otocinclus breeding behavior


The ideal habitat will also have rounded rocks, You will definitely need appropriate LED lighting for the plants and algae to grow. Keeping the tank clean is essential for any successful breeding to take place. The otocinclus catfish is a small freshwater fish that originates from South America. They prefer to live near large aquatic plants and grassy shores. Otos try to stay out of the way for the most part. . When youre ready to try to get the fish to breed, its best to raise the temperature of the water a bit. Get a bigger tank with enough space. These fish are bottom dwellers but they occasionally swim to the surface in order to get some atmospheric oxygen to supplement the dissolved oxygen in the water. This area should also be taller if the fish is indeed a female. Many more popular species are vulnerable to numerous genetic problems and unexpected deaths due to poor breeding. Sharp gravel should be avoided because it can injure the fish. Do your best to get to that point and you can count yourself lucky to have successfully bred otos in your tank. Best regards, Some people call these docile fish dwarf suckers or otos as appropriate nicknames for these fish and their outstanding algae eating abilities. But if you wish to give it a second thought, here is what you are supposed to know: In order to breed otocinclus catfish, there are few things to consider. As you can see, there are a number of benefits to having Otocinclus in your tank. They can and will try to catch Otocinclus whenever it is possible. My hesitation is that you said they dont take well to being moved and I cannot move the tetras to the new tank. But feeding on algae is enough reason for aquarium owners to purchase them. Then the male will swim away from the female. Aquariumbreeder.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, chewy.com, and and other Affiliate programs. Otocinclus lay eggs all around the tank on plants. Even if it is an amazing Otocinclus. Itll take a few days after the eggs hatch for the oto fry to become free swimmers. Test Nitrite and Ammonia for a few weeks. You can also buy Oto online, even on Amazon. Some supplemental foods to give your Otocinclus may include blanched zucchini, spinach, peas, and cucumber. Tip: If you shine a light on it in the dark you should be able to see them if it has eggs. Otocinclus fish breeding was similar to the corydoras fishes . Most people who have success breeding otos are experienced. Save . For example, the most popular species in the aquarium hobby are: Some species are extremely rare in the aquarium hobby. The first few weeks of caring for Otocinclus are critical. Getting these fish to breed will not be simple. Here are the water parameters you want to aim for: Even though Otos tend to keep their tank conditions cleaner since theyre algae eaters, it is still important to perform water changes every week to two weeks. Sadly, these fish arent commonly bred in captivity. Each species is distinguishable by looking at their color. These, Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White? Care guide for pregnant Otocinclus. For example, break one wafer into several pieces and leave them in their favorite places overnight. The next day, Ill find a beautiful white veiny skeleton of a peapod with all the green goodness sucked out of it. Youll see the fish enter a T-shaped position that signifies that they are mating. How To Breed Otocinclus Catfish Part 1 Set Up. Affiliate Disclosure: AquariumNexus.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Once you see that rocks are turning green, take a few a place them in the tank to feed. There is also a noticeable blotch found on the tail portion of this Oto variety. There are a few described methods for successfully breeding these freshwater fish, though most of it comes down to creating ideal environmental conditions and providing a high-quality diet. If you have what you need, its possible to get these fish to breed in captivity. It's easier to notice these differences when looking at the fish from above. Lastly, theyre a breeze to care for. visit: www.fmueller.com! Otocinclus catfish are egg-laying fish. They are a popular option for aquariums of all sizes due to their peaceful nature, entertaining shoaling behaviors and their algae eating abilities. The younger fish tend to shadow the alpha, copying their behaviors and movements. The Otocinclus catfish is a small fish, reaching a maximum length of 2.5 cm (1 in). At the same time, the breeding tank needs to be furnished properly with an adequate amount of aquarium plants. Theyre interesting fish to look at and theyre helpful fish to keep in your tank. Novices who arent used to breeding fish might not get the best results. From here, the information that experts have starts to vary a bit. The male will continue to chase the female for some time. Set up the breeding tank using the recommended methods above. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.191560, Otocinclus Detailed Guide: Care, Diet, and Breeding. There are things that you can do to encourage the fish to breed, though. Females and males have their sex organs shaped differently and their shape, size and color are also different. Remember to keep the food balanced, and never overfeed your fish. The temperature of the water must be 21 to 25 degrees Celsius, the value of KH must be 3 to 16, and the value of GH must range between 2 to 18. Otocinclus are herbivores. Seed Shrimp Profile: Ostracods in Shrimp and Fish Tank. To get the fish to breed, its recommended to feed them a high-protein diet. After youre finished reading, you can decide if youd like to pursue breeding the fish. Just know that this is an uncommon thing to achieve in an aquarium. However . If you are still unsure about the gender of your fish, you can always consult with a local fish expert. The fish are normally lighter colored with darker blotches of color. . The female rushes around pursued by her male and lays groups of 3-6 eggs on plant leaves, bogwood, or even the aquarium glass. The male will then fertilize the eggs. Female otos usually lay their eggs in small clusters of three to six. You must isolate the Otos in order to prevent the potential spread of disease into your tank. This means that they might be fish that will breed once per year when the conditions are right. Otocinclus is native to South America and is found in plenty in the shallow waters of Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela, Argentina, and Colombia. There are some reports that Otocinclus really like Repashy Soilent Green (check the price on Amazon). Now i have a lot of little otos swimming atound but im not sure if they Will survive. Behavior. Even though the role of the modified odontoids is not yet clear, experts are of the opinion that it takes part in copulation. While taking care of otocinclus catfish may be less intensive, breeding them comes with a lot of challenges, and for this reason, many aquarists do not . So, if you are interested in getting into this hobby or just want some extra tips and tricks, well this is the right place for you. The transit to the pet store is hard on fish. Your mating tank should be at least 80 liters (20 gallons) to be able to hold all the soon-to-be-born fry. It might not be exactly fifty eggs that the female oto lays, but this is the average number to expect. Commonly, the eggs will be stuck to the sides of plants. Sexual dimorphism among males and females is imperceptible, although in some cases the male is slender. Their eyes are Lateral and pushed more forward on the head. On this blog, I share all the things I learn about shrimp breeding as I go. Therefore, you should also be sure to feed them algae wafers or catfish pellets. These are not the easiest fish to breed in captivity, but they can be achieved. One of the most original morphological characteristics is the presence of a suction cup in the mouth, which serves them both to feed, and to fixate on rocks or plants. You should look for Otos that are olive-brown, black and white. In big groups, they are constantly visible and way easier to feed. It takes otocinclus catfish a while to reach sexual maturity. Some of them will if you try your best and give them enough opportunities to eat. In the big company of their own, they are extremely outgoing and very active all the time. Copeia 2002(4):1063-1069. Sometimes the fish will swim along the sides of the aquarium as well. Just dont expect that it will be simple since these fish are known to avoid breeding in fish tanks. In short, it seems happy but Im worried about it being the only one. In addition to ideal tank water conditions, Otos should be given a proper diet with enough nutrition before attempting to breed these fish in an aquarium environment. How to breed them. Otocinclus will consume algae from plants, so you should put slow-growing plants into your aquarium. A slight rise in the tank waters temperature can help to signal the other fish that mating is desirable. Absolutely not! It all depends on how selective your fish is, you'll need to get lucky. They should never be placed in a tank with Otocinclus. In their native South American habitats, these fish often attach themselves to rocks, gravel and other river bottom surfaces that contain algae growth. Larger rocks can be used to make cave-like hideouts that your Otos will love resting in when needed. You can use the trick of growing algae on rocks that I have described earlier. They can measure between 4 and 5 centimeters (1.5 - 2 inches) in length and have an elongated shape, rounded on the back and flattened ventrally. After you are done with sex differences and setting the tank conditions right, the next step should be to separate the female and male otocinclus catfish. Otocinclus are quite sensitive to variations in parameters as well as to water quality. Nitrosomas that eat Ammonia will begin to grow in the tank and produce. This species exhibits additional interesting behaviors. Best Algae Eating Team, You can also read my article Step-by-Step Cycling your Shrimp Aquarium Fishless. The eggs are then deposited in a safe area with no further parental care. The Otocinclus Catfish are small and only reach about 2 inches in size. Although these fish are peaceful, they're incompatible with large, aggressive, or predatorial tank mates. The female otocinclus release her eggs using the ventral fins. Do Otocinclus Need Friends? However, I would not recommend Otocinclus fish for beginners as they can also be a challenge to keep alive. Typically, the eggs will be stuck to plants or nearby rocks. Some of the popular fish as tank mates. A sandy substrate keeps faeces on the surface until they can be drawn to the filter and provides a good . Required fields are marked *. Others say that its better to separate the breeding fish in different tanks or compartments for one or two weeks first. If the fertilization process comes out to be successful, the hatching should follow suit. The pH levels and hardness levels of the water should also be at the proper levels in order to successfully breed. Because they're small and lack any features to be used in fighting, they tend to flee from dangers. . Its common for the eggs to be stuck to live plants as well as rocks. Avoid high water flow. However, it is essential to feed it properly. No, otocinclus catfish are not easy to breed at all. However, upon closer inspection, the caudal fin is a little bit different. Breeding otos in captivity is rather difficult. The fish should then be transferred into the main aquarium using the, Unfortunately, the problem with Otocinclus species is that they do not do very well in a small and bare quarantine tank. Choose the right mating pair (Step -1) Preparing the tank (Step-2) Theyre also very docile and get along with almost any other freshwater aquarium species. Yes, they are absolutely safe to keep in planted tanks. Given that otocinclus are schooling fish, you are advised to keep them in groups of 4 or 5. As such, tank conditions, the size, spawning behavior, and breeding environment are essential if you want to have a successful breeding. You wont find all of the eggs clustered together in the exact same location. Re: Otocinclus Breeding Post by apistomaster Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:05 pm In WalMart's pet dept they sell incandescent threaded base compact fluorescent daylight(6700K) bulbs which are only about 15 watts and they run cool, last a long time and grow plants well for only about $6.00 each. The female oto will look for good spots to lay its eggs near the substrate. Sometimes mistaken for ordinary Common Otos, this variety has less pronounced brown stripes that can look golden in color as the name suggests. Otocinclus Catfish are also very active fish and will often swim around the tank in search of food. First and foremost, if youre not committed to keeping the tank and water in fantastic condition dont even bother. This involves feeding them algae rounds, daphnia, and brine shrimp. Water parameters are also essential to a successful breeding. Examples of fish to avoid include many Chichlids or the feisty Oscar. Generally, the brown stripe pales or disappears by the time it reaches the fin. Youll find eggs being stuck to the leaves of various plants in the tank. When the fish are ready to mate, you might notice male Otos chasing female ones. The female fish will then swim toward the substrate and look for spots to lay the eggs. Therefore, feeding them algae wafers or even blanched vegetables, will not be a guarantee they eat well. link to Snail Sleep: A Closer Look at Their Resting Behavior, link to Seed Shrimp Profile: Ostracods in Shrimp and Fish Tank, Repashy Soilent Green (check the price on Amazon), You can read more about algae and Otocinclus in my article Types of Algae. Therefore, add there at least some mosses. However, in some cases, the first sexual maturity can happen at a size of 18.7 mm for females and 20.1 mm for males. Otocinclus Catfish isa very peaceful fish with a huge appetite for algae. Their favorite meal comprises of algae and other microbes present in the tank. Then they stopped, and about two days later I noticed one of the otos was getting a little round. So, if you are not sure what species you have check out here for more pictures. Otocinclus tend to travel in schools, and its best to have several of these fish together when setting up an aquarium environment. One thing to focus on is the quality of the water. To start your cycle, drop fish flakes into your aquarium about every 12 hours. Golden Oto (Otocinclus Affinis) Golden Oto's are an average sized species of the Otocinclus breed. Do snails sleep? Currently, there are 19 known different species within this genus. Although some people prefer to use a canister filter to get the best filtration. However, what is even more important , Otocinclus male. Theyre found in tanks, The Dojo Loach (aka Weather Loach or Pond Loach) is one of our all-time favorite freshwater species. Huge belly: Either a swim bladder problem or an internal parasite. Next, remove the shell and feed it to your Otocinclus. Adequate filtration is very important no matter the tank size. breeding answer #2 Fishby 5 years ago In order to catch them, people often use sedatives (poisons or cyanide), which stuns the fish and makes it easier to catch. Male otocinclus catfish have genital papilla with rows of modified denticles (also known as odontoids). Feature and behavior: . I started with 3 otos and sadly one of them died. One common trait youll notice is that most types of Otocinclus have a distinctive brown stripe that stretches down their body. MARK'S AQUATICS 61.7K subscribers Subscribe 18K views 1 year ago Hi guys. We just love these little guys! They also have an unofficial name called "dwarf suckers". Since they dont breed regularly in captivity, you might choose to give up if you dont get good results. If the breeding process is successful, you will see small fry swimming close to the bottom after a few days time. Nerite snails have absolutely the same diet as Otocinclus and will also starve without algae. In addition, if there are not enough algae in the tank, it can be difficult to keep Otocinclus and Amano shrimp. A trick before purchasing these small aquarium catfish from a pet store is to choose fatter fish. Personally, I would recommend a Matten filter (or sponge filter). The gender of your otocinclus can matter if you are trying to breed them. The breeding tank, however, should have all the right conditions for the fish to mate and reproduce without anything hindering them. Otocinclus can be fantastic additions to almost any type of freshwater aquarium, and even beginner aquarium enthusiasts should be able to handle the simple care that these easy-going fish require. No, otos are fish that just lay their eggs and then leave them alone. The minimum Otocinclus tank size should be around 10 gallons. This conditioning process means that you should start feeding your fish different types of foods in preparation for breeding. The fish that are sold for up to $4 per fish are normally fatter and healthier. 2002DOI: 10.1643/0045-8511(2002)002[1063:OTANHC]2.0.CO;2, Otocinclus batmani, a new species of hypoptopomatine catfish (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Colombia and Peru. They are a peaceful fish that are often kept in aquariums. In some cases, the schoolscan have hundreds or even thousands of fish. According to the experiment, most Otocinclus population died within 48 hours at 0.575 mg/l Copper sulfate concentration. Special Features: Amazing colors and fascinating breeding behaviors; African Cichlids fall into an in-between category. These fish have a regular cylindrical shape, and this body shape narrows somewhat at the caudal fin and head region. Some enthusiasts believe that otos breed seasonally. Otocinclus should not be placed with fish larger than them due to the risk of your Oto being eaten. Do not be like them, this mistake can have a very high price. Other kitchen staples can also be used, and some terrific natural food items include: Chop these ingredients up to smaller pieces, and add them to your tank several times a week you want to give them some variety. Daphnia, algae wafers, and brine shrimp are all excellent food choices when you wish to breed your Otocinclus. They are also referred to as otto fish or ottos fish or with the spelling variation of oto fish. Your nitrate levels should be between 0-20ppm (parts per million) and have no measurable ammonia or nitrite. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Breeding Otocinclus is easy and can be done in an aquarium. It can be frustrating trying to feed these fish and keep them healthy. Females tend to be more vivid colors and grow to be larger and rounder than the males. Ammonia levels should be kept at least 3ppm for a week. By investing the $4 in one fish, you are ensuring that it will have a happy life living in your aquarium. Check out their mouths. Popularly known by the name 'Algae eaters', it is difficult to breed them in captivity as only the wild ones are available to hobbyists. Otocinclus eggs take three to four days to hatch after theyve been fertilized. Preferably, the water should be slow-moving with high oxygen levels. All these organs can be seen at the bottom side of otocinclus catfish tail system. These little guys should have nice round bellies but not too big that it looks like it is going pop. All frozen foods or vegetables remaining after feedings should be removed from the tank within 6 to 8 hours to avoid ammonia surges. Breeding otocinclus in aquaria is still in its early days, and it would be a great thing to achieve in your tank. The head is slightly flattened, with the eyes on either side, giving Otocinclus lateral vision. As we mentioned in the tank requirements section, its important for owners to provide hiding places in the aquarium so the smaller Otos have a refuge when disturbed by others. You must maintain a sizable group of them together since . Thread starter James0816; Start date Aug 31, 2007; . You can read my article to learn more about it The Best Filtration System for Breeding Shrimp. Usually on a rock, drifting wood, or any plant stem that she could find. When placed in the same tank with Cardina japonica shrimp, otocinclus play a significant role in keeping the tank clean and tidy. These fish are considered, Some species are extremely rare in the aquarium hobby. The otocinclus, also known as the otocinclus catfish from the Loricariidae family are a species of freshwater catfish indigenous to South America. Which are flooded with plant life. Then start testing for Nitrates. As for now, theres only anecdotal information to go on. Anything over pH 6.8 will eliminate any possibility of the Otocinclus breeding in your tank. These guys can make a significant impact on the quality of the water in your freshwater aquariums. 4. 2004 scielo.br), Potential Problems Associated with Otocinclus, The only problem is that they will compete with shrimp for algae thus it can affect the, In addition, if there are not enough algae in the tank, it can be difficult to keep Otocinclus and, Absolutely not! They typically live 3 to 7 years with appropriate care. The best place to get an Oto is from a reputable breeder near you so that you know how your Otos have been treated although that is not always possible. They have a black body with silver markings and are popular for their peaceful temperament and interesting behavior. Universidad Alas Peruanas.http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/cyd.v22i4.1837, Otocinclus tapirape: A New Hypoptopomatine Catfish from Central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). 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otocinclus breeding behavior