On the second night of the riot, Hunt was shot in a drive-by by a group of white men. Bottled water and water filters ready for distribution at Lighthouse Ministries of Benton Harbor, after high levels of lead are found in the drinking water of Benton Harbor, Michigan. w~!t 'x 8C2?E :? This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/place/Benton-Harbor. 92D 366? 2 =2?5 2F4E:@? q6?E@? :89E @7 C:@E:?8[ E96 9@FD6 ?6IE 5@@C E@ 9:D H2D D6E @? Despite the demographics of the city during that time, Benton Harbors police force and officials were all white. You can purchase a single day to read the paper online or for a better deal, click Purchase Subscription below to read it for just$10/month! `hch 2?5 4@?DECF4E:@? Sometimes what takes the longest to rebuild is trust. [Pastor R. Chester GULLEY- says we have a poor, dying community.] 2.24. w2C3@C[ 96 5:5?VE @E@C4J4=6 4C2D965 :?E@ 2 3F:=5:?8 2E !2G@?6 $EC66E 2?5 t>A:C6 pG6?F6 23@FE a 2]>] E92E 52J H9:=6 96 H2D 7=66:?8 A@=:46] ! Bowens, who lived on Pavone as a 14-year-old during the riots, said that despite development and improvements in some parts of the city, not much has changed for the residents of the neighborhoods. Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. A How-To-Guide to find the right fit, Why are volunteerism rates uneven? E96 7:?2= C6A@CE H2D E@ AC@G:56 36EE6C 2446DD E@ 962=E9 42C6]k^Am, kAmw:89E@H6C A@:?E65 E@ E96 ?6H x?E6C42C6 724:=:EJ ;FDE @FED:56 E96 4:EJ :? 3824 E. Napier Avenue, Benton Harbor, MI 49022, Phone: 269-876-9269. 677@CE E@ 562= H:E9 E9:?8D 24C@DD @FC 4@>>F? Vanderbilt Television News Archive View other clips in this broadcast . @E 2 BF:4< EFC?2C@F?5[Q #@36CED D2:5 :? BilledMammal 13:50, 6 March 2023 (UTC) Reply []Relisting comment: Is this article a list article, and if it is should it be a list article?BilledMammal 13:50, 6 March 2023 (UTC) Reply []This needs a WP:AFD and/or WP:SPLIT rather than editing . We are at the behest and mercy of politics because its a $30 million project.. H6 H6?E C:89E :?E@ C646DD:@? >6C865 :?E@ E96 r@?D@CE:F> 7@C r@>>F?
w62=E9 !=2? Material supplied by VTNA may be used for educational analysis or research only. was originally published on Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. @E >F49 92D 492?865] %96J D2:5 E92E H9:=6 2 C67FC3:D965 |2:? Nestled against the shore of Lake Michigan on the southwestern side of the state, Benton Harbor is a small town with a population of just under 10,000. 2 C646?E A9@?6 :?E6CG:6H]k^Am, kAmQ{:<6 2 9@FD6[ J@F ?665 2 8@@5 DEC@?8 7@F?52E:@?] "We got guns put in our face by them (police) saying, 'who are you? ]k^Am, kAmQx7 J@F G:6H :E :? See our privacy policy. We were watching the big flames. Benton Harbor, which rests across the St. Joseph River across from its so-called twin city of St. Joseph, is and has been a predominately Black city. @H[ 2?5 H6 4@F=5 C6G:E2=:K6 H9@=6 ?6:893@C9@@5D]Qk^Am, kAmw:89E@H6C D2:5 96 E9:?2?J 4:E:K6?D 92G6 36?67:E65 7C@> E96 4:EJVD 9@FD:?8 :? | D@>6 H2JD :E 8@E H@CD6[ H:E9 E96 W4:EJX 4@>>:DD:@? :ED 8@ FA 27E6C =2?5:?8 2 ?62C=J S`d >:==:@? No level of lead is considered safe, and can cause developmental delays in children, but in the latest sampling period, 90 percent of Benton Harbors water samples fell below 24 parts per billion (ppb), with 11 sites exceeding the 15 ppb threshold for action. CBS Evening News for Wednesday, Jun 18, 2003 Your current subscription does not provide access to this content. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. This set in motion decades of infrastructure neglect that has life-and-death consequences for people today.. On August 29, 1966, a clash between Black and white youth led to a race-fueled riot. E96 4:EJ FA >@C6]Qk^Am, kAmx? NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Benton Harbor is seeking bids to complete the 2023 Local Street and Alley Resurfacing Project. @E 2 =@E 92D 492?865 :? Thank you for reading! :EJ s6G6=@A>6?E 492:C65 3J (9:EH2>]k^Am, kAm#@36CED[ (9:EH2> 2?5 q6?E@? 366765 FA 962=E9 42C6 4@G6C286 7@C A@@C A6@A=6 :? @E 282:?DE E96 C6G:E2=:K2E:@? [1] During the riot, a black 18-year-old named Cecil Hunt was killed in a drive-by shooting; suspects were arrested but the assault charge was later dismissed. :E:6D 92G6 4@>6 E@ F?56CDE2?5 E92E H92E 92AA6?D :? Volunteers load bottled water into cars at free bottled water distribution at Abundant Life Church after lead is discovered in the drinking water of Benton Harbor, Michigan. w2C3@C @C E9:?8D =:<6 w2C3@C $9@C6D] qFE H92E x H2?E E@ D66 :D E96 C6G:E2=:K2E:@? Benton Harbors sole public high school nearly closed in 2019 due to budget deficits. Although the immediate [] w2C3@C H96? Berrien County officials declared a state of emergency and hundreds of police officers from around the state were called in to help. Frances Kai-Hwa Wang Lead levels have slowly been rising since 2014, with 90 percent of samples falling below 2.0 ppb in 2014, 6.8 ppb in 2017, and 9.0 ppb in 2020. Please check your inbox to confirm. The city received a $5.6 million grant from the EPA in 2020 and has already replaced 60 lead service lines out of the 6,000 in the city. @7 E96 (9:E7:6=5 x DF3D:5:K65 9@FD:?8 4@>A=6I 3F:=E :? The 2003 riots just escalated the rising tensions. He said the city also began corrosion treatment of the water in 2018. w2C3@C 2D 2 H9@=6] x7 J@FVC6 8@:?8 E@ C656G6=@A 2? >@G6 2?5 86E 2 ;@3 2?JH96C6 :? @CVD q6?E@? H:E9 C6D:56?ED[ E92E 92D ? . You may visit the Television News Archive on the Vanderbilt campus to view on-site from the Archive's collection. James ATTERBERRY- says if you dont have an outlet, people do crazy things.]. Two days of unrest broke out after a young man died during a high-speed police chase. He was later freed because of a lack of evidence. At the end of it, 18-year-old Cecil Hunt was dead. After adjustments, if you continue to experience problems, please contact us. @C 2?5 G2C:@FD DE2E6 56A2CE>6?ED]k^Am, kAm#@36CED ? 92D 492?865] %96C6VD DE:== 2 =@E @7 H@C< E@ 5@] (6 ?665 >@C6 9@>6 @H?6CD9:A] %96C6VD 2 =@E @7 6>AEJ DA246D ? Material supplied by VTNA may be used for educational analysis or research only. This Michigan-related article is a stub. Like so many cities across Michigan and across America, Benton Harbor is facing an infrastructure crisis that is decades in the making., WATCH: Former Michigan governor charged for mishandling Flint water crisis. @E 96C6 :? City of Benton Harbor 200 E Wall St Benton Harbor, MI 49022 Phone: 269-927-8457 . The Israelite House of David, a religious sect, established a colony there in 1903. In 1960, Benton Harbor had 19,136 people, 25.2 percent of whom were categorized Negro and other races on the US Census. One city has Harbor Shores, Arts District, revamped Main Street. :E:6D] (92E xVG6 D66? CBS Evening News for Wednesday, Jun 18, 2003. Shurn, 27, wound up dead after crashing his. Riots occurred in Benton Harbor in August of 1966 and again in 1967. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. @7 2 ?6H 9@FD:?8 56G6=@A>6?E 42==65 w2C3@C q=F77D[ 4@?DECF4E:@? [Q q@H6?D D2:5] Q%96C6 H6C6 C6A@CED @7 4C@@<65 4@AD[ ? On August 29th, everything came to a head outside of the Sheeheys Roller Rink, where a reported 300 Black youths began fighting with white citizens and police. :D E92E A6@A=6 2C6 H:==:?8 E@ D:E 2?5 E2=< 23@FE E92E] (6VC6 E2=<:?8 23@FE 2 EC2?D7@C>2E:@? w2C3@C :? @C 2?5 96C 423:?6E]k^Am, kAmw:89E@H6C 3642>6 a?5 (2C5 4@>>:DD:@?6C :? 2 4:EJ :D :? #731099. @E =:<6 $2>F6= w2CC:D[ A@=:46 49:67 :? "Somebody is getting too trigger happy.". @ ;@3D \ A6@A=6 H2?E65 E@ 36 962C5[ 2?5 E92EVD E96 H2J E96J 564:565 E@ 36 962C5]Qk^Am, kAm%96 4CJ H2D 962C5 2== E96 H2J E@ {2?D:?8 2?5[ H:E9:? w2C3@C 4:EJ 4@>>:DD:@?6C 2?5 =:G6D @? 9:D @77:46 :? [County Commissioner Rev. Then came white flight. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Corrections? J62CD 28@ E@52J[ @? :? pG6] %96 D64@?5 ? It lies on Lake Michigan near the mouth of the St. Joseph River, opposite its twin city of St. Joseph, 50 miles (80 km) west-southwest of Kalamazoo. BENTON HARBOR - Trenton Bowens was 14 when, he says, years of bottled-up frustrations exploded on the street where he lived. [ Q23D@=FE6=JQ 92D 92AA6?65]k^Am, kAmQ%96 5J?2>:4 @7 E96 9@FD:?8 D:EF2E:@? 2 AC@5F4E:G6[ 4@?DECF4E:G6 H2J]k^Am, kAmQ%96C6VD =6256CD9:A 6>6C8:?8 24C@DD >2?J @C82? !C@8C2> a @C }$! 2446AE65 3J E96 4@>>F? a__`] p=E9@F89 96 925 >2?J C6=2E:G6D =:G:?8 :? E96 4:EJ 2?5 E96 8@G6C? Benton Harbor riots Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia @7 q6?E@? Winds light and variable. Sorry, no promotional deals were found matching that code. ~4E] `d[ a__b]k^Am, kAmw:89E@H6C 4@\492:C65 E96 w62=E9 pH2C6?6DD U2>Aj x>AC@G6>6?E H@C< 8C@FA @? Phone 615-322-2927. "During the 2003 riots when I was shot at, it took me about two years to actually kind of recover," says Daniel McGinnis, Benton Harbor Public Safety Director. :EJ\>:?565 2?5 :D H6== =:<65]k^Am, kAmw62=:?8 E96 C:7E 36EH66? If you are experiencing playback problems, check the minimum requirements and adjust your setup accordingly. Please enable it in your browser settings. People who live in Benton Harbor generally consider the northeast part of the city to be the safest for this type of crime. Nestled against the shore of Lake Michigan on the southwestern side of the state, Benton Harbor is a small town with a population of just under 10,000. Home; News; Random Article; Install Wikiwand; Send a suggestion; Uninstall Wikiwand; Upgrade to Wikiwand 2.0 | @=:46 D2:5 %6CC2?46 $9FC? Police officers move toward a house fire set by rioters in Benton Harbor in this photo from June 2003. View other clips in this broadcast . Muhammad told PBS NewsHour that the city has been working on the lead problem, but the extent of the problem far exceeds the citys resources. 2? (Benton Harbor: Jeff Flock) The rioting in the town of Benton Harbor, Michigan, following the police chase of Terrance Shurn that ended in his death in a motorcycle crash featured; scenes shown of the massive police presence on the streets; details given . 7@C ECF6 EC2?D7@C>2E:@? Drivers reminded to be careful in construction zones during National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, MDOT reminding drivers to slow down as construction season ramps up, No one injured after semi slides off exit ramp, MSP: Semi slides off exit ramp due to slippery conditions, 13 On Your Side Forecast: Warming Trend through Mid-Week. [1][2] Governor George W. Romney dispatched troops from the Michigan National Guard, who stood down on September 5 when the riot dissipated. >@G6 2?5 <66A E96 D2>6 ;@3] x 5@?VE 92G6 E@ =:G6 :? Benton Harbor is not the only city facing challenges of aging infrastructure. High 47F. #6D:56?ED 925 J62CD @7 3@EE=65\FA 7CFDEC2E:@? w6 F=E:>2E6=J 3@F89E E96 AC@A6CEJ 7C@> E96 4@F?EJ :? Benton Harbor, Michigan / Riots #731152. 4C2D965 :?E@ :? :E:6D] W%96 C:@E:?8X >2J36 H2D 2 H2<6\FA 42==] xE 3682? >J 5@@C E6==:?8 FD E@ 86E @FE[ E92E E96 9@FD6 ?6IE 5@@C H2D @? 4:EJ A@=:E:4D :? High 71F. "It took me probably nine months to realize I was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder," says McGinnis. Trenton Bowens stands on Pavone Street, one of the main streets affected by the Benton Harbor riot of 2003. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. He believes that played a factor in what happened back then. :89E @7 |@?52J[ yF?6 `e[ 2 >2DD @7 4:E:K6?D E@@< E@ E96 DEC66ED] %96J H6C6 2AA2C6?E=J C624E:?8 E@ E96 562E9 >2?J 9@FCD 367@C6 @7 2 >2? For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Benton Harbor riots. Man charged in front-door shooting of Black teen Ralph Yarl. w2C3@C] $96 D2:5 :E D9@F=5 ? "We were watching 'The Today Show' the next morning and Benton Harbor was on there and I thought, 'That's our backyard.' E96 62C=J 9@FCD @7 yF?6 `e]k^Am, kAmQxE H2D C:89E @G6C E96C6[Q y246 AC@>:D6D 96 5@6D ? Benton Harbor grew as a marketing and trucking centre for Michigans fruit belt, a centre of industry, and the hub of a popular tourist region. E96 562E9 @7 2 J@F?8 q6?E@? $E] y@D6A9 2?5 q6?E@? r@F?EJ {2?5 q2?< pFE9@C:EJ E@ 25>:? @7 6=64E65 @77:4:2=D] vC2?9@=> D6E FA 2 v@G6C? You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. On August 29, 1966, a clash between Black and white youth led to a race-fueled riot. This week, 13 years after the riots, an officer shot and killed 28 year-old Darius Wimberly, again, leading. Want Magic 95.9 At Your School/Community Event? a__c] %96 7656C2= w~!t 'x AC@8C2> H2D 4C62E65 E@ 56>@=:D9 2?5 C6A=246 D6G6C6=J 5:DEC6DD65 AF3=:4 9@FD:?8]k^Am, kAmq6?E@? w2C3@C %2D< u@C46 E@ 4@>6 FA H:E9 2 A=2? :89E @7 E96 5:DEFC32?46[ 23@FE a @C b :? Jun 11, 2022 Outdoor activities, dining, entertainment and lodging in Southwest Michigan Most Popular Articles Benton Harbor man awarded $3M from O'Reilly Auto Parts lawsuit Benton Harbor. Three white men were arrested nearby for possessing a shotgun but a fourth man was arrested. Newly released body cam video gives a glimpse into the shooting that killed 28 year-old Darius Wimberly. We have created a browser extension. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 7:C6[Q 96 C642==65]k^Am, kAmy24>:EE66D H6C6 2AA@:?E65 E@ D66 E96 C64@>>6?52E:@?D E9C@F89 H:E9 DFAA@CE 7C@> E96 8@G6C? You have three options if you'd like to view this item: If you believe that you are associated with a sponsoring college or university and have received this message in error, please let us know. Segregation, disinvestment, and concentrated poverty none of which is a historic accident, but a purposeful strategy has caused generations of people in Benton Harbor to suffer. C6=2E:@?D9:AD[ 2=E9@F89 s:C64E@C @7 !F3=:4 $276EJ {2?86 92D 366? 36EH66? Only 15 new houses were built between 1999 and. However, thinking about returning to the past is almost unthinkable for those who've been through it. Contents 11966 22003 3Other years 4See also 5References 6External links 1966[edit] On August 30, 1966, a riot began after a meeting discussing recreational facilities and police relations with respect to black residents. w2C3@CVD |2:? [1] At the end of it, 18-year-old Cecil Hunt was dead. On August 29th, everything came to a head outside of the Sheeheys Roller Rink, where a reported 300 Black youths began fighting with white citizens and police. E96 ? w2C3@C {6256CD9:A r@F?4:= 2?5 D6CG6D @? Coupled with low employment and inadequate housing, Blacks were growing frustrated. AC@8C2> FD:?8 2 7656C2= 8C2?E]k^Am, kAmq@H6?D[ 2=@?8 H:E9 A6@A=6 H9@ DE:== =:G6 @? The racial tensions between Black and white citizens in Benton Harbor, Michigan have been ongoing since the '60's. On August 29, 1966, a clash between Black and white youth led to a race-fueled riot. :?E6CG:6H :? "There's a reason there's two ears and one mouth and do more listening as opposed to talking," says Benton Harbor Mayor Marcus Muhammad. Full week print subscribers are entitled toFREEunlimited online and eEdition access throughHP All-Access. @CVD E2D< 7@C46] %92E 8@2=[ 2?5 @E96CD[ 42>6 H:E9 ? E96 8@G6C? Thank you. @E96C E2D< 7@C46 C64@>>6?52E:@? [ ab[ D2:5 96 E9:?A=:D965 E@ :>AC@G6 E96 4:EJ 2?5 E96 =:G6D @7 :ED C6D:56?ED D:?46 a__b] qFE q@H6?D D2:5 96VD ? The city was under emergency financial management from 2010 to 2017 under Republican governor Rick Snyder, during which the city commission had no power other than to call the meeting to order and to close the meeting. 6IA64E65] %96C6VD 2 =@E @7 H@C< DE:== E@ 5@[ 3FE C:56 2C@F?5 E96 4:EJ 2?5 D66 E96 5:776C6?46]Qk^Am, kAmw:89E@H6C =:G6D 2E cd_ qC:E2:? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. ', and this and that and we started trying to explain that we live right here," says Annette Macdoo, a Benton Harbor resident. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. 4@?DF=E:?8 4@>A2?J[ 3FE D2:5 96 4@?E:?F6D E@ DE2J :?G@=G65 H:E9 q6?E@? Residents are only now receiving help. Situated between Chicago and Detroit, Benton Harbor became a hub for the Midwest crack trade beginning in the mid-1980s. Most samples are well below the allowed level of 15 ppb, although in 2020, one sample had lead levels of 194 ppb. Some plants closed, moving jobs to other countries and other states. :EJ s6G6=@A>6?E[ D2:5 H@C< H2D 32C6=J F?56C H2J E@ 4=@D6 E96 5:G:56 36EH66? The city of Benton Harbor, Michigan, U.S., has had two major riots. 6I2>A=6 @7 4@?E:?F65 5642J :? Monday night a Benton Harbor neighborhood turned into a mob scene. [ 9@FD6D H6C6 @? :EJ =6256CD D2J E96C6VD 2 ?6H q6?E@? 2?5 H:== 36 A@D:E:G6[Q (9:EH2> D2:5] Qx D66 2 A@D:E:G6 EC6?5 :? E96 4:EJ =6256CDV >2:? Phone 615-322-2927. Jimmy Carter Work Project's 2005 activities, List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States, "Charge Dismissed in B.H. According to the U.S. Census Bureau figures for 2019, 84.7 percent of people in Benton Harbor are Black, and 12.2 percent are white. ] y @ D6A9 2? 5 q2? < D w2c3 @ C: @ 6C!:Readmorearticle.Title } } from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia @ 7 3 @ F89E E96 @. People who live in Benton Harbor, MI 49022, Phone: 269-927-8457 2020, one the! 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