hunger strikes advantages and disadvantages


It has already been said that hunger strikes do not just involve people in custody. Prisoners who refuse food may be just that - food refusers - and quite distinct from the other category, the real hunger strikers . The prisoners concerned often regard themselves, and claim to be, legitimate hunger strikers. The clear-cut case of a politically motivated hunger striker is different. Although some doctors would even argue for a case of acute and severe depression, it can be claimed that not all suicides are necessarily to be medicalized.) Other prisoners will also be observing the volunteer and this may considerably complicate his freedom of decision. Several examples will be given from actual field experience to illustrate the different types of situation encountered when dealing with hunger strikes. Pressure on or from the family of a hunger striker may also cloud the issue, and the doctor will have to take this factor into account in any negotiation with the fasting prisoner. It therefore seems appropriate to begin by defining exactly what is meant by the rather sombre term hunger strike. Traditional budgeting might not examine this issue for several years, waiting until an economic shock disrupts the system. While the goal might be to keep the protester alive, force-feeding is considered to be cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment. easily influenced grain damage advantage of mechanical harvesting capacity is high. What are the advantages and disadvantages of union strikes? Such behavior causes muscle weakness, vulnerability to infections, psychological problems, and, eventually, organ failure. WebOne of the main advantages of strikes is that they allow workers to have a voice and to demand fair treatment from their employers. A current study investigating the effect of intermittent vs. continuous feeding is awaited to provide insight into the effect of muscle wasting. Jailed opposition politician Aleksei Navalny began his hunger strike on March 31, 2021. In 2019, another opposition activist, Lyubov Sobol, went on a hunger strike for 32 days to protest the exclusion of her and other activists from running in local elections in Moscow. The case of the prisoner from the Caucasus, who in the end was happy to have been revived, is a good example of the issues which the Malta Declaration seeks to address. In such cases it can be argued that ensuring the patients welfare means allowing fasting prisoners the last possibility of freedom of action, and letting them at least die with dignity. Speaking to, Nona Martirosyan, an endocrinologist, explained the hormonal changes caused by fasting. The phenomenon is known for both its positive and negative impacts. Changes are possible. It should hardly be necessary to state that any form of religious fasting clearly has nothing to do with hunger strikes. In early twentieth- century Europe, they were brought into the public eye by the suffragette movement in Great Britain. Therefore any patients who, for example, try to starve themselves to death as a result of extreme depression are automatically ruled out. 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Second, the act of feeding through a forcibly introduced naso-gastric tube can be dangerous in itself, as was demonstrated by two deaths in the region in the early 1980s. Hunger Strike Symptoms By Day This type of food refuser may indeed decline to take food for some time. When I was a graduate student at Cal State Long Beach in the early 1970s, some guy came up to me and said, Hey your last name is Hernandez, you should try to get into the program for Mexican Americans. I replied, Why? preventing post-injury complications is a goal for partner organizations, JTI awarded Global Top Employer for the 9th consecutive year, Changes have been applied to the monthly fees of the Level Up prepaid tariff plans of the Ucom mobile services, Ameriabank has provided business loans totaling over AMD 14 billion to the renewable energy sector, Targeted support is in the spotlight of Viva-MTS, Converse Bank receives its second award this year, The European Union and Viva-MTS join forces with Catalyst Foundation to support Armenian Tech Entrepreneurs. Not Hollywood, not L.A., not the country, At 19, he won a local school board seat. The striker does not want to die: on the contrary, he wants to live better, by obtaining something for himself, his group or his country. advantage of manual harvesting it is efficient. We are going to remain deeply engaged in diplomacy to end the violence. Hunger strikes by protesters not actually in custody can take various forms, but are not the issue here. November 30, 2021. Once the prisoners were in hospital, they were duly informed of Article 5 of the Tokyo Declaration and told that there would be no force-feeding. An economic countermove to unions right to strike 3. If such prisoners went on a hunger strike, doctors would not be compelled to force-feed or resuscitate them, thereby making them fit enough to go back to the torture chamber. What was the immediate motivation for suffragists to embark on hunger strikes? As will be seen, voluntary total fasting is in fact not always voluntary or total. Fasting prisoners who are mentally ill or otherwise incapable of unimpaired rational judgement and decision-making cannot be considered real hunger strikers, whatever their own claims. As soon became clear, the hunger strikes in Ulster were deadly serious, with a total of ten prisoners dying over several months. Although Tokyo and Malta apply to very different situations, they share the obvious common denominator of being concerned with the patients welfare. Labor unions promote higher wages. If a prisoner undergoing torture decided to protest against his plight by going on a hunger strike, a doctor should not be obliged to administer nourishment against the prisoners will and thereby effectively revive him for more torture. For all these issues, a frank dialogue will be needed between doctor and strikers. All too often hunger strikers who fast up to or beyond the limits of irreversible physiological consequences are labelled as suicidal. When telling the author about his experience, he first protested vehemently at not having his wishes respected by the prison doctor. This type of prisoner can be male or female. Force-feeding is done against someone's will, usually by inserting a plastic tube through the hunger striker's nose into the stomach. If the most famous hunger striker of all was arguably Mahatma Gandhi, who fasted mainly outside prison, the most widely known prisoners who conducted a hunger strike must be Bobby Sands and nine other Irish inmates of the Maze prison who starved themselves to death in 1981. Finally, if the hunger strike gains attention from the outside, the media will also undoubtedly exert pressure on the situation. While we are ready for dialogue with Azerbaijan, we have red lines, that we will not violate. The term voluntary total fas ting mentioned above perhaps better describes what is actually going on in a real hunger strike. In a few cases, it was the families of prisoners who asked doctors to intervene at an advanced stage to save their sons'lives, a request that was complied with. Thus, contemporary science knows Paul Braggs method, which allows fasting for up to 7-10 days without a doctors observation. Under the threat of force-feeding, he agreed to take oral nutritional supplements about two months later, according to his lawyer. Disadvantages of manual harvesting. (This position based on respect for a patients integrity and his right to refuse treatment, was the exact opposite of the attitude held earlier in the century, when political hunger strikers were force-fed by court order in 1909. 1. More important, it will be possible to determine whether fasting prisoners have really agreed to fast, or whether they have merely been obliged to obey instructions from the group. The contraindications are given to patients with malignant tumors (though Bragg insists on the contrary), people who are up to 15 percent underweight, as well as those suffering from pulmonary TB, blood diseases, diabetes, heart and stomach disorders, stomach ulcer etc. In addition, they may fear that, if they let a protester die, he or she could become a martyr for that cause. In tolerant systems, they may tax the patience of both the prison authorities and the prison doctor. The French, jene de protestation (literally: fasting as a form of protest) is arguably a better general term since it describes more accurately the motives behind the fast rather than the process of carrying it out. Brit Med J 315: 829-830, Restellini J P (1989) Les grves de la faim en pnitentaire. Prisoners and prison authorities know this, and both may use the confusion created by this general and confusing term to their own advantage. See also Ismir in the last hunger strikes Dr. Zaki Gul, in Toplum ve Hekim, Eyll-Aralik 1996.) His first civics lesson? But Ill tell you one thing: The solution is not in instituting racial and ethnic set-asides, quotas and preferences as most affirmative action programs have tried to do for the last 30 years. These simultaneous strikes (as opposed to the individual, consecutive strikes by the Irish prisoners) left at least 12 prisoners dead and many more with neurological and psychiatric after-effects, never previously observed in such a large number of prisoners surviving fasts of. The different types of hunger strike, and their ethical implications for doctors, will be discussed in this paper. Not all so-called hunger strikes are the same. On his personal website, the Armenian clinical psychologist, Mihrdat Madatyan, speaks of a special method of fasting designed for treating depressions. This type of intervention, particularly after a mere 10 to 12 days of fasting, has to be seen as coercive and not medical. One of these strikes started in solidarity with a prisoner, Yelizaveta Kovalskaya, who had been violently transferred after she had allegedly insulted a visiting official. WebHunger strikes were tolerated but prisoners were released when they became sick. Armenia Startup Academy Traction Programme Bath 3 Demo Day, Ameriabank Leading the Mortgage Market Five Years in a Row, Global Finance: Converse Bank is Armenia's leading bank in Trade Finance, 330 million drams from Vardanyan brothers to the families of the killed during the 44-day war, Azerbaijans only obligation is to not impede the movement in any way the safety of movement of citizens, vehicles and cargo in both directions, The Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Artsakh published an Interim report, The blockade of Artsakh is only one of the components of the Azerbaijani plan to destroy the people of Artsakh. (Soldiers charging a heavily defended enemy position also run the risk of dying. While people can survive up to several weeks without food under certain conditions, physical and mental impairment can begin within two to three days. Hunger strikers often rely on the moral force of their protest, as some may be determined to even die for their cause. Extract from the publication "Maltreatment and Torture", in the series Research in Legal Medicine - Volume 19 / Rechtsmedizinische Forschungsergebnisse - Band 19. Television spots, particularly during high viewership hours, can cost more than the entire marketing budgets of some businesses. No further comment will be made on the latter, however, as they do not have the same implications as hunger strikes for medical action and ethics. It is also extremely painful and can cause serious bleeding or other complications. The thought that government might entitle her to favored treatment, because she (and I for that matter) is considered disadvantaged is an insult! They must be taken into due consideration by any doctor who deals with the hunger strikers. This results in the losses of many big businesses and hence they take away several times the profits of the country. WebOne of the main advantages of strikes is that they allow workers to have a voice and to demand fair treatment from their employers. The cases of rotating strikes will not be considered, as they cannot be viewed as protests that the authorities or medical personnel could take seriously. Since the ICRC has never been allowed to visit Turkish prisoners, its doctors were not involved in these cases, and much of the medical information on the strikes is still to be made available. (This sometimes led to bitter arguments, with some hunger strikers telling their families they would never forgive them if they broke the strike by asking for medical assistance on their behalf. This syndrome occurs as a result of shifts in fluids and electrolytes, meaning that giving too much food or fluids too quickly may be dangerous and potentially fatal. Real hunger strikes involve actual fasting , which has to be voluntary and has to be pursued for a specific purpose . An opposition candidate running in the February 18 presidential election, Andrias Ghukasytan, conducted a 30-day hunger-strike ahead of the voting as a sign of protest against electoral processes in Armenia. In most cases, there will be no ethical dilemma, as the issue of force-feeding fasting prisoners will not arise. Indian activist Irom Sharmila ended her hunger strike in 2016 after refusing food for 16 years -- arguably the longest such fast in the world. With the increasing number of drone pilots and drones becoming more mainstream, the fun factor of drones is certainly a huge contributing factor to the growth of the industry. Article 5, which deals with hunger strikes and specifically prohibits force-feeding, was meant to provide support for doctors confronted with prisoners who were victims of torture. Not a noisy extrovert, not the sort of person who makes a nuisance of him or herself, this is a prisoner who tends more to be an eternal loser, the prisoner who finds himself in a hopeless position. When you hold some people back (whites and Asians in this case) and nudge others forward (Hispanics in this case), thats racial discrimination! Other suffragettes followed her example. lower labour required. Taking action for the patients benefit may sometimes mean disobeying his express wishes and reviving him, if the doctor is convinced that the patient will ultimately be glad to be brought back from the verge of death. most effective in the lodged crops. Hunger strikes by prisoners all over the world are a much more common occurrence than in the past, as any prison governor (and the media) is well aware. All prisoners who " refuse food are not always genuine hunger strikers, but may take up voluntary total fasting for a variety of reasons. Hunger helps the organism overcome the ordinary monotonous Ara Khachatryan to step down; Ralph Yirikian to take over, Orthoses: getting wounded soldiers back to normal life. He was protesting his medical treatment after his personal doctors were not allowed to examine him when he complained of pain in his legs and back. It is in these cases that existing ethical guidelines need to be examined. Why do protesters put their lives in danger and use hunger strikes as a form of protest? To be valid in law, a strike must be conducted by a trade union and must Sadly, there are also some cons to this solution. Someone who attempts suicide is either appealing for help, as in the majority of cases, or he truly wants to end his life. If, however, a prisoner at an advanced stage of a hunger strike is restored to consciousness or to a physiological situation where there can be no doubt about his state of mind, and that prisoner clearly indicates disapproval of the doctors action, then the doctor should be prepared to step back and not intervene again. In other situations, however, forcible nourishment will be a crucial issue, and will lead to much soul-searching for the physicians involved. The World Medical Association drew up the Declaration of Tokyo in 1975. Hunger strikes may be against the rules in certain prison systems, just as they may be tolerated in others. Due to a lack of carbohydrates, the body switches to its fat and protein reserves and starts using them as its main source of energy. Fasting has been used as a visible means of protest in many cultures at least since Roman times. A political prisoner on hunger strike was eventually force-fed, as stipulated by the prison rules inherited from the former Soviet Union, once he was semi-conscious and too weak to resist an intravenous drip. After two weeks, a person can experience dizziness, weakness, loss of coordination, and a low heart rate. The first is that the students are really enjoying this. The solution is for one to recognize reality, and figure out ways to overcome it. If refusing fluids, too, death can come after one week. Hunger strikes or cases of voluntary total fasting - to use the more explicit term - are regularly reported in many countries around the world. Taunting and baiting by guards may trap a prisoner into an intransigent position, whereas he might otherwise have been willing to compromise. A long-term fasting totally eliminates the feeling of depression, says Karine Sargsyan, a proctologist and gastroenterologist. After one month or after losing more than 18 percent body weight, there may be permanent damage to the body. Any such outside intervention was totally unacceptable in the (northern) Irish hunger strikes of 1980 and 1981. In its work over the years with prisoners throughout the world, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has come across many different types of hunger strikes - and food refusal too. Although the reactive refuser may not always necessarily be taken seriously, a certain modus vivendi is usually achieved. : +49-451-70 31 01 Fax: +49-451-70 31 2 53, The key issue in a hunger strike is that voluntary total fasting should indeed be voluntary. This may be because of the judicial situation or the prisoners situation in the prison. The first advantage is that strikes allow workers to protest actions by the employer they deem unfair without fear of losing their jobs. WebDISADVANTAGES OF BEING A HUNGER SAVER. (The masculine gender will be used exclusively from here onwards to lighten the text.) Of course there has been racial and ethnic discrimination and prejudice; and of course some racial and ethnic groups have been held back by prejudiced persons in our society as in all societies. Since costs tend to grow over time, teams cut budgets instead of looking at costs. This is certainly a misconception. It is for people being held in prison, or in any other form of custody, that the issue of hunger strikes takes on an additional dimension. This naturally gives any prison or judicial authority the perfect excuse for ordering doctors to intervene forcibly. Hunger or malnutrition not only affect the health of people but it also ruin future generations. * Fundamentally, these so-called students are misguided and insulting to intelligent Hispanic students. This doctor was deeply convinced that any serious hunger strike was tantamount to suicide, and so there was no question of respecting the autonomy of such a patient. It is believed that one of the first major hunger strikes in modern history occurred at the end of the 19th century in Russia. Last year, as COVID-19 swept through immigration detention centers, detained people participated in a growing number of hunger strikes nationwide, The examples given are all taken from the field experience of the author and other doctors working for the Internat ional Committee of the Red Cross. As is well known, the World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Tokyo of 1975 prohibits any participation in torture, whether actively, passively or through use of medical knowledge, by a medical doctor. Useful information about that can be also found on the Armenian Yoga Federations website. In some countries, militant prisoner leaders sometimes forced individuals to go on a serious fast and thereby make various demands for the group as a whole. The reactive refuser reacts to a given situation, most often in frustration or anger, and says he is going on a hunger strike in protest. Prisoners in such situations may be deprived of the usual forms of protest and judicial safeguards, such as petitions, open letters or simply freedom of expression. Then there are the normal, mentally able prisoners who decide to suspend their food (and sometimes liquid) intake for a certain period of time, most often for some personal reason or (rarely) on behalf of the group they may represent. Due to fears that she might die in prison and thus give the movement more sympathy among the public, she was released after 91 hours. Facing permanent damage to his health and the prospect of being force-fed, he ended the hunger strike on October 6, 2018. The case of the Moroccan hunger strikers, described in a report by ICHP (Voguet and Raat 1989), who were repeatedly force-fed over months or even years of continuing hunger strike, lends strong support to this argument. All of these solutions are very plausible and would not cost that much Any advice they give may be interpreted by the hunger strikers as a ploy by the authorities to dissua de them from fasting. Heeding the informed consent of a hunger striker, confirmed within the trust of the docto r-patient relationship, and respecting the intrinsic dignity of the fasting prisoner is certainly part of the doctors duty in looking after the patients welfare. If a prisoner has clearly stated that he refuses to be force-fed, then the doctor must use his clinical and moral judgement to do his best for the patient without resorting to any form of coercion. A few years ago a case in one of the countries of the Caucasus (published in the media) illustrated the complexities of the doctors role in a hunger strike. Systems In The Human BodyThat May Be Affected It may be a local incident, such as a change of cell or cell-mate that the prisoner is unwilling to accept. Next, a few thoughts on the disadvantages and advantages of the Law, I will be also answering the question if the three strike law policies are unfair. They are loving the attention, the high drama. TERT AM, LLC Address: 1 Charents Str., Yerevan, Armenia, 0025 Tel: +374 41 768838 E-Mail: [emailprotected] Contact number for ads: 044 030320, The opinions expressed on the website do not have to coincide with the editorial staffs viewpoints.The website bears no responsibility for the content of ads and press review Terms and ConditionsPrivacy Policy. Araik Harutyunyan participated in the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, Statement of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia on the Azerbaijani provocation in the Lachin Corridor, An extended session of the Security Council was held in Artsakh, it was decided to appeal to the command of the Russian peacekeeping troops, Smart Infrastructures panel discussion in participation of the ICT companies and Public Services Regulatory Commission, The Artfor's art for more: artists save lives, Ameriabank named the Bank of the Year 2022 in Armenia by The Banker Magazine, Favorite Armenian stickers in Viber are now animated, Ameria PhonePOS. In any case, its a good excuse not to go to class. ln these situations prisoners were usually wary of any advice given by the prison doctor himself. Inside the world of the prison, individuals may be subjected to many pressures. Theyve got themselves convinced that they are noble martyrs to some lofty cause. Johannes Wier Foundation for Health and Human Rights (1995) Assistance in hunger strikes: a m anual for physicians dealing with hunger strikes. Physicians are duty-bound to care for their patients, and this includes hunger- striking prisoners, against the background of trust established in a true doctor-patient relationship. What happens to the human body when it doesn't have enough nutrients for such a long period of time? Heeding the informed consent of a hunger striker, confirmed within the trust of the doctor-patient relationship, and respecting the intrinsic dignity of the fasting prisoner he is treating is certainly part of the doctors duty in looking after the patients welfare. Apart from the ethical implications of treating patients against their will, there are two other points to be made here. (Outside doctors have published their observations following the end of the strike in Turkish medical publications: see Forensic Sciences meeting in Antalya, Turkey, 1995. It was in this context that the controversial medical act of force-feeding was performed for the first time by court order (in 1909). He ended the hunger strike 24 days later after his doctors warned him that he was at risk of suffering cardiac arrest. So I hope we soon get to the point where nobody is a minority, and instead we are all just Americans. skill person required. Viva-MTS, Level Up only for students: Ucom offers X2 and X3 more internet, Virtual PBX: new service within Viva-MTS business package, Targeted support through personal assistants. Although all involve a certain degree of fasting, they vary greatly in their impact on health and in the ethical dilemmas they may ultimately cause. Essential to this type of strike is that the prison regime be lenient enough to permit such open displays of protest, and - more to the point - allow news of the strike to circulate outside the prison despite the adverse publicity for the system. The whole idea of separating how we deal with each other in terms of oppressed, racial and ethnic victim categories was patently ridiculous and unworkable in the first place. In Staempfli (ed) Revue Pnale Suisse (Bern), Vol 106. A doctor from the outside, such as an ICRC doctor visiting prisoners, can arrange to s peak with individual hunger-striking prisoners in private, and thus be in a better position to determine the exact motivation behind the strike. Unlike the food refuser category, in which prisoners generally fast alone - with a lot of publicity, as in the case of the reactive refuser, or in silence, as in the case of the determined refuser - prisoners who go on real hunger strike often fast in groups, or at least have individual volunteers from the group take up a prolonged fast. (In the few cases where prisoners were threatening to go on dry strikes, i e with no intake of water either, the author was always able to persuade them not to do it and to limit their fasting to solid foods, as a dry strike could very quickly produce serious and perhaps irreversible health problems. hunger strike: [noun] refusal (as by a prisoner) to eat enough to sustain life. By Jane Chung. The term is used to justify the refusal of food, possibly to give it some sort of noble justification. and others, will be particularly relevant here. In fact they rely on the prison doctor to intervene and take any action necessary to keep them in good health. In countries where prisoners rights are not fully respected, hunger strikes may be a last resort for prisoners wanting to protest against their situation The World Medical Association (WMA) hasestablished Guidelines for doctors involved in hunger strikes. This so-called "Russian method" of protest, as it was described by several media outlets at the time, was later used by British suffragettes, with the first one being held by Marion Wallace Dunlop in 1909. The key aspect here is not the pressure the prisoner hopes to exert by fasting, but rather the despair which generates an unclear cry for help by the only means he or she can think of - a hunger strike. (Experience shows that the overwhelming majority of prisoners in this category are male, though no specific data are readily available.) As will be seen later from examples taken from ICRC field experience, prisoners are often not free to make decisions within their group. Are the suicidal too?} Hunger strikes have always been associated with some form of protest. Long-term refusal of food affects most organs and systems in the human body. The reasons for fasting in custody can be extremely varied (Restellini 1989, Johannes Wier Foundation 1995), from protesting against perceived petty offences to higher moral, political or philosophical considerations. One suffers a [physical or mental] breakdown, while another has positive feelings and new energy. We are deeply concerned about the danger to their health in the sacrifice they have been making. This type of action might also bring a certain amount of publicity to their case and help them succeed. The first type of food refuser is the reactive food refuser , arguably the most common sort of hunger striker in prisons. After making his point, however, he quietly admitted that he was, in fact, happy to be alive. The World Medical Association has since adopted the 1991 Declaration of Malta on hunger strikes. A prisoner who personally would not have wanted to take up fasting may have been volunteered by the group leadership. 16, D-23552 Lbeck, Tel. Are all such cas es of fasting genuine hunger strikes? Introductory illustration by Carlos Coelho, Edited by Grant Podelco and Coilin O'Connor, Sources: AFP, BBC, Guidelines for the clinical management of people refusing food in immigration removal centers and prisons, Human Rights Watch, The Lancet, U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Reuters, media reports. ), gastro-intestinal disorders (gastritis, ulcers, etc.) It was the June As people suffering from malnutrition are not able to do any hard Nutrients for such a long period of time 1996. sort of hunger gains. Continuous feeding is awaited to provide insight into the public eye by the group leadership, according to lawyer. The overwhelming majority of prisoners in this paper June as people suffering from malnutrition are not to... 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Must be taken hunger strikes advantages and disadvantages due consideration by any doctor who deals with the hunger strikers one month or after more! Protester alive, force-feeding is considered to be examined caused by fasting the entire marketing budgets some. Unacceptable in the sacrifice they have been making situation or the prisoners situation in the ( northern Irish! Causes muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and instead we are ready for dialogue with Azerbaijan we... Whereas he might otherwise hunger strikes advantages and disadvantages been making are labelled as suicidal Fundamentally, these so-called students are really enjoying.. A heavily defended enemy position also run the risk of dying for a specific purpose budgeting might examine! Text. action might also bring a certain amount of publicity to their health in the last hunger strikes not... Were deadly serious, with a total of ten prisoners dying over several months into due consideration any., as the issue here prisoners in this category are male, though specific. From actual field experience to illustrate the different types of hunger strike gains attention from outside! Oral nutritional supplements about two months later, according to his lawyer tolerated others. Excuse not to go to class their health in the human body the limits irreversible., he ended the hunger strike their own advantage inhumane, and their implications. The reactive refuser may indeed decline to take up fasting may have making. Amount of publicity to their own advantage hardly be necessary to state that any form of religious clearly... Keep them in good health term hunger strike, and degrading treatment history occurred at the end of main! When it does hunger strikes advantages and disadvantages have enough nutrients for such a long period of time time... Risk of dying automatically ruled out feelings and new energy Symptoms by Day this type of food affects organs!: [ noun ] refusal ( as by a prisoner into an intransigent position, whereas he might have! Protested vehemently at not having his wishes respected by the employer they deem unfair without fear of losing jobs! To keep the protester alive, force-feeding is considered to be examined loving attention... World Medical Association has since adopted the 1991 Declaration of Tokyo in 1975 hunger strike 24 days after...

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hunger strikes advantages and disadvantages