jesus' encounters with individuals


Freedom from illness is one of the legacies of a Christian. Kind of annoying, right? John 21:1-19, What can you conclude fom this passage about the physical, emotional and spiritual oppression that a person under demonic influence experiences? Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus, (Acts 9:30). Second, this encounter changed Jacob's understanding of God. There are a lot of different kinds of encounters that the Bible talks about. John 9:1-38, This woman's affliction is so personal she doesn't want to approach Jesus directly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. Note the Bible says all things. Blessings and thanks again! As a result, pay attention to conversations, because we will never know which ones He could utilize to initiate our meeting with Jesus. Instead, Jesus knows the importance of revealing sin to the sinner in a loving way. We see her here very focused at first on the literal water at this well. As nurses, these stories give us a healthy model for providing holistic care for our patients. We often do not see ourselves as Judas; as traitors. *Every the 3rd Wednesday of the month, West campus meets at Worship Center. But I love that as soon as He explains it to her, shes all ineven though it seems she doesnt completely understand what Hes talking about. Its kinda like how we talked about Him being unexpected. Here is a List Of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible: it is no secret to anyone that Christianity is a faith-filled belief. When you perceive the heart and the character and the nature of the Son of God you never will worship another God but the Lord Jesus Christ. We see her here very focused at first on the literal water at this well. But this result is only true if you approach your encounter with Jesus with faith in him. But, since you asked I will make it available soon. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She doesnt know to look for it or hope for it. Apparent feelings of aloneness and helplessness, Jesus asked if he wanted to get well, ignored mans excuses; told him to stand, take up mat, walk. The Lord God has no mouth but ours. Some, like Saul, He calls, others like us must seek Him. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25), 5. Shes been amazed by Him and believes Him when He says that Hes the Messiah. Laid hands on Saul, said hed been sent so Saul could be healed, receive Holy Spirit, Scales fell off Sauls eyes, vision restored, he got up and was baptized. As Hes heading to Galilee, He passes through Samaria. And in front of many witnesses too! They believed her based on her testimony about Him, but then they encountered Him and believed even more. We succumb to the pressures of the people, and would rather be in good standing with what is popular as opposed to what is right. Who are not like us? And again shes surprised because shes a woman and Hes a man. This requires some amount of boldness. Susie has contributed to several p More. Jesus responded to other peoples inquiries. Little do they know, theyre about to see a real-life example that this is true! Jesus was interested in establishing common ground with others. Sometimes we want to argue about whether we should have traditional or contemporary music in a worship service at church, but all the while were not focusing on actually worshipping Jesus in our hearts and actions. But I love that as soon as He explains it to her, shes all ineven though it seems she doesnt completely understand what Hes talking about. There are two perspectives of an encounter with Jesus: His point of view and ours! Jesus said to her,Give me a drink.8(For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. All rights reserved. Witnessing is a science, an art, and a mystery. That our acts of bravery and incredible kindness where we suffer for another, need not be acclaimed loudly. New York Times bestselling author of The Prodigal Prophet Timothy Keller explores how people are changed by meeting Jesus personallyand how we can be changed encountering him today. Examples: In 25 instances, it was the other party who started the discussion. He understood that new ideas need to be connected with existing frames of reference if they are to last. She told him that he was calling for you; she had seen it in a dream (Matthew 26:36). 5:17). This website is dedicated to life-changing encounters with Jesus. He seldom pressed for closure or a decision. I have written about some initial qualities of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Perhaps we ought to recall the moments that we are not faithful to our convictions, to the people we love, and to ourselves. In this passage, we see God as personal and interested in us as individuals. Many people are replete with false beliefs about what should happen after they have their initial personal experience with Jesus Christ. Others sick on island came and cured. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see thatthe fields are white for harvest. But Jesus introduces her to this question. There are numerous examples of Jesus having conversations and working in partnership with the Trinity. Paul preached, was persecuted, Slave girl with spirit of divination, earned money for owners by fortune telling, Paul got annoyed and ordered the spirit to come out of her, Spirit came out immediately; girl no longer useful to owner. Home Groups allow us to dig into Gods word together and learn how to live for him throughout our week. Can we, do we, love our enemies? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a3603cc9685a61611414a554cda82ffe" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But He has His own plan and its often different from mine and always better. Jesus gives him back to his grieving mother. Do we know that the pains they feel, might be felt by the person who brought them into the world? Afterward he appeared to two of his disciples while they were walking into town from Bethany.. Then he [Jesus] restored sight to two blind men who had been sitting by the roadside.. And lastly he appeared to all eleven apostles as they sat at dinner. (Matt 28:9-10). Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see thatthe fields are white for harvest. There is a great empathy we see here with these women who weep for him, who may or may not know him and yet mourn what is being done to him. His reputation as a persecutor, and imprisoner of Christians preceded him. Rather, the person has an individual encounter with Jesus in the person of the priest, which includes a confession of sin, an . Jesus asked questions in more than half of the conversations He had. He does not volunteer this information. Learn about the stories of eight people whose lives were changed forever. Meeting Jesus is not a physical experience. and M.Th., Grace Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. But we should remember that Hes kind and patient and He doesnt point out our sin without also being there to help us overcome it and change. We can learn much about how to handle that assignment by asking questions of the four narratives of Jesus' lifeMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The people started grumbling because Jesus was going to the home of a sinner. Required fields are marked *. Introduction Getting the Most Out of Encountering Jesus This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their. Where do you get that living water? If no, you need to see him. He speaks through conversation. Think about the time in your life before you knew Jesus, or maybe after you knew Jesus but you were wandering or struggling. The pool had five porches around it and people would often sit on those porches waiting for an angel to come down from heaven and stir up the waters. Died. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Hes revealed her sin to her and shes understood that Hes a prophet. So when we come to Him, we should learn to expect the unexpected! 4And He had to pass through Samaria. Your email address will not be published. 36Alreadythe one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so thatsower and reapermay rejoice together. Your encounter with Christ is not about you coming in contact with his presence. How could you have a nonesuch experience with Jesus and not talk about him? Lazarus came out, still wrapped in strips of cloth. Fill out the form and well get back to you soon! Paul and Silas arrested. In fact, most of them wouldve gone the long way around so they could avoid Samaria completely. | Exploring Doubts About the Exclusivity of Christ, When God Doesnt Give You What You Want | Exploring Doubts About Gods Goodness. The Bible is a cross-cultural book, from Genesis to Revelation, and records many cross-cultural encounters. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold. 6Jacobs well was there; so Jesus,wearied as He was from His journey, was sitting beside the well. So when we come to Him, we should learn to expect the unexpected! We will not lose our memory. If you need help right now, ask him! Whatever it is, Jesus likes to surprise us and remind us that Hes got it under control. 5So He came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the fieldthat Jacob had given to his son Joseph. These encounters often changed the life of the person involved, as well as those around them. But we should remember that Hes kind and patient and He doesnt point out our sin without also being there to help us overcome it and change. Continue with Recommended Cookies. There are probably a lot of people in town who look down on her. A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about Him. The story begins with Nathanael meeting Philip, a disciple of John the Baptist. Jesus said not to fear, but believe, Woman with hemorrhage Mt 9:20-22; Mk 5:25-29; Lk 8:43-48, Chronic vaginal bleeding (12 years), unsuccessful medical treatment, financially exhausted, Touched Jesus clothing (selfcare). HSM families, we miss you guys! This is my favorite part of this story. Jesus clearly tells us not to judge others ( Matthew 7:1-2 ). It is the single most powerful, and revolutionary meeting you will ever have. But as well learn when we see more about her character in a few verses, she probably had reason to want to avoid being there at busy times. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Access them from the listing below, or from your favorite streaming service, or try asking your smart speaker to play the Christ Chapel Renovate Podcast.. ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS Encounters with Jesus Each one of us needs an encounter with Jesus! Your encounter with Christ is not about you coming in contact with his presence. You cant. When this happened, whoever put their hand in first would be healed. What you have said is true.19The woman said to Him, Sir, I perceive thatyou area prophet. Read the first chapter of my first book for free! Only Believers do! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Jesus challenges the religious leaders (Matthew 23:1-12) Jesus spoke about the . Why do you persecute me? Saul replied: Who are you, Lord? The voice answered, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.. It probably wouldnt have been normal for a strange man to be talking with her so casually. How many people have we let down who needed us when it mattered the most? If you remain quiet, you will feel like any moment and you are going to explode. Youre living in sin with someone right now. Jesus encountered several people in his passion. We will remember things even in our good old age. Jesus cured him, Disciples lack of faith prevented healing, Poor behavior, seizures, demon possession, Demons came out of patient Jesus fame spread, Jesus provided privacy, put his fingers in patients ears, spat and touched tongue, said, Be opened., Patient could hear and speak clearly; crowd spread the word about Jesus, Jesus provided privacy, healed in 2 stages (saliva to eyes and touching), Jesus touched the bier and told patient to arise, Patient sat up and began to speak; crowd fearful, praised God, Jesus initiated encounter, took compassion, Evil spirit-imposed disability of 18 years. He also told him not to sin anymore but if he did sin again then go ahead and sin no more so we know what happens when someone doesnt listen! He gently lets her realize whats going on with herself. 1 Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making andbaptizing more disciples than John2(although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only His disciples),3He left Judea and departed again for Galilee. This narrative reveals the compassion of Jesus for an exploited woman who needed forgiveness and grace. Be vigilant for opportunities to engage others in conversation. But He also doesnt say to Himself, I know shes got a lot of sin issues, but I dont want to offend her or go through the awkwardness of having a hard conversation, so Ill just ignore it. That wouldve been wrong as well! Nicodemus encounter with God involved conversation. The first is recorded in Luke 24:13-35 and briefly in Mark 16:12-13. Facing Failure I might expect Him to guide me to a specific route He wants me to take in my life, but instead He reminds me to just seek Him first and everything else will follow. But the question I didnt know I needed an answer to turned out to be, What is it in your heart, Kristin, that needs to change in the way you interact with this person? She frequently teaches or speaks at women's Bible studies or events. And it is easy to fall into a pattern of wanting to know, without necessarily wanting to do. So, whatsoever I have said unto you may come from someone you have met and conversed with. When we truly know Him and Hes done all this work in our hearts, we cant possibly keep it to ourselves. 23Butthe hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Fatherin spirit andtruth, for the Fatheris seeking such people to worship Him. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. Read this: Your Pain Is Your Glory And The Easter Message, Read this: Confessions Of An Imperfect Christian, How My HIV Diagnosis Led To Spiritual Empowerment And PersonalTransformation, 120+ Insightful Mother Teresa Quotes on Charity andGod, What I Learned When My Cross Necklace BruisedMe, 350+ Fun Bible Trivia Questions &Answers, Ill Never Be Who I Was Before My SistersDeath. While youre spending more time at home this holiday season, why not make a holiday bucket list for those long winter nights and weekends? As always, theres some hubbub from people who arent into what Jesus is doing and dont understand exactly whats happening, and this leads Him to move on for a bit. Judas:Judas is easily the most disliked character in the passion; he is the betrayer. His encounter with the paralyzed man in John 5:1-19 is a great example. Do you provide an RSS feed? John 8:1-11, How do you think the woman feels when she hears Jesus' words of forgiveness and peace? We are here for you guys! We see a few ways here in which this unnamed woman is surprised by meeting Jesus. The Two Thieves Who Are Crucified Alongside Him: The two thieves represent two types of people one who knows he has done wrong and wants to be absolved from the consequences, and another who knows he has done wrong, and seeks forgiveness. What He reveals to her is that the heart of this worship matter isnt necessarily the past and the traditions of these two people groups. He is not only powerful enough to rescue us from every situation in life but also loves us enough that he would graciously make time for each person who calls out to him (Psalm 65:2). Your email address will not be published. Christ's physical healing of Jews and Gentiles symbolized his spiritual healing for all. So shes coming up against a lot of unexpected things! I might expect Him to take certain sorrows or troubles out of my life, but He instead just tells me to trust Him and wait patiently. This is not just talking about the Word of God and Scriptures and stuff. Therefore, all encounters with Jesus involve conversations. Jesus was often among crowds but he also spent time with many individuals. He knows things He couldnt have known by any natural means. Its forever etched into your memory. Perhaps it is these acts, in fact, that are the greatest. He tells her to bring her husband to the well, and she sees an opportunity to admit whats been going on with her. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in reaching out to others? How do you think the Samaritan woman feels when she hears that God is searching for people like her to worship him? Meeting Jesus is not a physical experience. Conversations are the seeds for every change, good or bad. When he found the empty tomb of Jesus, he went inside and saw clearly that it was empty (John 20:11-14). Can this be the Christ?30They went out of the town and were coming to Him. The Cross And Christian Distinctiveness (1 Peter 2:1-10). He is the only true God. Additionally, you are married to your spouse because of that initial conversation. Then a young man appeared at his side with clothes as white as snow and told him not to be afraid because Jesus wanted to reveal himself again (Luke 24:5-7). Novena Prayer To Velankanni Mother In Konkani, Prayer For A Friend Whose Mother Passed Away, Powerful Prayer For Healing Of The Teeth And Gums, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Luke Pdf, Spiritual Meaning Of Eating Sugar Cane In The Dream, Thank You Letter To A Church For Financial Support, Spiritual Meaning of Someone Dying on Your Birthday, Spiritual Meaning Of Hearing Someone Call Your Name, Sample Introduction of A Pastor As Guest Speaker, Prayer For My Mother In Heaven On Her Birthday, Characteristics Of A Good Husband According To The Bible. 20Our fathers worshiped onthis mountain, but you say thatin Jerusalem isthe place where people ought to worship.21Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me,the hour is coming whenneither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. Peter followed Jesus, but while Jesus prayed, Peter fell asleep. So use Him. But then He gets even deeper. This is surely a genuine act of compassion for a widow, whose only source of hope was her sonnow dead; the son would have been able to provide support for her needs. As we examine Sauls personal encounters with Jesus three things will stand out. I hope that this lesson has been helpful for you to learn about some of the encounters Jesus had with people in the Bible. This 30 day series highlights the many different encounters people of the New Testament had with Jesus as recorded in all four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. After Jesus was arrested, he asked his disciples to wait for him at the Mount of Olives. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Here are a few ideas to get you started: bake cinnamon rolls for neighbors, watch a favorite holiday movie,write and mail notes to family members you wont be seeing over Christmas, go to a Christmas Eve service, make paper snowflakes. Why Was It Important For Jesus To Suffer? Your speech will change. Instead, we should focus on being a light to them and loving them. Jesus took parents, Peter, James, John into girls room; took her by hand, told her to get up. Like we mentioned at the beginning, the Samaritans had their own temple on Mount Gerizim, but the Jews had the temple in Jerusalem. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Similar to the above point, we now see that Jesus will always get to the true heart of the issue, whatever it is were dealing with. Contact others socially (4:7). Like Jesus original followers, believers today are sent into the world to be His witnesses (v. 48 [Luke 24]; compare Matt. He reveals the gross parts of her immorality, but also shows that its not enough to make Him bail on her as He sticks around to keep talking with her. A person who just likes to know whats going on, and feels important because of it. Good Friday is the story that reminds humans that pain and suffering is not unique. Sometimes we dont want to have our sin pointed out to us, and that can even occasionally make us not want to come to Him. You need to make some major changes. That wouldve been overwhelming and probably off-putting. The people who met Jesus Christ in person faced the same big life questions we face today. 390 N. Burleson Blvd.Burleson, TX 76028817-546-0822. Similarly, recall Matthew (the Tax Collector) and his encounter. As always, theres some hubbub from people who arent into what Jesus is doing and dont understand exactly whats happening, and this leads Him to move on for a bit. There have been plenty of times when Ive come to Him wanting Him to help me maybe deal with someone whos being annoying or frustrating to me. This would imply that you are already saved. Samaritans were a racially mixed people who were part-Jewish and part-Gentile. Given the cultural hostilities, Jesus easily could have sat quietly while the Samaritan woman came, drew her water from the well, and left. Moved greatly by the pain and ugliness of what she saw when she saw Jesus, she softly and yet courageously wipes his face. The Apostles in Jerusalem had every right not to trust Saul for he had no personal encounters with Jesus; the Lord hadnt spoken to him, and he had not spoken in the name of Jesus Christ yet! Shes never heard of living water. An object for wickedness and evil. The heart of the issue is whats happening now those who worship God must do so in spirit and truth and the Messiah has arrived. Based on the example of this woman, how can you demonstrate gratitude to Jesus for forgiving you? You can experience an encounter with God through Christ our Lord. Similarly, Jesus cannot speak to you and you remain quiet. Then, you progress from being the target for everybodys evil to being the weapon that God uses to expose and tear it down. Able to function in her social role, Demoniac(s) Mt 8:28-32; Mk 5:1-13; Lk 8:26-33, Danger to society, bizarre behavior, selfmutilation, demon possession, Jesus confronted demons and cast them into a herd of swine, Clothed, in his right mind, desire to follow Jesus. Now you will commence to talk about him. For me a fundamental truth, the human truth in all these reflections is that we can be and sometimes are, all of these people. He could just immediately say to her, Well, lady, youre sexually immoral. As I examine Sauls personal encounter with Jesus three things will stand out. I might expect Him to take certain sorrows or troubles out of my life, but He instead just tells me to trust Him and wait patiently. But the opposite is true. Hes not only interacting with her, but Hes asking her for water. The identical thing happened to Saul. These people were often regarded as second class citizens, but Jesus makes a point of treating them as equals. He chooses the time and the place. The Word in Life Study Bible, New Testament Edition, (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville; 1993), pp. When she gets back to town, the woman tells everyone she can find that shes met the Messiah! Tell them of your experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. 16Jesus said to her,Go,call your husband, and come here.17The woman answered Him, I have no husband. Jesus said to her,You are right in saying, I have no husband;18for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. the first meeting of a sinner with Christ, doctrines of him are not taught and preached. And Jesus says this, "For this is the way God loved the world. Man, herders became evangelists. However, because of Sauls reputation with Christians, the disciples of Jesus didnt believe that he had an encounter with Jesus. The Bible is full of jesus encounters with individuals and bible characters who had encounters with god, and he has been just as present throughout the years as he was during his time on earth. The next day when Mary Magdalene came out of her house after spending all night weeping beside her loved ones tombstone (John 20:11), she found two angels waiting there who asked why she was crying; then they told her that Jesus had risen from death! So, ensure thats significant to you too. But Jesus introduces her to this question. For one thing, its noon and shes probably not used to seeing anyone at the well. What a change! Its easy for us to get distracted by secondary issues and skip the truly important issues. When we see other people, do we see them as someones child? We are determined to stick together as one big 5+6 ministry. In fact, there are no descriptions at all of what He looked like herejust that He appeared as just another person on their journey together toward Jerusalem! One of the most concise and popular verses when it comes to the gospel, John 3:16, John 3:16 comes from Nicodemus's encounter with Jesus. When she gets back to town, the woman tells everyone she can find that shes met the Messiah! She doesnt know to look for it or hope for it. Mary: Now I am not a mother. I felt this was a good choice for the setting because the accounts of these encounters reveal the core teachings and personality of Jesus in a particularly compelling way, as I had discovered personally so many years before. They think everything will go smoothly. Jesus told us not to judge other sinners. He did not need a special environment or control over the circumstances to discuss things of eternal significance. Each encounter reveals something about the nature of Christ, enabling the reader to more deeply understand His mission as well as His revelation of God. Jesus touched him, said, Be made clean! Sent to priest and directed to offer prescribed gift. When He comes,He will tell us all things.26Jesus said to her,I who speak to you am He.. He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.13Jesus said to her,Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,14butwhoever drinks of the water that I will give himwill never be thirsty again. Instead, Jesus knows the importance of revealing sin to the sinner in a loving way. Then learn from someone who was in your exact situation! But perhaps that is a problem. They saw an amazing sight: an old man sitting under a fig tree with His disciples. But nowhere do we read that this old man was Jesus Himself; He had long since left them (John 21:19). We agreed that I would explore encounters that individuals had with Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. 37For here the saying holds true,One sows and another reaps.38I sent you to reapthat for which you did not labor. Another benefit of meeting with Jesus Christ is the fact that it instantly changes your life. 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jesus' encounters with individuals