is on sight aave


AAVE is secured by a collateral model and features a token staking model, allowing users to stake their tokens to earn rewards. They place invariant be before verbs for frequent or habitual actions (they songs be havin a cause), and use done for completed actions (you done missed it), and be done for future perfect or hypothetical events (lightning be done struck my house). Aave is a decentralized cryptocurrency platform that allows users to borrow and lend crypto. However, like all dialects, AAVE shows consistent internal logic and grammatical complexity, and is used naturally by a group of people to express thoughts and ideas. keep the same energy", - "they're killing it on the field right now", laid : to describe the state of something being laid flat, like hair edges, "let me put you on" : term for recommending something, - "lemme put u on with this other face wash", - used to describe an exciting event or feeling, lowkey : to describe something as quiet/secretive, and/or describe the depth of feelings for something, make bank: term for making a lot of money, - used to describe someone's earnings before or after they do something that will accumulate large amounts of wealth, "make it make sense" : to respond to nonsense, mans : pretentious way to refer to someone's significant other, mean : a positive term to describe something as cool, - usually used to describe a good beat in music, ".. than a mf": phrase used to describe one's behavior as out of the ordinary, above/below average, miss girl/gurl : to address someone, typically a girl, - could be used in endearment and/or passive aggressiveness, "my [insert noun] said": a way to emphasize someone's idea in conversation that may be seen as absurd, dumb and/or funny, - this is usually used in friendly banter, - "my man said, 'how much is 99 cent bread'", not the/not you: statement, or question prompted when someone does something outta pocket, -used to call someone out, either seriously or among friendly banter, "now [tell me] why .": statement that leads to question about someone/something, - usually used to point out irony, confusion, n other thoughts, "oh you have lost your goddxmn mind " : statement that is similar to "what's wrong with you!?? The terms cancel and woke, for example, having been stripped of their original, more nuanced meanings among Black people, have illuminated how the internet and social media can both oppress and empower marginalized groups. [71] As shown above, been places action in the distant past. (Michael Che, the Black writer of the sketch, said he was baffled by the controversy because he had never heard of AAVE; critics on social media said this was disingenuous, as he surely had heard of and used Ebonics.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Aave is a decentralized lending system that helped drive interests in the DeFi sector to new heights. [3][4] Despite being widespread throughout the United States, AAVE should not be assumed to be the native dialect of all African Americans.[5]. Black immigrants often assimilate and use it too, bringing new linguistic traits with them. people on social media criticized Rodrigo, who has received backlash for racist Tumblr posts she reblogged as a teenager, the cultural mainstays of many urban, working-poor Black people, this recent Wired piece on the history of Black Twitter by Jason Parham. When we divorce language from its context, we risk further oppressing not only Black people but also the communities they intersect with, including other people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. AAVE specifically refers to the form of Black speech that distinguishes itself from standard English with its unique grammatical structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. [139], A 2019 experimental study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, NYU, and Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity, found that court stenographers in Philadelphia regularly fail to transcribe AAVE accurately, with about 40 percent of sentences being inaccurate, and only 83% accuracy at the word level, despite court stenographers being certified at or above 95% accuracy. Why was Ebonics such a source of controversy in the 1990s? It also sometimes goes by its older name, ETHLend. This is a short-term fixed-rate that comes with the chance to realign in the future based on market changes. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. One myth is that AAVE is grammatically "simple" or "sloppy". [144][146], AAVE is also used by non-Black artists in genres other than hip-hop, if less frequently. Brandon Zang was an Editorial Intern at Encyclopdia Britannica in 2020. I'm from Gen Z, and going to public school, I've noticed a lot of African-American cultural influence on people of all races in language. But for some viewers, it wasnt what she was saying that attracted their attention so much as how she was saying it. teehee, a starting place <3spaceborrow a book!spacewikispacephonologyspacejive talkspacejive dictionaryspaceaave slidesharespaceoverview of aavespacepdf about aavespacecreole origins of aavespacecan non-black ppl use aavespaceappropriation of black culturespaceaave is not "internet slang"spaceusing aave as a non-black personspaceultimate source: listen to black, here is the alphabetical list of aave words ! Learn the differences . [98] African American slang is formed by words and phrases that are regarded as informal. p. 12. . It has a circulating supply of 14,093,193 AAVE coins and a . If they do not employ similar features of AAVE in their speech, then it can be argued that they are modeling their musical performance to evoke aspects of particular musical genres such as R&B or the blues (as British pop musicians of the 1960s and beyond did to evoke rock, pop, and the blues). [121] [150] In 1974, the teacher-led Conference on College Composition and Communication issued a position statement affirming students' rights to their own dialects and the validity of all dialects. [124][125] Prescriptively, attitudes about AAVE are often less positive; since AAVE deviates from the standard, its use is commonly misinterpreted as a sign of ignorance, laziness, or both. Purchase the amount of AAVE you desire to stake by exchanging either fiat or other cryptocurrencies. Aave is a lending and borrowing platform that allows users to take out crypto loans or earn yields on their tokens using smart contracts, without third-party oversight. In the movie [ The Original Kings of Comedy ], the Kings mark tense and aspect when and how events occur with the tools of black talk. ": question that prompts the answer, "period", - used to further solidify statement and agreement, asf : term for "as fvck;" used for emphasis, as u should: phrase used in encouragement and show of approval, - to show that u agree w one's actions and/or achievements, ate : to describe ones flawless performance, - usually used to express ones amazement, - ariana ate her my hair vevo performance, (they) ate and left no crumbs: a phrase to describe someone when they serve in something, as in singing, fashion, makeup, and/or other performances, - the "no crumbs" part is to exemplify how well the person presented themselves, - could also be the literal definition of someone eating something and leaving no crumbs, - "ariana ate her grammy's performance and no left crumbs", "back on my bs" : when someone returns to their previous behavior, - used to refer to someone going back to being sad, ignorant, or any other emotions/actions, bae : acronym for before anyone else; also a nickname for babe, bank : making copious amounts of money, similar to being rich, "[the] bar is on the floor" : in reference to an expectation that is considered low, basic : a noun to describe someone/something as mainstream, - "if u own a pair of uggs, you're basic", beef : to have a conflict or disagreement, been : a term used to describe duration of knowledge; like already knowing of something, - considered as aave if been is used without have or used after a pronoun, beat : a description of being glammed up, commonly with makeup, - used to solidify a bet, in challenge to compete with someone, - "i'll beat u in this 1v1." A score of 20/40 means a person would have to stand at 20 feet to see something that a healthy person can see 40 feet away. ikyfl.." (totally not from personal experience), "it's giving": statement prompted when there's a resemblance, - "the hair. it's giving me bird's nest" (idk what this example is, pls bare w me), - "imma eat good tonight"[to have] inches : reference to long hair, "it's over" : to refer to something as "game over", - this is used in a sense that if someone one's up another person, there's no chance of redemption, - used in various circumstances such as gaming, fashion, entertainment, and sports, - "their outfit on the red carpet? For instance, in "Tonight, Tonight", Hot Chelle Rae uses the term dime to mean "an attractive woman". The reason, Aave-Chan . The protocol is designed to be permissionless, trustless, and secure, providing users with a secure and transparent way to access DeFi services. Give them the respect they deserve. And they frequently delete is and are where Standard English requires it (Tiger ___ my cousin we __ confrontational). Significance. The most common type of compounding is the noun-noun combination. Black English has a rich history that touches on everything from linguistics to literature to musicand, of course, the words we speak each and every day. Although AAVE is spoken everywhere African Americans live, a couple of exceptions apply to this situation. [149], Educators traditionally have attempted to eliminate AAVE usage through the public education system, perceiving the dialect as grammatically defective. Aave's variable rate is calculated based on current supply and demand rates. Aave was first deployed on the Ethereum network in January 2020. There is near-uniformity of AAVE grammar, despite its vast geographic spread across the whole country. [94], AAVE has also contributed slang expressions such as cool and hip. [93] There is also the adjective-noun combination which is the second most occurring combination found in AAE slang. ), bip : to describe a good hair ; straight hairline, all blended, no bald spots, or uneveness. Such linguistic adaptation in different environments is called code-switching[128][129]though Linnes (1998) argues that the situation is actually one of diglossia:[130] each dialect, or code, is applied in different settings. Jesse Jackson, who called the resolution an unacceptable surrender and borderlining on disgrace. Less than a month later the Linguistic Society of America unanimously passed a statement that supported the decision of the OUSD, citing the systematic nature of Ebonics as a valid reason for it to be recognized as a distinct linguistic system. [107][108], The first studies on the African American English (AAE) took place in cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, to name a few. [154], An example of a man from northern Ohio with an AAVE accent (, An example of two men with AAVE accents, the interviewer from, For the reasons that linguists avoid using the term, Those in favor of the "creole hypothesis" of African-American Vernacular English include, Wolfram, Walt; Kohn, Mary E. (forthcoming). Published February 21, 2021. by Taneesh Khera. ": a question asked to a black person's contradicting actions and/or ideas, carry : to describe someone who is benefitting their team the most, - used in sports; when someone is scoring most, or a lot of points, - also used in comparison; commonly in the music industry: an artist may make great music and seems to refresh the industry from it's lack of quality, catch these hands : a call out for a fight, chile : term for child; pronounced similar to child but without the consonant ending, - could be used to describe someone who isn't calm, "has no chill", clap emoji in between words : used in text, to emphasize crucial points in a statement, - observed in high tense conversations when people use hand gestures (bare w me its kind of hard to explain :') ), -"get your finger out of my face ", come for : to attack, or judge, someone, crib : term for one's house or living space, - sometimes used as a reaction to indifference, "dap me up": greeting/handshake which involves of hooking thumbs, pound hugging, fist pounding, and/or chest/fist bumping, - originated among black soldiers during the Vietnam War to show solidarity in the Black Power movement, dig it : used to show enjoyment or liking of something, - used in question of understanding, e.g. [149] Grammatical features and word pronunciations stemming from AAVE are preserved. But Black people will never forget the dialect they created. However, a creole theory, less accepted among linguists, posits that AAVE arose from one or more creole languages used by African captives of the Atlantic slave trade, due to the captives speaking many different native languages and therefore needing a new way to communicate among themselves and with their captors. It is considered by academics to be a specific way of speaking within the larger categorization of African American English (AAE), or Black English. [22] Since pidgins form from close contact between speakers of different languages, the slave trade would have been exactly such a situation. read : to roast, or be roasted, by someone, - when you read someone, you point out their flaws, real : to express the difficulty of something; to express transparency in something, -"to be real," is similar to saying, "in all seriousness", respect : to express someone's respects, usually verbally expressed, - usually used in modes of transportation: car, walking, rolly : noun for rolex; any resemblance of a rolex watch, run(nning) hands/fade : to incite a fight, - used in arguments of those who are deemed ascorrect, - other variations: skoo (just drop the letter before m), serve : to describe the looks given by people, think of modeling, shade : to have, or express negative remarks of someone/something, - other variants: shawtee, shauty, shautee, other phonetic spellings, shoe game : to describe someone's shoe style, usually in a positive way, - there are other variations with other items of clothing, or to describe someone's skill with [noun/verb] game, shook : to be surprised, literally shaken up by something, shoot[as]ers: a name for someone who has your back, shoot your shot : to ask out someone in your interest, sickening : to express someone's amazement, side-eye: the state of being suspicious, shady, skeptical, simp : the state of being overly desperate, sis : short for "sister," used to address someone, slay : to look good, and/or perfect something, again, think of modeling, s[ch]lumped: the state of being very tired, and to describe someone as they're asleep, [the] smoke : to refer to someone to fight, or beat up, - reference to someone's skill in fighting, - "don't mess w me, or you'll get the smoke", - usually used to describe the looks of someone, being neat n tidy, spittin : when someone is speaking fast, skillfully rapping, or speaking facts, stay woke : a phrase that can serve as a reminder to stay open-minded, and/or alert, steady: the state of consistency, being at the same pace or state of being, straight up : similar to the definition of real; tell the truth, -replace this word with "literally," and that's pretty much how it's used lol, "so u grown now? When clips from the livestream resurfaced in July, people on social media criticized Rodrigo, saying that she was appropriating language used primarily by Black people and attempting to talk in a blaccent.. please do not use this as an official source for this is a carrd that i made recreatively, and it's not to substitute credible sources ! Aave, which comes from the Finnish word for "ghost", is a lending and borrowing decentralised finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. [144] White hip-hop artists such as Eyedea can choose to accentuate their whiteness by hyper-articulating postvocalic r sounds (i.e. [94], AAVE also has words that either are not part of most other American English dialects or have strikingly different meanings. Singer-songwriter Camila Cabello, who has received backlash for racist Tumblr posts she reblogged as a teenager and for using the n-word, published and deleted a tweet in late July that was widely mocked for its nonsensical grammar. Many African Americans neither speak it nor know much about it".[5]. that's tuff. Aave is 88.06% below the all time high of $666.86. In United States v. Arnold, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that "he finna shoot me" was a statement made in the present tense, so it was admissible hearsay under the excited utterance exception; however, the dissent held that past or present tense could not be determined by the statement, so the statement should not have been admitted into evidence. These incidents echo a long-standing trend that is probably best exemplified by Bhad Bhabie, who first went viral after appearing on a 2016 episode of Dr. Phil that featured her speaking in an often incomprehensible accent of her own. For example, AAVE terms are played for laughs as being the work of ridiculous and nonsensical kids in SNLs Gen Z Hospital sketch, which aired this spring. - sj, shout out !along with myself @sagittarisoul by creating and editing this carrd, i have met and chatted with lovely, helpful, brilliant ppl who have given additions and suggestions with this carrd !to those dearly appreciated and cherished ppl, i'd like to thank: space- twitter user @Cranque2 - twitter user @hotscotchbutter - twitter user @deezmalders - twitter user @sowhatbyloona - twitter user @bwuniess - twitter user @keithxxx16 - twitter user @kuniroselover - twitter user @ImLegitStunning - twitter user @injwects space*+- thank uuu -+*, hello !! But when media outlets including BuzzFeed and individuals who discuss memes and popular culture reproduce instances of Black American cultural appropriation, they lend them more credibility. When confirmed, your tokens will be staked in the Safety Module. ", "that's wraps" : to refer to something as over as in defeat or winning, - usually used in the same circumstances as the phrase "it's over", the struggle: to describe someone's circumstance, the "gawds": the hypothetical nickname for higher powers, - used to compare one's snatched look to "the gawds", "they movin weird": a phrase to describe someone's behavior as abnormal and/or sus, thick : to describe one's body as having curves, - other variants: thiq, thicc, other phonetic spellings, thirsty: to describe someone/something as being desperate, thot : a noun from the acronym meaning that hxe over there, - used to waggishly characterize female figures, tight: to describe something as cool, and/or neat, throwing shade: to spread shade of someone or something, throw it back : to twerk, or simply put, throw your butt back, trash : to describe something as really bad, or lack of quality, tried it : a response to someone who tests someone's patience, or state of being, triffling : to describe someone as untrustworthy, sneaky, or other ill-natured traits, - "i told them to keep a secret and they told the one person that i didnt want them to tell. How do I stop staking? Black Twitter users were quick to make their annoyance with the sketch known. Step 1: Go to the Aave Staking Dashboard. [18] While it is clear that there is a strong historical relationship between AAVE and earlier Southern U.S. dialects, the origins of AAVE are still a matter of debate. On your main question, if people find it offensive, you posted a full article explaining that people where often offended by it's use, so the answer is yes, people find it offensive. [103], Distinct phrases are widely used in African American slang. [135], It is also seen and heard in advertising. ETHLend raised 16.5 million US dollars in its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) on November 25, 2017. I be trending! she announced in shock at one point. In the early 2000s, Shana Poplack provided corpus-based evidence[9][10]evidence from a body of writingfrom isolated enclaves in Saman and Nova Scotia peopled by descendants of migrations of early AAVE-speaking groups (see Saman English) that suggests that the grammar of early AAVE was closer to that of contemporary British dialects than modern urban AAVE is to other current American dialects, suggesting that the modern language is a result of divergence from mainstream varieties, rather than the result of decreolization from a widespread American creole. In December 1996, national attention in the United States turned to a new resolution passed by the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). In. [102], AAVE has also contributed many words and phrases to other varieties of English, including chill out, main squeeze, soul, funky, and threads. Word-medially and word-finally, pronouncing, Negative concord, popularly called "double negation", as in, In a negative construction, an indefinite pronoun such as. For proponents of making AAVE a language, the status of a stand-alone language legitimizes the history and systematic nature of AAVE and ensures that educators will be better prepared to teach Black students. ", - "ariana's performance was pheonominal, show's over! To borrow, you deposit 10 ETH into Aave and enable them as collateral. AAVE has rules like any other dialect or language, as linguists John Rickford and Russell Rickford argue in their 2001 article for Language Review, "The Ubiquity of Ebonics": "Consider grammar. Aave is a decentralized finance lending platform primarily based on the Ethereum blockchain.It lets you take out instantaneous loans of cryptocurrency using other cryptocurrency you own as collateral. [149] Spellings based on AAVE have become increasingly common, to the point where it has become a normalized practice. And it has proven to be extremely popular. We update our AAVE to USD price in real-time. Wolfram, Walt (2004). The genitive -'s ending may or may not be used. Others propose that AAVE matches the grammatical structure and pronunciation of West African languages and Creole English varieties, pointing to the respective cultural groups as the origins of AAVE. PERIODTTTT " AAVE Price Live Data. So if ETH is worth $4,000, you can borrow $3200 worth of value with your choice of a stable or variable APR. [2], Having its own unique grammatical, vocabulary, and accent features, AAVE is employed by middle-class Black Americans as the more informal and casual end of a sociolinguistic continuum. teehee teehee this carrd works best on desktop since it has a lot of terms, and to view them, it doesn't include a lot of scrolling compared to mobile (still a lot to scroll thru, but it's considerably less than mobile lol). It is not your internet lingo. This page was last edited on 29 March 2023, at 18:19. ", In order to distinguish the stressed and unstressed forms, which carry different meaning, linguists often write the stressed version as BIN. However, most dictionaries simply say its etymology is unknown. Study: Not really", "Speaking Black Dialect in Courtrooms Can Have Striking Consequences", "Iggy Azalea Called Out for Blackfishing in New Music Video", "You Know What It Is: Learning Words through Listening to Hip-Hop", "The Co-Construction of Whiteness in an MC Battle", "Codeswitching: Black English and Standard English in the African-American linguistic repertoire", "African American Vernacular English: phonology", "African American Language in California:Over Four Decades of Vibrant Variationist Research", "Understanding African-American English: A Course in Language Comprehension and Cross-Cultural Understanding for Advanced English Language Learners in the United States", "Black English Vernacular (Ebonics) and Educability: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Language, Cognition, and Schooling", "A bibliography of works on African American English", "Phonological Features of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)", "African American Vernacular English (Ebonics)", `` Tonight, Tonight '', Hot Chelle Rae uses the term dime mean... 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is on sight aave