examples on how values inherent in science


Ultimately, understanding what people value is the secret to mastering people skills and succeeding in business or life. Is the magnitude of effect of interest? One group using carbon nanotubes reported surprisingly high values that met DOEs target (Hynek et al., 1997); other researchers who attempted to replicate these results could not do so. You're looking at OpenBook, NAP.edu's online reading room since 1999. Truth and honor are of the utmost importance. Two viewpoints govern opinions about environmental ethics. Others often see these values as your character traits. At the individual level Rescher cites difficult, and even painful, ethical decisions that often must be made. Here are some of the best ways to use the money you get from an inheritance. Suppose you have a core value of freedom. Non-replicability can also be the result of human error or poor researcher choices. The Monist 75, 138-160 (1992). dating back to the 1970s found that while the number of retractions has grown, the rate of increase has slowed; approximately 4 of every 10,000 papers are now retracted (Brainard, 2018). New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2007. Some have distinguished between the context of discovery and the context of justification (Reichenbach, 1938), while others have argued that the distinction is on a spectrum rather than categorical. Even issues like the order of the names on a published research article -- should they be listed alphabetically, in decreasing order of the contribution made, or in order of seniority -- can result in controversy. Any determination of replication (between two results) needs to take account of both proximity (i.e., the closeness of one result to the other, such as the closeness of the mean values) and uncertainty (i.e., variability in the measures of the results). In contrast, researchers pursuing exploratory research collect data and then examine the data for potential variables of interest and relationships among variables, forming a posteriori hypotheses; as such, exploratory research can be considered hypothesis generating research. Ready to take your reading offline? There are two prominent views regarding the objective intrinsic value of species and ecological systems: the natural-historical value view and the inherent worth view. If a researcher designs her studies to have 80 percent power against a given effect, then, at most, 80 percent of her studies would produce statistically significant results if the effect is at least that large (fewer if the null hypothesis is sometimes true). Rather, reviews of cumulative evidence on a subject, to gauge both the overall effect size and generalizability, may be more useful (Goodman, 2018; and see Chapter 7). In these situations, preservation, conservation, and assisted recovery goals are justified only if the organisms, species, or systems involved possess non-instrumental (i.e., intrinsic) value. When there is a true effect, one expects the proportion of statistically significant results to be equal to the statistical power of the studies. Psychology. Those who endorse the view that species and ecosystems possess intrinsic value believe that recognition of it is crucial both to justifying conservation biology and setting appropriate conservation goals. Sterba, J. One powerful example is a set of clinical studies performed on the effectiveness of tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancer. 87% of the replication attempts were statistically significant in the expected direction, and effects were typically 77% as strong as the corresponding original effects. Anthropocentrism is the view that only human interests need to be taken into account (Pinchot 1914, Baxter 1974). What roles should scientists, political leaders and informed citizens play in making environmental decisions? Co-dominance. To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. Because of this, animal researchers have attempted to standardize environments in order to increase comparability between studies and reduce the need to replicate studies involving animals (Richter et al., 2009). Some would argue that focusing on replication of a single study as a way to improve the efficiency of science is ill-placed. Replication of the main result was achieved in three out of four of the computational efforts. This is related to the practice of cherry picking, in which researchers may (unconsciously or deliberately) pick. If non-human organisms, species, or ecosystems have (subjective or objective) intrinsic value, their value is not dependent upon whether alternative means come available (e.g., economic or medicinal), and they cannot be traded or substituted for without loss. Policies and practices aim to accomplish goals. 1. Science's worth stems from its economic and political significance, yet it pursues the truth by recognizing vital ideals. Even if a researcher reports all of the critical information about the conduct of a study, other seemingly inconsequential details that have an effect on the outcome could remain unreported. Determining the intrinsic value of something, on the other hand, is often more difficult. Data are collected and analyzed to see if they support the hypothesis. Found a significant effect in the same direction as the original study for 62% (13 of 21) studies, and the effect size of the replications was on average about 50% of the original effect size. Philosophers might emphasize the methodological aspects of science focusing on experimentation, observation and theorizing as elements of the means by which reliable information about the natural world is gleaned through the practice of science. Researchers should thoughtfully communicate all recognized uncertainties and estimate or acknowledge other potential sources of uncertainty that bear on their results, including stochastic uncertainties and uncertainties in measurement, computation, knowledge, modeling, and methods of analysis. Most of us operate in our daily lives based on our to-do lists or things that need to get done. When faced with certain decisions, you can refer back to core values to ensure that you act according to what truly matters to you. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Northeastern University, People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution, In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes, Vol. He suggested the proper question is How efficient is the scientific enterprise in generating reliable knowledge, what affects that reliability, and how can we improve it?, Surveys of scientists about issues of replicability or on scientific methods are indirect measures of non-replicability. Sex-linked. The overall extent of non-replicability is an inadequate indicator of the health of science. Brian Nosek, cofounder and director of the Center for Open Science, said there was not enough information to provide an estimate with any certainty across fields and even within individual fields. In a recent paper discussing scientific progress and problems, Richard Shiffrin, professor of psychology and brain sciences at Indiana University, and colleagues argued that there are no feasible methods to produce a quantitative metric, either across science or within the field to measure the progress of science (Shiffrin et al., 2018, p. 2632). Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation: What Should We Try to Protect? These decisionswhich vary depending on type of studycould include the research question, the hypotheses, the variables to be studied, avoiding potential sources of bias, and the methods for collecting, classifying, and analyzing data. One approach to countering publication bias is to search for and include unpublished papers and results when conducting a systematic review of the literature. Examples of Systematic Errors If you forget to calibrate a balance or you're off a bit in the calibration, all mass measurements will be high/low by the same amount. Integrated . Little information is available about the prevalence of such inappropriate statistical practices as p-hacking, cherry picking, and hypothesizing after results are known (HARKing), discussed below. Researchers decisions at various points along this path can contribute to non-replicability. publication. Suppose you have a core value of freedom. warrant continued attention because they reduce the efficiency with which science progresses and time spent resolving non-replicablity issues that are caused by these sources do not add to scientific understanding. There are criticisms of funnel plots, however; some argue that the shape of a funnel plot is largely determined by the choice of method (Tang and Liu, 2000). If the work is a collaborative effort, involving researchers from different scientific disciplines, is it reasonable to expect all of them to vouch for the entire content of the paper? (This issue is discussed in chapter 4 in connection with the case study on the discovery of the structure of DNA.). Core values are the guiding principles that define your identity and your choices. Values in relation to science can be considered from epistemic, cognitive, cultural, social, political, moral and ethical perspectives. In economics, there is a large and active group of researchers collecting and sharing grey literature, research results outside of peer reviewed publications (Vilhuber, 2018). No branch of science is immune to research misconduct, and the committee did not find any basis to differentiate the relative level of occurrence. You can think of core values as an internal compass of principles that drive a persons or organizations decisions. Certain principles guide the type of work you pursue, whether youre an entrepreneur, employee, or freelancer. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1989. The authors of this study reported that environmental standardization may compromise replicability by systematically increasing the incidence of results that are idiosyncratic to study-specific environmental conditions (Richter et al., 2009). This circumstance seems to me particularly regrettable because it has fostered a harmful myth that finds strong support in both the scientific and the humanistic camps -- namely the view that science is antiseptically devoid of any involvement with human values."(15). Rather, in determining replication, it is important to consider the distributions of observations and to examine how similar these distributions are. Biologists have found that the capacity for morality separates humans from animals. adventurous authentic committed compassionate concerned for others consistent courageous dependable enthusiastic fearless friendly good humored honest honorable independent kind loyal Examples of drift include: The definition of the concept or target being learned could change. We will mention two major contemporary developments in which numerous ethics and values issues related to the uses of science arise. Meta-analysis of the studies revealed that the size of the ego-depletion effect was small with 95% CI that encompassed zero (d = 0.04, 95% CI [0.07, 0.15]). We repeat our definition of replicability, with emphasis added: obtaining consistent results across studies aimed at answering the same scientific question, each of which has obtained its own data. Even if you had the money to buy that car, you wouldnt do it because it doesnt align with your deeper principles about life. Instead, they illuminate how different values play out in peoples daily decisions. In some fields, like high energy nuclear physics, the list of authors can exceed ten, or even twenty. HARKing. . Faculty hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions are often based in large part on the productivity of a researcher, such as the number of publications, number of citations, and amount of grant money received (Edwards and Roy, 2017). Because it is reason-oriented, subjective intrinsic valuing is not arbitrary and it is open to evaluation as well as revision through education and persuasion. The fact that positive results are often rewarded by increased funding from research sponsors increases this temptation. One source of disputes concerning credit for research ideas and ownership of intellectual property is the peer review process. To illustrate how these characteristics can lead to results that are more or less likely to replicate, consider the attributes of complexity and controllability. How does one determine the extent to which a replication attempt has been successful? (2016). Why does it matter for conservation biology whether species, ecosystems or organisms have intrinsic value. A closely related statistical idea for checking publication bias is the test of excess significance. For example, money or power may be said to be a means to the end of happiness. With the attribute of interest specified, one can then ask whether two results fall within or outside the bounds of proximity-uncertainty that would qualify as replicated results. Science is a social activity, both influencing society and being influenced by people's values and . Errors may also be made by researchers despite their best intentions (see Box 5-2). See Box 5-1 for examples of how investigations of non-replication have been helpful to increasing knowledge. Complex systems tend to have numerous interacting components (e.g., cell biology, disease outbreaks, friction coefficient between two unknown surfaces, urban environments, complex organizations and populations, and human health). This is particularly true in the United States and other industrialized nations, but also in the developing world. The replication studies such as those shown in Table 5-1 are not necessarily indicative of the actual rate of non-replicability across science for a number of reasons: the studies to be replicated were not randomly chosen, the replications had methodological shortcomings, many replication studies are not reported as such, and the reported replication studies found widely varying rates of non-replication (Gilbert et al., 2016). Therefore, if non-human organisms, species, and ecosystems possess only instrumental value, their value-and by extension the conservation and management goals they justify-are highly contingent, defeasible, and unstable. All rights reserved. In these instances, non-replicability of results is a normal consequence of studying complex systems with imperfect knowledge and tools. Reports of research misconduct allegations and findings are released by the National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General and the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (see National Science Foundation, 2018d). Additionally, there are issues related to the manipulation and presentation of data, many of which are discussed in connection with the Millikan case study in Chapter 4. Bioscience 35, 727-734 (1985). Values dictate how a person feels, acts, and believes about important topics. Researchers often learn from their data, and some of the most important discoveries in the annals of science have come from unexpected results that did not fit any prior theory. By presenting science to students as the product of the work of fallible human agents, rather than as a body of unassailable factual knowledge about the universe, gleaned by means of value-free observation and deduction, we can teach students proper respect for science, while nurturing an appropriate attitude of skepticism. Surveys and studies have also assessed the prevalence of specific problematic research practices, such as a 2018 survey about questionable research practices in ecology and evolution, 5Nature uses the word reproducibility to refer to what we call replicability.. In psychology, Quadrant A includes studies of basic sensory and perceptual processes that are common to all human beings, such. This example demonstrates the variety of legitimate sources of non-replicability and the time and effort required to perform replication studieseven when the researchers are making their best efforts. methods of assessing replicability are inconsistent and the replicability percentages depend strongly on the methods used. Other sources of non-replicabilty are discussed later in this chapter in the Sources of Non-Replicability section. More generally, a number of flaws in design and reporting can reduce the reliability of a studys results. For example a content personalization system may add a share or like button under articles. Others have found some differences according to discipline (Grieneisen and Zhang, 2012). A 2015 study looked at a sample of more than 250,000 p-values reported in eight major psychology journals over a period of 28 years. If not, should each author's contribution be clearly stated in the paper, or in a footnote? Moreover, replication may be a matter of degree, rather than a binary result of success or failure.1 We explain in Chapter 7 how research synthesis, especially meta-analysis, can be used to evaluate the evidence on a given question. At the national level, he asks whether we are morally justified in committing such a large fraction of the federal research budget to space exploration at the expense of larger appropriations for the advancement of knowledge in medicine, agriculture and other fields of technology bearing directly on human welfare. Morals have more social value and acceptance than values, with a person being judged more for their moral character than their . For example, a 2015 article compared hypothesized effect sizes against non-hypothesized effect sizes and found that effects were significantly larger when the relationships had been hypothesized, a finding consistent with the presence of HARKing (Bosco et al., 2015). To figure out your true north, try the CORE value exercise: Once you complete the exercise, grab a highlighter and circle the top 5 core values that feel most aligned with who you are. Conservation Biology: Ethical Foundations, Advocacy, Ecology, and Environmental Ethics, Conceptualizing and Evaluating Non-Native Species, Intrinsic Value, Ecology, and Conservation, Species Conservation, Rapid Environmental Change, and Ecological Ethics. Its wonderful to identify the core values driving you and try to unlock the core values driving the important people in your life. The way a person acts and treats others is impacted by the individual's core values. Notice when you are in alignment with your values versus when you are betraying your core. In confirmatory research, the details of how a statistical hypothesis test will be conducted must be decided before looking at the data on which it is to be tested. Collaboration with NIST, Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) databases, prepublication check of solubility, viscosity, critical temperature, and vapor pressure. Instrumental value is always derivative on the value of something else, and it is always conditional. The difficulty with this ecocentrism view is that it is not clear that there is anything that could be considered the species' or ecosystem's good above and beyond (or distinct from) the good of the individual organisms that comprise them. For this reason, proponents of intrinsic value argue that it is more stable and robust than is instrumental value with respect to justifying conservation goals. A well-conducted exploratory analysis can help illuminate possible hypotheses to be examined in subsequent confirmatory analyses. Natural law theory is based on the idea that natural laws are universal concepts and are not based on any culture or customs. If a means is lost, but some other equally adequate means exists, then there is no net value loss. The use of placebos in tests of the effectiveness of a new drug can raise ethical issues associated with the withholding of a potentially effective treatment of a serious illness. Once these sources of non-replicability were eliminated, the researchers discovered inherent variability in the system that was responsible for some of the non-replicability. Different ways to p-hack include stopping data collection once p 0.05 is reached, analyzing many different relationships and only reporting those for which p 0.05, varying the exclusion and inclusion rules for data so that p 0.05, and analyzing different subgroups in order to get p 0.05. 77% of phenomena were replicated consistently. Confirmatory research is research that starts with a well-defined research question and a priori hypotheses before collecting data; confirmatory research can also be called hypothesis testing research. FINDING 5-1: There is an uneven level of awareness of issues related to replicability across fields and even within fields of science and engineering. Analysis of retractions of scientific articles in journals may also shed some light on the problem (Steen et al., 2013). Researchers who knowingly use questionable research practices with the intent to deceive are committing misconduct or fraud. A figure from (Amrhein et al., 2019b) also demonstrates this point, as shown in Figure 5-1. include the principles ofcommunalism(that science is public knowledge available to all),universalism(there are no privileged sources of scientific knowledge), anddisinterestedness(science is done for its own sake). In these examples, a set of studies was selected and a single replication attempt was made to confirm results of each previous study, or one-to-one comparisons were made. The peer review process, the requirement that experiments be replicable and the openness of communication are claimed to serve this purpose. In psychology, an estimated 75 percent of reviews included unpublished research (Rothstein, 2006). Without clear values, it can feel like navigating through a dark, stormy sea. Defining your core values is essential for guiding you through uncertain times. Based on the content of the collected studies in Table 5-1, one can observe that the. understanding of the number and relations among variables within the system under study; levels of noise within the system (or signal to noise ratios); mismatch of scale of the phenomena and the scale at which it can be measured; stability across time and space of the underlying principles; fidelity of the available measures to the underlying system under study (e.g., direct or indirect measurements); and. Some environmental pragmatists advocate retaining the language of intrinsic value, because it can be useful in discourse or procedural contexts (Minteer 2001). Another approach to quantifying the extent of non-replicability is to model the false discovery ratethat is, the number of research results that are expected to be false. Ioannidis (2005) developed a simulation model to do so for studies that rely on statistical hypothesis testing, incorporating the pre-study (i.e., prior) odds, the statistical tests of significance, investigator bias, and other factors. The heightened public concern about animals as research subjects resulting from the animal rights movement is an issue familiar to most science teachers, particularly biology teachers. 8 Earlier in this chapter, we discuss an indirect method for assessing non-replicability in which a result is compared to previously published values; results that do not agreed with the published literature are identified as outliers. Because of the complicated relationship between replicability and its variety of sources, the validity of scientific results should be considered in the context of an entire body of evidence, rather than an individual study or an individual replication. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a target storage capacity in the mid-1990s. Here are five things to consider. 33% experiments had data problems, such as uncertainties too small, reported values outside of TRC database distributions. In the end, Peto relented and performed the analysis, but with a twist: he also included a post hoc analysis that divided the patients into the twelve astrological signs, and found that Geminis and Libras did not benefit from aspirin, while Capricorns benefited the most (Peto, 2011). A good example of this strategy is van de Poel and Kroes (2014) who clarify that if values are embedded in an artifact, this must be due to its own physical properties; while a rare stamp may be valuable, it does not embody value due to its rarity because being rare is not a physical property. None of these examples are right or wrong. 11 See https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/04/17/business/17economixresponse.html. FINDING 5-2: Efforts to replicate studies aimed at discerning the effect of an intervention in a study population may find a similar direction of effect, but a different (often smaller) size of effect. Attempt by Amgen team to reproduce the results of 53 landmark studies. One example would be EPA's default assumption that all adults weigh 70 kg. As he points out, the increasing administrative responsibilities imposed on scientists is an ethical issue, in and of itself, because it impairs a scientist's ability to devote his or her energies to the practice of science. Figure 5-2 illustrates the combinations of complexity and controllability. It can therefore be challenging to interpret the results of replication studies, no matter which way these results turn out (Collins, 1975; Earp and Trafimow, 2015; Maxwell et al., 2015). Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 1986. You have no moral grounds where you can firmly root your feet as you make decisions regarding your relationships, career, and life goals. Should society condone, or even encourage the cloning of animals, and perhaps human beings? A second contemporary development that poses numerous ethics and values choices related to applied science is the worldwide concern about the potential conflict between industrial development and the ecological health of the planet. RECOMMENDATION 5-1: Researchers should, as applicable to the specific study, provide an accurate and appropriate characterization of relevant uncertainties when they report or publish their research. Peer reviewers at the relevant scientific journal reject the report because it fails the 95% test. Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. 9. On one of these views, intrinsic value is created by human valuing (Callicott 1986, Elliot 1992). Three Challenges to Ethics: Environmentalism, Feminism, and Multiculturalism. Weve included fundamental values, personal values in relationships, values in work, and values for life as a whole. The goal of scientists is to obtain measured values that are both accurate and precise. This experience prompted the study and the report, Evolution of Translational Omics: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward (Institute of Medicine, 2012), which in turn led to new guidelines for omics research at the National Cancer Institute. While two results with large uncertainties and within proximity, such that the uncertainties overlap with each other, may be consistent with replication, the large uncertainties indicate that not much confidence can be placed in that conclusion. Discrete variables (aka integer variables) Counts of individual items or values. NOTES: Some of the studies in this table also appear in Table 4-1 as they evaluated both reproducibility and replicability. These include the choice between pure and, frequently more lucrative, applied research, and for those who choose applied science, such questions as whether to work on military projects. 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examples on how values inherent in science