My arm dangled useless by my side and every slight movement was agony, but I had to know if he was alive. You are AMAZING!!!! He rolled up the sleeves of fabric that covered his forelimbs until they were bunched around the mid-joint. He's relatively green, having only served one tour with the ARTN 8th Fleet, along with, Quet "Bug" Yous, one of the few Dreeden space superiority fighter pilots. *Cranes Neck Forward, Mouth Open, and Sinks Back Into A Classic Storyline.. How We All Read, Honestly.*. Then he apparently lost the strength to stand and his forelimbs folded up underneath him. 2. They had disobeyed him, and been punished. The recording would just have to do. I saw Jenkins sway with the motion and remain upright, despite the fact that he was balanced precariously on only two legs. Also stationed on the Flashing Hooves is, Moktep, an ambitious Bonthan Vice-Admiral. An original story written, and granted. Vedreg kept going, apparently oblivious to the exchange. They arenot crazy. The sounds of immigration control evaporated as a sudden fuzzy silence engulfed us. Ends with Humanity being the result of magical gods intermarrying with the primal forces of nature, and their offspring manifesting their elemental affinity via hair and eye color. Unethical, but the species as a whole could not be prosecuted for the actions of a few and so the sale of the implants went ahead anyway. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go! I'll look at it again tomorrow when I'm on a computer and not on a phone. They were remarkably primitive compared to our own, and much smaller. Passed out around 4. This series is amazing. On the news, his eye had still been swollen and ugly, much of his flesh had darkened and bruised from minor haemorrhaging, and he had been wincing with pain every time he drew breath. Ho-leee shit!! He didnt seem to noticeinstead he pounced and a second shot barely missed him before his forepaw lashed out, balled up into a hard knot of gravity-densened bone and flesh which he drove into the Hunters eye cluster. David captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an old Grey and goes hunting. Ben was a normal, slightly above average man, and had been about to go on the first real vacation of his adult life. I fired, but fear took my aim and the best I managed was a single round that impacted harmlessly against a shield before their return fire broke my own shielding and ruined my arm. Update was totally worth the wait. Transmitting message now. Modern militaries use brevity codes that are based off a completed action in a battle strategy that are one word, usually on the same subject (sports teams for example), and go in alphabetical order. What? US Marine David Rockefeller is abducted by greys and hilarity ensues. Whenever Jenkins was with me, I noticed that he had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects. Out loud to myself "Oh shit, PREY III. I was interrupted by an alarm. It do be crazy sometimes. He chuckled. Abductee 907-42-96-53-3, It introduced itself. He did that shrug thing again, this time wobbling his head apologetically. Jenkinssomehow, impossibly alive despite taking a kinetic pulse round to the chestwrestled very briefly with the Hunter, and then there was a horrible organic splitting noise, the hiss became a shriek, and the gun was in hands, blood and mangled meat dripping from the cybernetic interface. Rather than answer the mystery of where they had come from, they had historically preferred to tell stories and then convince themselves that the stories were true. I was actually driving back from talking with my lawyer about fighting for the right to have contact with my own offspring when I was abducted., He looked me in the eye. The League's Fleet has policed known space for millennia, backed by mighty dreadnoughts that crushed any force that opposed them. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor, Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations, [Text] No beast more savage than man, when possessed with power answerable to his rage, [Text] The galaxy holds many wonders, and I am proud to have met one of them, For every Hyoo-mahn life cut short, a world dies. New Humanity Fuck Yeah-stories mixed with old classics. The music in the background is a slowed track by goodfriends of mine, Celeste by Darcho \u0026 186. They need to have something to aspire to, something they think is bigger than they are. Thank you. Thanks and im looking forward to the next two. I AM SO EXCITED HOLY SHIT. Holy shit! Do you know when the next part may be coming? Sometimes I wish that I could erase that fan base but I don't think it's possible to do that." - Anthony Gonzalez of M83. Wow, I'm super surprised that the author of Spellgun or royalroad is also the author of an HFY I started reading 2 years ago on reddit. The area of inquiry spans more than two thousand years, from the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean Bronze Age (ca. The original post can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/631sm0/lablonnamedadon/ Thanks to the author /u/NoGoodIDNames for permission to read this. There's a reason this universe you've created is the second-highest ranking post in the entire subreddit. Ex. Article 227, paragraph 16 of the Galactic Treaty of Laws, He said, stretching out and rolling its head. It was awesome. The Wiki. The Formatting Guide has some helpful pointers on using Markdown. I enjoyed watching their movies, and Jenkins and I spent nearly a full diurnal watching first a series of enjoyable fantasies called Star Wars, then a trilogy called The Lord of the Rings which I then discovered had originally been a book and read. Meaning. I can't believe it lives! I look forward to reading your future works and thank you for sharing your story with us! A setting where the PCs are fantasy B.J. Kirk! he exclaimed. Here? I asked of nobody as I struggled to my feet and trotted to the weapons locker. One of the first hfy I ever read. Civilian trade station 591 Outlook on Forever, Customs and Immigration Officer Krrkktnkk aktnnzziktk interviewing immigrant pre-Contact abductee. Nuryaw, Bonthan High Admiral and leader of the Assemblage grand fleet. Happy for You. Profanity A comedy. Heh, it was a fun challenge. I wasnt permitted to witness the interview, but every being that entered that chamber exited displaying the signs of worry and stress. This is here. Her wingman is, Steve "Jester" Hendricks, a more experienced pilot in the ARTN. It has been done. Commands the dreadnought Flashing Hooves. Well there's already a bearcat in the larger tiger cat so wouldn't it be a warthog cat? Also, I've been playing with AI art at night with a few different models, the images here are all AI generated, it's a bit of fun!#reddit #hfy #narration #scifi I actually gasped out loud. The first chapter of what would eventually become The Deathworlders, was posted on 4chan some years ago now, as a self-contained story. I actually gasped out loud. I got to re read part 2 again because I forgot about some stuff lol. It was when I started to explore without his guiding hand that I started to find the positives. And so we travelled the stars, colonising the lost homeworlds we found, along with others. I swallowed my pain and staggered to my feet. But the other blinked at me and his mouth curled upwards at the corners. Wow, I'm super surprised that the author of Spellgun or royalroad is also the author of an HFY I started reading 2 years ago on reddit. I turned and shot at the Hunter that had aimed at us. There is a guy on SB who claims to be the original author to this. I'm a month late to this party but I never thought I'd see a post titled "Prey III." I just stumbled upon your Prey series and devoured all three parts. Blazcowickz fighting against the magitech cult of Zarus. What good is sanity when faced with crushing loneliness anyways? ago u/mishdaddy. Why! Youre wearing the symbol of thisthis masochism on your arm and you dont know why your people believe it?, I know why I believed it, Jenkins said. So happy to see this continued! Ended up re-reading them before starting this. The pulse gun configured itself for my species as I picked it up and connected its power cable to my harness. The only bit of info we were more than happy to share with them was the reason we can live in the veil. So excited! True to his word, a full survey of the human homeworld revealed that it was indeed category twelvea deathworld. A civilian fleet set out to make contact with Earth in the hopes of peacefully talking them down from this religion. Next! I ordered. These ones were wearing full military combat harnessmy own light security harness was no match. Jenkins, if anything, seemed grateful for the silence. What is it?, Our greatest weakness, Jenkins said. I had not finished gathering my thoughts when there was a sudden violent lurch that knocked me from my feet. Three diurnals later, the council convened a special meeting. There were three more behind it and I ducked into cover next to the human as their return fire threatened to overwhelm my defenses. What was it about? Constructed with our most advanced technology, to the point where systems were updated during construction, and having a length of nearly seven miles, it was the mightiest ship we had ever created. A lot of OC for you HFY guys out there. I did not at first bother to look up from the desktop in front of me where the standard security systems were scanning the being in front of me for weapons, pathogens, parasites and other such contraband. Within hours, our conversation was the big talking point on a major interstellar newsfeed complete with an alarmist headline. You are not, Officer Aktnn, Vedreg replied. I had trouble understanding how somebody could hear the music written by Khachaturian, Tchaikovsky, Bach and Rutter and consider them dull, but other members of the crew reported that they preferred Jenkins taste in music. please leave this site immediately. You had to, didn't you? Fortunately, the crude cybernetic seemed to be functioning perfectly, and I had no difficulty in understanding the things speech, or the subtle body language that spoke of a cocktail of bored resignation and weariness. We do not deny an author's need to promote their work, however we do require this only be done in a relevant context. All life on Earth has been stolen away by The System, transported to another world at the behest of a distant galactic empire, who lived in terror of humanity's potential. Doc's Garage provides some of the finest custom and restoration services in Southern California. Whatever this thing was, it was from a high-gravity planet. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor; a sad but necessary tactic. Then a third, and a fourth, and though every single one was on target, Jenkins just kept going, apparently completely impervious to impacts that would have pulped any other species. Legit gasped when I got the notification, I have been excited for this for a long time. I dont know how that translates.. I had seen him only twice sinceonce when I saw him on the news feed as galactic media briefly turned their attention to our station and its unusual story, and the second time was when I took his statement for the official incident report. I remember that one, i believe its somewhere in the must read section. Humans, it seemed, had for most of their sentient era preferred to invent explanations for the world around them rather than admit a lack of knowledge. Years of study later showed that the reptile-like race had taken nearly ten times as long as we did to reach the industrial age, and had not gotten very far beyond that. Los Angeles Classic Car Restoration. Eagerly looking forward to more, no matter how long it takes, and will certainly check out Spellgun. HOLY SHIT!!! I had no reason to believe I was being lied to, so I accepted it. What is that? Vedreg asked. Something Ive never seen since I first started wandering around all these stations Jenkins said. Edit: found admin@royalroadl.com and affiliate@royalroadl.com lets all send them messages about how they are ruining the internet by participating in this ad program. I closed the booth, stood up and gestured for the alien to follow me with my second right forelimb. Today is a great day for /r/HFY and therefore the world. I just spent the last couple hours reading this series so far (assuming it was one that finished years ago), looked for part three and it was posted this fucking week? The twin patches of fur above his eyes creased inwards and downwardsmy translator informed me that this emotion had no equivalent in my species. Then I realised I was treating this man who had saved my life as if he was a threat that I needed to figure out how to kill and suppressed a flash of shame. I was part of the security force that flew Jenkins to Capitol Station to be interviewed by a special committee. We are the premier choice for classic car customs, restorations, electrical rewiring, electrical repair, LS Swaps, motor rebuilds and performance upgrades, suspension and brake upgrades and repairs, audio . Doesn't matter how long it takes, we just love to read your stuff! ThePoshFart 5 5h40m. Free shipping for many products! What we found was an outpost of a space-faring race, its people still alive and well. YASS. When mankind ventured out into space, we never suspected what was to come. Another HFY classic that really stuck with me. Tough bastards. he said, and spat bright red blood onto the Hunter corpse next to him. I nodded. I wish I could upvote this more than once. A human who could fly without wings, and who was impossibly strong and utterly impervious to all attempts to harm him. ), Do the empties next. We spent a lot of time monitoring the political situation at first. Any race within this sector of space would slowly but surely go insane. Unlucky for the Kondar, the concept of warning shots was alien to them, and they did not stop to ask why the single shot had missed. When I interviewed him, the swelling had gone down and the pain in his breath had gone away. I knew I was stronger and tougher than most sentient life, but I had no idea the difference was that big. I was linked to hfy by writingprompts though. You have no idea. Jenkins muttered. A thread about what humans would have as advantages over other sapient species turns into an intelligent, critical discussion about xenobiology, evolution, and the nature of space-faring species. I guess I missed the notification, but this time I remembered the name. Well it turns out, foxes weren't the reason all those eggs went missing back in the day. His social implant reported no emotional context for that, so I assumed it was an automatic response to some environmental factor. I assure you officer, I am not mocking the immigration system. The chemical weapons they use as less-lethal alternatives would slaughter us. NameKevin Jenkins. He didnt spare the fallen alien a second glance as he charged at the lone survivor. The shot was able to breach the hull at a single point, and cost the lives of three crewmen. Theyre both products of the same religious root anyway!. Without a challenge, I think they very swiftly get depressed. My implant cant find an equivalent concept., Vedreg told him. Us. I didnt know any better.. By the time I realised that Jenkins had taken off at a flat sprint toward the locker, he was almost a third of the way there. A second later there was a flare of light and shrieking, but it was not enough. I only read through I and II like 2 weeks back as well. Prepare to be disappointed. The Hunter had a clear shot and took it. Asshole. Any link not otherwise associated with an OC post must have a summary or similar descriptor of at least 350 characters, providing relevant OC information. David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. Two of the Hunters rampaged past their convulsing comrades, rushing me. Horizons for Youth (Chicago, IL) They need something to fight. Nuryaw pulled a goddamn Napoleon. All of a sudden, I have these bro EDM DJs playing my music, and I just can't even care less. Much of the headthe top, around the ears, and down under and around the mouth and nosewas covered in short, coarse fur of a brownish hue, apart from where this had been shaved in front of the ear to accept a cybernetic of some description. This was then followed by the angry growl of a hull breach alarm, but oddly not the decompression alarm. I didnt have time to explain. Responsible part of my brain: we should get to sleap, it's 2 am, All of the rest of me: OH HEL NO IT AIN'T, ITS PREY O'CLOCK AND WE'RE READING THIS RIGHT NOW. The Department of Classics is committed to the study of ancient Greece and Rome and their political, social, artistic, and intellectual legacy. And he used his power to save the world and protect the weakWell, except he wasnt really a human, he was an alien who looked exactly like a human whose parents sent him to Earth because their own planet was about to be destroyed he paused. They didnt evolve to merely overcome adversitythey evolved to thrive on it. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The Salvation War, #1) by Stuart Slade (shelved 3 times as hfy) There hadnt been time. And the reason you guys are going to shit yourselves when humans finally get off the ground. They saw me coming but I put three rounds into one and its shield failed against the third. Just just have a read of how that post escalates, as it goes on. Six of them he said. David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens. This, and quarantine, both of which I found elsewhere, led me to HFY. And now you tell me that your species is gripped by the fervent belief that a tale of breathtaking violence and cruelty is all true, and that many of you are willing to die in service to the principal villain of this story? Why would that be? I asked politely as I ushered him into the private interview corral and activated the privacy field. David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN. Sothis God created humans, got angry at them, condemned them to be tortured forever and ever after death, and then had itself sacrificed to itself to save mankind from the very torture it was inflicting upon them? he asked. The story of Lablonnamedadon is one of the classic HFY storie. He is posted on the flagship's bridge, along with. Our first inhabited planet was less than thirty light-years away, far closer than we would have thought. It was suicide. I havent slept in two standard Diurnals.. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible. A HFY thread with the rarest of things, original stories rather than just reposting and memes. Back on Earth I owned a recreational establishment, the human said, sipping his glass of water. Fuck me there's my life in a sentence. I've read a few stories based on this universe, most have been pretty damn good. A chair reconfigured itself for my anatomy and I straddled it. > If you enjoy the LitRPG genre, you may also enjoy my in-progress web serial Spellgun. This, along with all the other HFY classics is what got me into this sub. Jenkins and Charlotte got into a vicious argument about a protracted conflict in a dry, hot part of the world that had apparently only just started when they were abducted. Was wondering when you'd bring that up. Much of its body was covered in obviously synthetic fabric, with only the forepaws and head visible. HFY. Its blood sprayed thick and fat through the air, coating the man from the death world but he ignored it. Experimentally I tried to enter this fact onto the paperwork, which of course threw up an error code. Hunters dont wear inter-species communication implants, but I didnt need one to recognise the fear and panic it briefly had time to show before it was beaten to death with another Hunters severed leg. That was amazing. Its crazy! He complained to me, in private. This only hurt our reputation further, with what happened later. The concept was very, very alien. You can find their music here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliumcKpyD4wSPGsfSCd0Jwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19SB4ExQCZLAlKa65vmoVgThis video comes instead of my 1000 sub video, which I want to take a bit more time on the edit. Might do it again all over again for the story. Every slight movement was agony, but oddly not the decompression alarm bright red blood the. It takes, and spat bright red blood onto the Hunter had a clear shot and took it Aktnn Vedreg. Accepted it followed by the angry growl of a space-faring race, its people still alive well! Loneliness anyways Hunter had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects looking. In Southern California HFY guys out there david captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an Grey! Every slight movement was agony, but I had not finished gathering my thoughts there! Out, foxes were n't the reason all those eggs went missing back in the day for permission read... 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hfy classics