signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy


She texted saying she wanted this to be her own decision so she doesnt regret it one day. Im sorry that you got trapped by this sick woman but glad that I was able to provide you with a forum for getting to share your story. As a woman who has known a few women who I suspect of being gold diggers, I urge men to tread with major caution when Ms. I was actually thinking of choosing her to be in an exclusive relationship and get married when this happened and everything changed. But his life is ruined. I felt like she needed a skillset since being a SAHM for 10years and paid for her to get her RE license and even helped her with her first big lead that closed I didnt want the mother of my children to have an argument I never encouraged or allowed her to make money or develop a skillset. But, when a woman is pregnant, the motivation to dress up or even change into fresh clothes somewhat disappears. It usually happens within a few months or the first year of dating, from what Ive seen. Then, couple days later she went to see a doctor and according to her the doctor said that she had a complication. and now Sept 22 she tells him that she lost the baby. My man got me Prego to trap me. Yesterday she was busy posting pictures of herself at work. We've been conditioned to anticipate that relationships change and grow, so we expect that every relationship can. Abortion. Trap Red Flag #6. I see so many red flags and want him to process all this. Plus she got her Doctors to give her all the pain pill prescriptions they could write. He should do nothing before attending a doctors appointment with her and confirming in-person that she is actually pregnant. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But the unspoken truth is that there are many relationships and many people that cannot ever grow or change significantly enough to become healthy. Dont you think another red flag should be If this woman already trapped a man with an unwanted pregnancy, she will try it again? He was free to choose whatever he wanted. No answer. 1. You are in a heartbreaking situation and right to be very concerned for your son. Some of the red flags you might see include his working excessive overtime or spending too much time at the office, her being vague about where she's been or will be, his or her dependence on alcohol or drugs, his asking you for money, her lack of boundaries with her family, his siding the with guys over you, her blaming everyone but herself for She needs a car to get a job to pay for her kid or we will be paying for it. To take advice from people who are not bias on hers or his side . The doctor prescribed her some abortive pills and she took them. She called me names, accused me of lying of what I was doing that night (told her I was not interested in seeing her that night). My previous ex left me, got pregnant with another guy then left and pulled me into the middle and told me I am the father and wanted me to pay half. For those reading this, if you are having suicidal thoughts: call 988 (The Suicide Prevention Helpline). She visited the doctors (without me) and they suggested that with the Accutane she was prescribed shes going to have a miscarriage. This is really affecting me in more ways than one. They are really attracted to you and want to trap you as theirs, basically. 18. Narcissists can often identify the people with the highest chance of looking for this kind of attachment. Anyways my problem is that shes always saying shes pregnant and weve been having weird miscarriages and stuff or she doesnt want closeness n or cuddling with her and so Im wondering if they could be a red flag or something? She says she hasnt made a decision and will not do so anytime soon. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I never told him to not worry about me getting pregnant. You can get it on the website youre currently on:, or on Amazon. I dont see my kids since they live in another country which kills me because I was always a very involved parent. My ex told me she wanted to have my kids after we were seeing each other for a week. Wow yea lot of women evil and heartless out there I came across one well I guess I was young n dumb and was learning lesson I was 21 she was 31 first red flag she said she was pregnant and was threatening me bout child support so I jus stopped speaking to her 4 days later she crying leaving me messages even comes to my house saying she had misscarrige smh was definitely no misscarrige she came to my house the same day she supposedly had miscarriage what woman in right mind state after jus miscarrying a baby would u drive 3 hours cuz at the time we were kinda like jus split up she moved back home smh she asked me why dont I want a baby I said Im 21 to young no career job smh she told me she wanted baby by me because I would be so cute I have nice eyes and hair lol some women out there are crazy but that there told me try trap me smh. It is important to note that any man who feels his position is at threat will make an effort to trap you by making you pregnant. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. when He knew I was not on BC. I ordered my apologies should I have offended her but told her we arrived to the current situation because of her prior actions, way before I even found the footage. 21 Clear-Cut Signs He Wants To Get You Pregnant 1. The first time she was intoxicated, saw myself and the girl I was walking with, ran out of the bar she was at to yell at me. After a couple of months we couldnt stay apart & decided to become " friends " . I didnt love her and she had multiple issues I couldnt deal with anymore. that would put her at about 21 to 22 weeks pregnant. However, he said no way not marrying you and opted the other route of custody and child support. I am the result of a suspected baby trap, 44 year female and a total failure in life. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Hello Ann, thank you for this article. Absence of meaningful communication. (Maybe because they are rescuers. F**K That and went MGTOW. This situation triggers me in a deeper level than just betrayal. Eventually, the lie is going to catch up with her. Its a HuGE responsibility, you need to prepare that human for living on earth and hopefully teach them to make the earth a better place. He always makes sure you feel comfortable and happy in any situation. Signs he trying to trap me with a baby Some already mentioned but: -trying to move too fast: move in, get in a relationship, get married, get you pregnant. I made a half attempt of trying myself to create a false pregnancy test and could not understand how this one couldve been faked. The usual norm is that ladies trap men by getting pregnant. Ive responded to the email address you provided. I believe I got trapped years ago wanting to get away from her but easing away doing it nice, thinking about not hurting peoples feelings, it has gone on to wreck my life having a daughter who I love, now with a new family. Im glad shes dead. What's Wrong with the Duluth Model for DV Treatment. I want to start a family but only with the right person and at the right time, both criteria have not been satisfied. It is upon you to make firm decisions on why you take them. Hopefully, you feel somewhat lighter. It may be more than a coincidence that your girlfriend or wife announced she was pregnant right after you broke up with her. Hi guys, so this is my story when I was 20 I got a scholarship to study abroad (all paid). How To Recognize Subtle Signs Of Domestic Violence. Ignoring me in fact whilst still maintaining shes pregnant but has never down me a positive pregnancy test? And its true that men will do it to control. She ended up going to the clinic close to me but when I asked her if I can escort her to wait with her she said no, they wont let me wait with her. -joking about getting you pregnant. Similarly, a womans IUD (Intrauterine Device) may come out on its own, but when this does happen it is usually in the first few months of use. He will start showing you photos of cute babies or making you aware that his friend is pregnant. What are the signs someone is faking a pregnancy? Right suddenly appears out if the blue. Yes | No | I need help 4 If she really is pregnant with his child, he can be a good father without being a husband. (It would hurt) but I told him I was fine if he wanted to leave. And yet he continues to be up her butt still seeing her even though he tried to tell me they werent together but he is a good dad and keen to raise the child. He respects your boundaries and makes sure that he doesn't step on them. Im fairly feminist, but if I ever have a son, you can bet Ill raise him on dont put your dick in crazy.. This woman (in her 40s, my gf/ex is 24) had been saying a lot of things to my gf and shed tell me. He plays mind games and tries to trap you with tricky, unnecessary questions. Its absolutely heartbreaking that people want to create a life out of selfishness and not based on a mutually loving, supportive relationship that is going to offer a safe haven for so said child to thrive in. They hold a conversation longer than is necessary A baby mama and baby daddy relationship is supposed to involve communication and activities surrounding the children they have together. As for why a woman might pull you in with a pregnancy and then push you away that could happen with a person who enjoys playing games with people. Here are 12 signs that a man is desperate to get married: 1) He Does Everything You Say You've never been in a relationship with a man who was so agreeable, have you? At 82 he told me he wanted to marry again. She has a conveniently timed miscarriage. I can understand you feeling sympathy for him if that is the case, but you might also take it as a red flag that he is not marriage material for you since he had sex with another woman while also talking marriage with you, and move on with your life. Please help! He is up to something fishy. She never did. A much older be friend of hers who been bitter about her breakup with my friend. But I was very sure I must take responsibility to raise a child. This goes especially for when you outrank him earnings wise, looks wise, status wise etc. We decided to try a long-distance relationship, but one month after I got a called saying that she is pregnant! I had decided to break off the relationship as soon as I got back home. Because he understands that you need your space and your downtime, it's a huge sign that he wants you in his future. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. If you're in a relationship with a man, it's important to be aware of the signs that he may be trying to trap you with pregnancy. When you start paying attention to the patterns of change in a relationship, as well as to the way you respond to those changes that don't stick, you can begin assessing the situation more accurately and determine if the man you're involved with is trying to keep you trapped and under his control. PLEASE HELP?!!? 5. I really want to know if she really was pregnant or got pregnant on purpose or tried to pawn the baby off on him. Some signs he's trying to get you pregnant are: He talks about babies frequently He tries to forego birth control, like condoms He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He keeps trying to coax you to have unprotected sex in the heat of the moment He insists on getting condoms all the time Then try to borrow money on Monday. I have heard so many stories about men in military that this happened to. Im a traditional man and would prefer to raise a child in a home but from previous experience I know that if I didnt think marrying was a good idea, having a baby doesnt change that. Just remember you reap what you sow. Its hard to tell what was really going on with your ex, but it is easy to say that you should stay away from her and move on with your life. Did I forget? My question is, if a girl would do this for attention or to trap a manwhy ignore him and push him away? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I asked him why he was A SLOW LEARNER or just liked giving away money. It can be very difficult to figure out if a surprise pregnancy was truly accidental or secretly planned. He may pout, retreat, or give you the silent treatment if you don't do things his way. Between failing health and women BS, its not worth trying to change models. A woman who has decided on her own that having your baby has some payoff for her and that that payoff trumps your desire to not have children right now is ripe for becoming your baby momma whether youre up for it or not. Like, Ha Ha Bitch, youre stuck now! Shes not really pregnant. There are many potential pregnancy benefits that might motivate a woman to get pregnant accidentally-on-purpose. No matter what he decides, try to keep a relationship with him. His father and I are like if you cant afford a marriage license how the hell are you gonna afford a baby and a wife. I've heard so many baby trap stories that I often ask couples that I'm counseling whether their children were planned. She drank and smoked herself to death. My other sons and his best friend said no f**king way are we giving you money for that. I left it at that. If the man gets over-possessive, stops using protection measures during intercourse, discusses funny topics on baby fever, jumps to marriage topics, discourages you from birth control pills, you have ever broken up before then he would trap you with pregnancy. If they decide to unilaterally make that choice, why would they consult you on future choices? I confronted her and she accepted that she was cheating on me for more than a year and we broke up. Was this step helpful? -Ann. Cara you are a piece of garbage. Like the one a woman was working on when her boyfriend walked in on her inseminating herself with semen from his used condom. I just know how this movie ends! ", Hi Sucker (I dont like using that name for you, but you picked it so I need to go with it no doubt, its how you feel.). Trap Red Flag #1. I feel sorry for trapped daddy #2 and #3, but it seems like they could have used common sense to not get trapped like the 1st daddy. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Which made me feel responsible of her broken health and responsible of giving her a traumatic experience that scar her for life. there was no declaration from either of us we didnt want any kids right now. Move on. Thanks, and any other advice you are willing to share will be appreciated immensely. I was clear from day 1 I didnt want any kids or marriage. Hi Ann, What can I do now? It is particularly suspicious when she failed to tell you that she was no longer protected by her customary birth control until after oops, Im pregnant. Why didnt she give you a heads-up that she had pulled the goalie? Your partner keeps making jokes about you two having a baby or family, 5. I didnt trust his *gift* and used my own. After all, these are the days, you are so hyper and you will never go for a no as an answer. All these seem directed at the woman. Hopefully, you can find happiness in other parts of your life even as you deal with missing your daughter. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The following reasons may lead a guy to wish you were pregnant: Their love for babies is endless. His existing teenaged child destroyed. Yes, you are right he trapped the lady by making her pregnant. It sounds like you meant well and she took advantage of your positive qualities. He's Genuinely Excited When One Of Your Friends Wants To Have A Baby If a man had no interest in having a baby, he'd have no reason to be excited about one of your friends getting pregnant. 7. I once dated a guy who was a pharmacist. Now, its been almost 8 years since I stayed in the same country I finish my studies and I found an incredible partner that hopefully wont fake a pregnancy haha. His life is meaningful because he is a parent. Learn how to understand love, dating and emotional signals. I felt horrible, it was not only a traumatic experience everyday but being in a different country so far away from her without any possibility to help, it really affected my mental health and my general life at that moment. She was some chick he constantly turned down but ended up hooking up with 1 night. With the court system the way it is I couldnt see being a money slave for some hoe I couldnt stand. You have tried to break up with him before. Watch to make sure any changes you request happen, and if so, for how long they last. It sure looks like the womans story fits as a fake pregnancy trap: (1) announcing she was pregnant after the break-up (2) the dates not adding up (3) the miscarriage. Theres no point in trying to get her to admit it. You have to be brave enough to watch for this sign. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I reached out again, asking and offering an honest conversation to bring closure to this to which she refused to need me in person because I had shown my true colours when I directed my confusion and anger towards her after seeing the CCTV footage. She may be trying to ensnare you with the "lying about a pregnancy to keep him" trap. From what Ive read, engaging and arguing with a narcissist is the worst choice to make. So I said alright then I will drop out of Uni and quit my scholarship and go back to my home country. so I did the math over and over again to possibly show him that she may have been sleeping around. If youve found the perfect woman in a surprisingly short period of time, find out whether she just lost a relationship that was paying all of her bills for her. First If you arent married to her dont marry her. A bright light in your story is that it sounds like the kids saw reality and you have a strong relationship with them. A few more days went by, no word from her until the early hours of 18th June when I got a missed video call at 2:15am from her. -Ann. Now 70, have a girlfriend of 30+ years but all I am to her is Mechanic, Maintenace man and chauffeur as there has not been any sex in at least ten years. Its so messy I still feel to be involved in the childs life, because the fathers isnt actively involved and the innocent child is in the middle with only a single mother in poverty. It could be due to weight gain, tiredness, depression, but this directly affects the sexual relationship between couples. Its also possible she was pregnant and is not a very responsible person. We did not make eye contact, but I saw the narcissistic girl at the coffee shop. Or he may strives to make intense, uncoomforably direct eye contact in conversation. 25 Signs He Wants to Get You Pregnant #1 He gets very excited around babies and children. Wake up and be cautious not to fall into regrets. Is there anything a man can do to fight a trapped pregnancy besides not having anything to do with it? Side note, while we were in the middle of it. A few months after I got home I got a call from her crazy sister asking me if I wanted to come see my 2 mo daughter. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Mostly the symptoms from her very poor lifestyle. But then when you're alone, his demeanor changes dramatically for the worse. My sus husband got her pregnant 4 times, I think its a control thing. My long distance boyfriend got a woman ( thats been trying to get with him for a while) pregnant. Im not planning on doing so anytime soon. Again, it's a total mind game these warped guys are very good at playing. I never did. Your partner keeps making jokes about you two having a baby or family. I encourage you to get my book, Abuse OF Men BY Women: It Happens, It Hurts, And Its Time to Get Real About It either on my website ( ) or from online retailers like Amazon ( .). I knew he wanted to get me pregnant. What resources can I use? She may just have been seductive because she was revved up by her hormones. We ended things there. A woman in an unchangeable, toxic relationship typically has the same expectations she would have of a changeable, healthy relationships so she gets caught up waiting and expecting the situation to get back to the "normal" she saw in the beginning. I went there after an hour and half and it was closed and I received a message saying shes home already. If you were thinking about breaking up with herthe pregnancy might be a trap. We agreed it was best to not go through with the pregnancy, besides, itd affect her last year in school. He always tries to make time for you, no matter how busy he is. (Theres more to the story but these are facts). A question he needs to ask himself is: Would I be marrying this woman now if she wasnt pregnant with my child? Clearly, the answer would be No.. Now here we are 6 weeks later and only 2 encounters with a young recent high school graduate pregnant. It categorizes women as being very excited and happy over babies. I have a feeling that many women just want kids for the sake of it, like its a pet. In a scenario for example where the man is a drug addict, he wants to keep the lady by being a freak. I never was shown a positive one and she did the supposed doctor visits herself without me. Trap Red Flag #8. Now shes staying over his house every now & then & theyre really gonna go through with their fake charade of being a couple. I worked my ass off, did most of the cooking, cleaning, chores and helped with the kids homework every night while running a business. He never forgets important dates or events in your life. They have not even seen a doctor yet. Dont go crying to a forum or anyone else when you get used and manipulated like you have done. But for the first time ever, she has this attitude of defiance and a little demanding. #3. After 2 and a half years of seeing a woman non exclusively Im 100% sure she baby trapped me. She has a lame excuse for going off birth control. Becoming a parent makes you happier. Dont trust women who dont have anything to look forward to or work towards because those are the types of women that unilaterally decide to get pregnant with no regard to the mans goals/ideals for the future. Not just to become another selfish consumer or opiod addict, etc. (It doesnt always happen that way. Youve made it clear you dont want kids now. 4. He may claim that a promise he made was not actually made, or that it wasn't made in the way you understood it, but you know better. He recently used Tinder while home for a holiday break. It's an asshole move. Answer (1 of 11): Control and ownership. BTW, she didnt need them. I visited every single year, I slept with my phone on, I promised her I will go back to her or bring her to me as soon as I can or finish Uni. ), The story makes me wonder if she is really even pregnant. I mean people dont realize what the cost of bringing a life into this world is and the responsibility on many levels that it carries. Now hes hers. Many a man has been snared by an announcement that a woman is pregnant with his child. I know its horrible but all I keep thinking is this chic set his ass up so she can be married move to NC and get away from her family. Wow I know this happens daily and I have tried to raise my sons sadly to know women are vicious and will set them up in a heartbeat if they think they have a keeper. Im trying my best to survive but sincerely have my doubts. As a kid woman were to be treated as soft fuzzy things, but it turned out they are like the movie, Furrbies where they turn after dark. Cam. Oh, one more thing. I really wish they would not even think about having this baby. Sounds like he should know better. He Says That He Wants to Have a Family in the Near Future If he says he wants a family, that's a sign he wants to marry you. She sent a message reading hello. I even had some tell me when we were married that I was to sell everything to buy them a big house and cars. Thank you so much for sharing the childs side of the baby-trap story. After I caught her layering financial transactions (essentially stealing money from our family) I confronted her and she apologized. For fuller disclaimer see the Policies page. You should always be cautious on such days to avoid regretting it in the future. Their inconsistent behavior creates a silent uncertainty in the partner's mind, causing the partner to stay put and try harder to make things work, and that is exactly what toxic men rely on. RELATED:The 6 Most Common Reasons Why We Stay In Toxic Relationships. Wow. 3. Your opinion will be appreciated. It does not store any personal data. Your partner keeps track of your ovulation days and wants to have sex with you on these days. He gave the exact same story without knowing the details of ours. A polygraph doesnt sound helpful. #2. The pregnancy pulled you back from the brink. I have talked to many men in similar situations. He discourages you from using birth control pills. Ive seen another case of a woman using it a couple of times. 1. They keep. He may not be able to come out and talk about marriage just yet, so look for these three signs that he wants to marry you instead. Another case is when he carries a condom but pokes it without your knowledge. Thank you for putting this together. A toxic man's tactics and actions play mind games on her and keep her second-guessing herself, always wondering if she was right about the beginning and he changed, or if she assessed him incorrectly right from the start and he deceived her. So if she is 5 weeks pregnant, she got pregnant one week before yall hooked upbut honestly at that early of gestation it would be pretty easy for them to be off one weekso id be nice and cordial to this woman, and ask for a dna test when the baby is born. I even told him I remember being 18 and thinking about men who would make suitable fathers and husbands and things girls who I knew have done. After breaking it off Ive seen her twice while going out with different women. We tried to tell him and explain to him girls do not meet a guy, have unprotected sexon day 1 . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 1. He discourages you from using birth control pills, 7. She starts to wonder if perhaps she is misunderstanding him. There is a chapter for friends and families of abused men. She sold a car on Saturday and bought a horse on Sunday. 8 Red Flags that Her Pregnancy is a Trap Trap Red Flag #1. One of the most subtle signs of him wanting to have a baby is involving himself with your family. So how do you tell he wants to trap you with pregnancy? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. In the book, I talk about what to do when you are inside a relationship with an abusive woman and many other topics that I think you will find helpful. Baby or no baby , I dont understand how a woman would force a relationship with someone they know doesnt want to be with them whos also barely attracted to them. I thought it must be the hormones. not to shame him, but to open his eyes that not all but some woman will do this. I hope that you can find your way to a happy life. Then 3 weeks later ask for a professional photo shoot and put pictures on blast everywhere unless they are up to something. You then may think you shouldnda put a ring on it, but its now a much more difficult proposition to get away from her.But then again, lots of real pregnancies end in miscarriage. 30 direct signs that he secretly wants you pregnant: 1. 1. I didnt believe it so I said lets meet in person and discuss. There have been alot of things said and emotions are super crazy in this house. 19. She knows his family is huge and has seen things that lead her to believe he could have family money! The study linked in the title found that up to 16% of women have experienced a guy tampering with their birth control to try and get them pregnant. I was to lose it all for a five-minute furry thing. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. She is the oldest of a large group of kids. He was desperate to make himself look like a valid person so he could get his other children in court. She said its okay But I never heard from her again that evening or the next day. Even after claiming shes had an abortion. He insoncisitently showers you with (and then withholds) kindness and generosity. I also know women who have lied about being on birth control or claim to be taking antibiotics, well the only antibiotics that interfere with BC are Rifampin taken for TUBERCULOSIS. If he initiates sex more often during your ovulation period, that's another sign he wants to get you pregnant. How could she she just graduated high school. You may think you are being honorable by being there for her, but clearly there is a lack of honesty in that you are secretly playing with another mans finance. By this, he has no choice but to impregnate you. Unfortunately, remember that the biggest sign of being trapped into something comes at a time when it is too late. The next evening she called me on a video call send I asked her what the doctor treated her with to which she started laughing and said shes pregnant. I bet you know the answer. Abusers are often able to convince the children that they are the good parent and the other parent is bad.). He fessed up that we have a big problem and that she is pregnant with his child on June 18. Believe he could get his other children in court like the kids saw reality and signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy! So much for sharing the childs side of the baby-trap story other children in court, 's... Might be a trap trap Red Flag # 1 he gets very excited around babies and children of... The motivation to dress up or even change into fresh clothes somewhat disappears these... Woman was working on when her boyfriend walked in on her inseminating herself with semen from his condom! Status wise etc process all this take them layering financial transactions ( essentially money. 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To keep him '' trap to unilaterally make that choice, why would they consult you on future choices secretly..., depression, but to impregnate you Prevention Helpline ) house and cars after all, these are good! Kids after we were married that I 'm counseling whether their children were planned we stay Toxic. Was always a very responsible person you have to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis. Took them Im trying my best to survive but sincerely have my kids after we were married I! To create a false pregnancy test and could not understand how this one couldve faked. Confronted her and she apologized is misunderstanding him even had some tell when! Choice but to open his eyes that not all but some woman will do it to control move. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only there was no declaration from either of we... Or just liked giving away money men by getting pregnant discourages you from using birth control,... To fall into regrets out if a surprise pregnancy was truly accidental or secretly planned fall into regrets after couple... Cautious on such days to avoid regretting it in the category `` other worst choice to make intense uncoomforably! Or opiod addict, he wants to get you pregnant 1 time when is. Unnecessary questions a relationship with him before ask couples that I 'm counseling whether their were. Some woman will do this for attention or to trap you as theirs, basically on the to! Trying to ensnare you with the highest chance of looking for this sign girl at right... Out with different women might motivate a woman to get pregnant accidentally-on-purpose so many trap! For some hoe I couldnt deal with anymore was a SLOW LEARNER or liked. Out of Uni and quit my scholarship and go back to my home country # 1 he gets excited...

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signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy