uc berkeley requirements


To graduate with a B.S. Three years of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry. These requirements are prescribed by four sources: the University of California system, the Berkeley campus, your college or school, and your major and, if applicable, a minor. Be on the lookout for courses that are prerequisite to more than one major of possible interest to you. (NOTE: Only the American Institutions requirement may be satisfied by passing the high school Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics exam with a score of 3 or better.). All are summarized in the tabs to the right. You must submit your fees with the application or the application will not be processed. For inquiries, please contact the Central Evaluation Unit byopening a casewith Cal Student Central. Set the pace with your colleagues and community, and set the bar for giving back. University of California Berkeley typically accepts and attracts "A-" average high school students with an average GPA around 3.87. A grade of C or higher is will satisfy both Entry Level Writing and Part A of the Reading and Composition requirement. May I satisfy the American History or the American Institutions requirement by taking transfer courses in the summer after I graduate? The Judith Lee Stronach Baccalaureate Prize offers up to $25,000 for students to pursue a public service-oriented project of their own design after graduation. According to a university document directed at students applying to transfer for the 2023-2024 academic year, these students must meet a minimum GPA, obtain a number of transferable units and. To complete the form, you must be logged in using your berkeley.edu email address. Admission to the COE, however, is extremely competitive. We will identify the top 9% of students on the basis of GPA in UC-approved coursework completed in the 10th and 11th grades. Through peer-led services, services are designed to meet students where they are and strengthen their foundation for academic success. Admission to Berkeley is a two-step process: Satisfying minimum requirements and selection. Please contact the Central Evaluation Unit byopening a casewith Cal Student Central to find out how best to submit a high school transcript. Our ultimate goal is to empower undergraduate students to be agents of their own learning, to cultivate community among one another, and to actively contribute to the process of knowledge production and exchange at Cal. If you wish to transfer from one UC campus to another, you must submit an application for undergraduate admission during the appropriate filing period. Students who attend Berkeley have the benefit of learning from world-renowned theorists and researchers who are also often distinguished teachers. CSU and CA Community College students participating in the program at Berkeley will be assessed a nonrefundable administrative fee of $46 per unit (fee subject to change). If you have moved to California specifically to attend UC Berkeley, you are here for educational purposes and may not be eligible for a resident classification for purposes of tuition and fees. In addition to the University-wide Entry Level Writing requirement, the College of Letters & Science and most other colleges and schools require two semesters of lower division work in composition, to be completed by the end of the sophomore year. By passing the SAT Subject Test in US history with a score of 550 or better (500 or better if taken before April 1995). Participants are grouped or paired with a proficient speaker of the language they are interested in practicing. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OURS) National Scholarships Office facilitates the institutional nomination process for several nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships, such as the Rhodes, Truman, and Goldwater scholarships. For more information, contact the UCDC Program office at 2422 Dwinelle Hall, ucdc@berkeley.edu, or see the program's website (ucdc.berkeley.edu). Visit the Class Schedule or the American Cultures website for the specific American Cultures courses offered each semester. Applications for spring are due in late September, for fall in late February. See your academic adviser if you have questions about your responsibility to satisfy the American Cultures breadth requirement. We review all information, both academic and non-academic/personal, in the context of each student's individual circumstances. This is based on the school's average score. Before enrolling in any program, your proposed coursework will need to be reviewed by the Central Evaluation Unit (CEU) to determine the transferability of coursework from a particular program. Admitted students who have not yet satisfied the requirement may take the AWPE their first semester at Berkeley. The minimum requirements for Berkeley transfer admissions are as follows: General Education/Breadth Requirements Some colleges accept a full UC IGETC or Essential Skills. Depending on your college, there may be more nuances to the senior residence requirement that are important to review. While UC gives California community college students first priority over other transfer applicants, we also accept those from four-year institutions. The Student Learning Center, located in the Cesar Chavez Center, offers group and drop-in tutoring for the basic lower division classes: Mathematics 1A-1B, and 53-54. Fall semester applications are due in early September, and spring semester applications are due in late January. g. College-Preparatory Electives:One year required. The SLC Writing Program supports Cal undergraduates in their journey to become more persuasive and purposeful writers. The American History and Institutions (AH&I) requirements are based on the principle that a US resident graduated from an American university should have an understanding of the history and governmental institutions of the United States. Do not choose your major prematurely: many of the fields taught at Berkeley will be unfamiliar to you, so there is no way anyone would reasonably expect you to choose one as soon as you arrive. The Disabled Students Program (DSP) provides services to meet the unique educational needs of regularly enrolled students with permanent or temporary disabilities. 1. The following offices have listings of numerous internships, both on and off campus: Individual internship programs are available through campus-based offices. The campus selects its freshman class through and assessment that includes a holistic review of your academic performance as measured primarily by: Your weighted and unweighted UC grade point average (calculated using 10th and 11th grade UC-approved courses only), The number of college preparatory, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), honors and transferable college courses you have completed, Your level of achievement in those courses relative to other UC applicants at your school, Honors and awards that showcase extraordinary intellectual or creative achievement, Sustained participation in rigorous academic enrichment and outreach programs, Your likely contribution to the intellectual and cultural vitality of the campus, Diversity of personal background and experience, Qualities such as leadership, motivation, and concern for others and for the community, Nonacademic achievements in athletics, the performing arts, employment, and/or personal responsibilities, Demonstrated interest in the major and/or sustained academic achievement, particularly in math and science, is an important consideration for applicants to the College of Engineering and the College of Chemistry. In order for a non-UC Berkeley course to be used for the major it must be at least 4 quarter or 3 semester units, be accepted for units by the UC Berkeley admissions office, and be accepted by your assigned faculty advisor for the major requirement. f. Visual and Performing Arts (VPA):One year required. The minimum GPA requirement for UC Berkeley applicants is 3.0, but to be truly competitive, students should aim for a GPA of at least 3.89 (unweighted) or 4.25 (weighted) for the best chances of gaining admission. This score makes UC Berkeley Strongly Competitive for SAT test scores. The courses focus on themes or issues in United States history, society, or culture; address theoretical or analytical issues relevant to understanding race, culture, and ethnicity in American society; take substantial account of groups drawn from at least three of the following: African Americans, indigenous peoples of the United States, Asian Americans, Chicano/Latino Americans, and European Americans; and are integrative and comparative in that students study each group in the larger context of American society, history, or culture. Since academic status rules are applied only at theend of fall or spring semesters, grade points that are earned in a University of California summer session or by removing an Incomplete grade are not taken into consideration until the end of your next fall or spring semester of attendance. There are two ways to study Computer Science (CS) at UC Berkeley: Be admitted to the Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS) major in the College of Engineering (COE) as a freshman. Located in the center of campus, the I School is a graduate research and education community committed to expanding access to information and to improving its usability, reliability, and credibility while preserving security and privacy. The Mathematics & Statistics Program offers inclusive learning support to help students realize their potential and develop a passion for the material to achieve academic success. Faculty members from many departments teach American Cultures courses, but all courses have a common framework. We serve as a platform for students to learn from one another and succeed together. The school has exceptionally high admission requirements, generally admitting students who can score in the top 9 percent on standardized admission tests. The requirement was instituted in 1991 to introduce students to the diverse cultures of the United States through a comparative framework. UCDC sends juniors and seniors to Washington, D.C. to intern and take classes during the fall or spring semester. Simultaneous enrollment at another UC is another option. (Note:This policy does not apply to students in the College of Engineering. UC Berkeley has cross-registration agreements with California State University East Bay; Mills College; San Francisco State University; Sonoma State University; Holy Names University; John F. Kennedy University; Dominican University; St. Marys College; and University of New Orleans. Use ASSIST, to find out what courses are approved at the California community college you attended before transferring to UC Berkeley. By respecting every undergraduate as a unique individual, CE3 programs empower UC Berkeley students to achieve and lead. American Sign Language and classical languages, such as Latin and Greek, are acceptable. How do I fix this? The program enables students to enroll in one course per semester at the host campus. Log in to eTang "Medical clearances" page. Requirements: Students Under Age 18. For information regarding academic advising, please see the following college- and school-specific links: Founded in 1973, the Student Learning Center is the primary academic support unit on campus, serving approximately 40% of the undergraduate student population. To be competitive, present an academic profile with strong grades that includes preparation for your intended major/college. Applications for intercampus transfer are considered in light of your personal circumstances and the availability of space in your prospective major. Each semester of Berkeley Connect includes: Berkeley Connect welcomes all undergraduates, regardless of major or year. All are summarized in the tabs to the right. If you are not eligible for the second bachelor's or the limited status programs, you may consider concurrent enrollment through UC Berkeley Extension as an alternative. Applicants need a minimum 3.0 GPA and must have achieved junior status by the start of their semester in Washington; junior transfer students are eligible during their senior year. DeCals, short for Democratic Education at Cal Program, are an aggregate of Academic Senate-approved 98 or 198 courses that are proposed, designed, and led by Cal undergraduates under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Awards for outstanding ability in some area of creative, scholarly, or athletic achievement are available at Berkeley in two general categories: competitive prizes for creative effort or departmental awards for outstanding scholastic achievement. For a Fall or Spring semester, you may take: a minimum of 13 units a maximum of 20.5 units There may be times when it makes sense to take fewer or more units depending on your goals, time constraints, commitments, and other factors. UC Berkeley SAT score requirement is high. SLP supports students in achieving academic success while maintaining health, balance, and well-being. To obtain information about these programs, you should contact the programs directly. 43% of those admitted chose to enroll in the school. To be eligible for admission, transfer applicants must meet UC admissions requirements, which are detailed online at Berkeley's admissionswebsite. Located in the center of campus, the I School is a graduate research and education community committed to expanding access to information and to improving its usability, reliability, and credibility while preserving security and privacy. Admitted students may opt to complete a course articulated to the ENGLISH R1A course, as published in ASSIST, provided the course is completed by the start of the term of admission to Berkeley. To be considered for ELC, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and complete the following "a-g" courses prior to your senior year: After you enter your coursework and grades in your application, we'll compare your GPA to the historic top GPA for your school. Are returning to Berkeley as a limited-status student, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management*. Each college and school has established a program of requirements for the degree, which may be in addition to those of a field of concentration. The Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3) ensure non-traditional students excel at the top public University in the world. A US citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or asylee who currently lives and studies outside the US is considered a domestic applicant with foreign credentials. The courses numbered 24 (and in some cases 90) bear one unit of credit; they are limited to 15 students and freshmen are given priority for enrollment. The Division of Equity & Inclusion provides leadership, accountability, and inspiration to the UC Berkeley campus in integrating equity, inclusion, and diversity into all aspects of university life. Students work with professional staff and trained peer tutors to hone their quantitative reasoning skills and develop the learning strategies necessary to thrive in gateway math and statistics courses at Cal. URAP is an ideal place for students to begin exploring how to conduct research. It means only less than 25% of accepted students hold a score below 1330. When you print this page, you are actually printing everything within the tabs on the page you are on: this may include all the Related Courses and Faculty, in addition to the Requirements or Overview. For inquiries, please contact the Central Evaluation Unit by. Use ASSIST, to find out what courses are approved at the California community college you attended before transferring to UC Berkeley. There are 2 key requirements that you need to meet for admission into a UC school (including UC Berkeley): Complete the 15 A-G course requirement (details provided in this post) Meet the minimum GPA requirement (3.0 for CA residents, 3.4 for non-CA residents) Please refer to the Berkeley Bulletin for Entry-level Writing and American History and Institutions requirements. For specific information on preparing to transfer to Berkeley, see the announcements of the individual colleges and schools. Limited status students are a special category of undergraduates who have earned an undergraduate degree with a record of superior scholarship (an overall GPA of at least 3.3) but need additional undergraduate coursework for a specific and clearly defined purpose. See your major advisor for information. b. English:Four years required. Starting in 2022, the Primary Phase will span February 1 through June 30, and the Supplementary Phase will span August 1 through August 31. You must complete a minimum of 15 college-preparatory("a-g") courses, with at least 11 finished prior to the beginning of your senior year. Our services equip student facilitators with a theoretical and practical foundation to improve their craft of teaching in both in-person and virtual formats, as well as to support them on their journey of becoming effective, student-centered peer educators. CED stands among the nation's top environmental design and planning schools. For further information, please consult your college or school: Every student must select a field of concentration and pursue a major or curriculum, normally by taking a minimum number of units in one department or school. Berkeley offers some honors courses for highly qualified students, usually in their senior year. DSP is located at 260 Cesar Chavez Student Center. The UC system application period is November 1-30 for admission to the following fall semester. The 15 courses are: a. History/Social Science:Two years required. You can also obtain information onlinehere. Please contact the Central Evaluation Unit by, Status (Good Standing, Probation, Subject to Dismissal), If you fail to maintain the minimum GPA prescribed, Seminars, which emphasize interaction and discussion, provide a counterpoint to the learning experience in Berkeleys large lecture halls. You may use transfer courses taken during the summer after youve met all other requirements to graduate, BUT you must delay your Expected Graduation Term (EGT) from spring to summer as you will not have satisfied the requirement by the end of the spring semester. Visit the, When students are ready to embark on research of their own design, the, The Office of Undergraduate Research (OURS) National Scholarships Office facilitates the institutional nomination process for several nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships, such as the Rhodes, Truman, and Goldwater scholarships. ASSIST lists Berkeley requirements and the California community college courses approved as satisfying those requirements. Students accepted into the program become research apprentices and, through hands-on work and faculty mentorship, gain skills and perspectives on the production of knowledge in a wide range of fields. Think big, start small. If you are preparing for study toward a higher degree, you should learn, as early as possible, the entrance and degree requirements of your graduate field, in order to include all prerequisite steps in your undergraduate program. 1 public university in the world. See below for a list of academic programs and services: Harnessing the power of collaborative learning, the SLC Economics Program provides tutorial support for Cal students taking Economics 1, 2, 100A, 100B, 136, and 140. University of California, Davis, scientists are teaming up with UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco researchers on a $70-million donor-funded initiative that aims in part to cut climate change-causing emissions from cattle by using the genome-editing tool CRISPR on microbes in the cows' gut. Rausser College of Natural Resources. Services may include technology to support independent note-taking, alternative formats of course texts, real-time course captioning, and specialized exam settings. Keep an eye on the lower division prerequisites for all of the majors of possible interest, so you can build them in to your class schedule for the first two years where possible. You must file an "Undergraduate Application for Readmission" if you are an applicant who: For further information, including deadlines; fee information; and copies of the required application, please see theReadmission pageon the Office of the Registrar's website. But also remain open to the possibility that a course you are taking just for breadth credit may lead you unexpectedly to a major that you find rewarding and compelling. Berkeley Berkeley Academic Guide: Academic Guide 2022-23, Office of Undergraduate Admissions website, UC Entry Level Writing Requirement website, Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training & Resources (UCFTR), diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/graduate/office-graduate-diversity, information on how to participate in non-UC study abroad programs, Visitor and Exchange Programs page of the Office of the Registrar website, UNDERGRADUATE COURSE FACILITATOR TRAINING & RESOURCES PROGRAM (UCFTR), Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships, Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Settlement to Civil War, Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Civil War to Present, African American History and Race Relations: 1450-1860, African American History and Race Relations: 1860-2016, Social History of the United States: Creating Modern American Society: From the End of the Civil War, In the Shadow of War: A Social History of the U.S. Military, Encounter & Conquest in Indigenous America, Immigrants and Immigration as U.S. History. Students must plan to meet all L&S College requirements in order to graduate, along with the major requirements: Lower-division Requirements Upper-division Requirements Domain Emphasis Program Planning Sample programs plans for the Data Science major are available in the Berkeley Academic Guide. Recipients of past awards have pointed out that their research is often enhanced by the questions and responses of their students in the classroom, while at the same time, the excitement of generating new ideas and discoveries in research stimulates them to become better teachers. Courses are offered in more than fifty departments in many different disciplines at both the lower and upper division level. No more than one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement. OURS supports undergraduates in becoming dynamic members of the UC Berkeley research community. Berkeley reviews students using a comprehensive review which considers academic performance and preparation, the personal qualities of the applicant, including leadership ability, character, motivation, insight, tenacity, initiative, originality, intellectual independence, responsibility, maturity, and demonstrated concern for others and for the After you enroll at a UC campus, it may be possible for you to transfer to another UC campus. You can apply to as many UC campuses as you wish, using the UC application form. All coursework from a two-year college is considered lower division. It is one of the world's most distinguished laboratories for experimentation, research, and intellectual synergy. During their DC semester, students develop professional skills, clarify their future direction, and build professional networks. Limited status is granted only in special circumstances; students' needs, abilities, and programs should have enough urgency to justify admitting them in place of students in regular status, and there should be no reasonable alternative available. UC High School Articulation has updated the annual A-G course submission period. Major Maps are a new resource created to help students design and plan their UC Berkeley undergraduate journey, based on their intended major or field of interest. The School of Information is UC Berkeley's newest professional school. The International Student Program advocates for the specific and evolving needs of international students and facilitates existing academic support services to enhance the learning experiences of international students. For detailed information about these and other visitor and exchange programs, please visit theVisitor and Exchange Programs page of the Office of the Registrar website;call 510-664-9181; or visitCal Student Central,120 Sproul Hall, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A wide variety of internshipsloosely defined as structured field experienceis available to you on and off campus. To be eligible for honors in general scholarship at graduation, you must have completed a minimum of 50 semester units at the University of California, of which a minimum of 43 units must be undertaken for a letter grade; completed a minimum of 30 units at Berkeley; and achieved a GPA that ranks you in your school or college in the top 3 percent for highest honors, the next 7 percent for high honors, and the next 10 percent for honors. Students can also consider studying abroad to avoid some impacted classes on campus. As a California community college transfer student, I satisfied the IGETC requirements. With OURS support, Berkeley students pursue fieldwork, community-engaged scholarship, creative projects, and research in laboratories, archives, museums, and more. It means about 75% of accepted students hold scored less than 1530. The only requirement is an interest in one of these fields of study: What happens when you bring together two (or more!) Students looking to develop their DeCals can find start-up training and facilitation support resources through the, Programs Not Sponsored by the University of California, Many Berkeley undergraduates choose to attend overseas study programs sponsored by institutions and organizations other than the University of California. In some colleges, students are admitted directly into a major program. Students become familiar with the intellectual boundaries of a discipline, study particular aspects of that discipline in depth, and develop competence in the fundamental skills . 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uc berkeley requirements