performance goals for event planners


Setting event goals and objectives will actually make planning your event much easier. With KPIs, you want just the most important pieces of the puzzlethe key indicators of overall performance. Just as a company or a corporation has a vision and mission, so shouldnt your events have them, too? To achieve this, you can try to sell more events, or less than in the previous period, but on a larger scale. Proactively research new work techniques or tools. Finally, make sure that your goals are transparent to your attendees so that they are assisting you with accomplishing your vision along the way. Researching the current landscape around your event It is relatively simple to implement. For example, when I get a new client I do a happy dance. } Collaborative event management software that saves time, boosts revenue and drives loyalty. Do you attend trade fairs? Here are some crucial virtual event goals. My goal is to increase the ticket sales for my next event, one month from now, by at least Avoid team tension by maintaining a positive attitude. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Now that you have understood how to set objectives, it is time to understand how to adapt them concretely to the event sector. Create a survey with simple questions using a one-10 scale in order to measure how satisfied your guests were. 4) Content matters. Achieve 5% more event ticketing website visitor conversions than the previous year. (elems instanceof NodeList || elems instanceof HTMLCollection) || elems.length <= 1) { if (elem.getAttribute('required') !== null) { What are the key things you want an attendee to walk away with? Its not enough to tell people to use your hashtaggive them something worth posting about. Increase Ticket Sales. "); Complete tasks without frequent supervision. tooltip = create_tooltip(elem, "This field is required. Increase the number of subscribers: you can look at the amount of contact requests that have been made on your website. } Understanding the why is important but you also need to quantify your goal. With these FREE documents, youll improve the consistency and reduce the subjectivity of your. Achievable: to surpass yourself, you often want to set yourself objectives that are far too optimistic, but thats when you make a first mistake. Every first time event planner wants to know that the people who attended their event were happy and would recommend it to their friends. Your GTM is yet to catch up with the changes in your buyers behavior. During multi-day events, mini-daily debriefs are important not only for making in-the-moment adjustments but also for capturing the successes and challenges of the event itself. Respond to correspondence and phone calls within the expected time frame. But what about personal goals? var err = form_to_submit.querySelector('._form_error'), no_error = true; Planning an event budget can be based on items you bought, hired, or used at a similar event and is a good starting point. Chart a path toward reflective The more people you engage, the more people you will reach. } What do you hope to accomplish in hosting an event? At work, its the same thing. Conversely, if its a smaller, more intimate event, finding a venue appropriate for the audience size is a good idea. Step 1: Set the Goals and Budget for Your Event Your event's goals are what your event marketing plan is based on, so you must set them before moving onto the next steps. By looping back to the event goal of why youre hosting an event in the first place, youll have a good starting point to build your vision. Reward yourself. r = true; window._show_thank_you = function(id, message, trackcmp_url) { form.querySelector('._form-content').style.display = 'none'; WebEvent Planning Team Establishment An event planning team forms as a result of either: (1) coordination among traffic opera-tions agencies, transit agencies, law en-forcement agencies, and event organizers that represent the core event planning team stakeholders or (2) designation by a commit-tee on special events within a regional trans- if (!r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete')) { } Sometimes, putting a little order in the way you work doesnt hurt. Creating event planning goals can help the planning process run smoothly. match[2] : null; Become a source of inspiration to others. A hard skills objective can also be the learning of a new language or the development of a new skill. if (element.addEventListener) { 8 min. Keep work and home life separate as much as possible. Some employees struggle with having an appropriate attitude at work. Plan any event with The Event Toolkit. On what indicators should we base ourselves and how can we set relevant and achievable objectives by being an event planner? Most professional event planners send surveys before, during, and after the event to understand what interests their audience. The top ten most important steps in planning any event are: Set your event goals and objectives. He lectured his team about being punctual by stating that being on time to team meetings, or anything else in life, is arriving five minutes early. Copyright 2022 Cvent Inc.All rights reserved. Where to organize a team building in Paris? } else { } And how many of those leads your team followed up with in the months after. return false found = true; When people experience personal interaction with a brand, they are more willing to identify with them. When you are an event planner, the Human Resources aspect is just as important as in any other profession. Its not the end of the world, provided you have a crisis management plan to deal with it. Lets see how they set their goals and accomplished them. As they say, content is king." Mini-goals and milestones are what you might need to set to get your ultimate goal that is OK. As you brainstorm, map out your event plan. Get started with a dose of inspiration. } if( === 'email' && el.value !== ""){ remove ? Passives are on the fence and can become promoters or switch over to one of your competitors. Accept and process constructive criticism. This time we will gather 100 leads and at least 72,000$ in the pipeline. Due to the nature of an online event, attendees can get distracted due to their surrounding environment or screen fatigue. WebFor event planners, remembering the big picture can be really helpful since their minds are normally focused on a million little tasks and deadlines. Anyway, you see the idea. } , from preparing and conducting the appraisal to following up after its completed. To boost customer service: When we lose a customer, follow up to discover what we could have done differently.. remove_tooltips(); Find the ones that are most relevant to you and get started! var form = document.getElementById('_form_' + id + '_'), thank_you = form.querySelector('._form-thank-you'); Once thats done, you can fine-tune your roadmap to event success. Create a course of action for projects without supervision. You can get a complete picture of your event with an in-depth analytics dashboard. to help you build and maintain a successful organization. Do you need a personal challenge to motivate yourself? tooltip.className = '_error-inner _no_arrow'; } Many employees lack the initiative to take on new tasks or complete assignments without the need for micromanaging. To foster a better attitude: Ensure that your tone, body language, and other nonverbal cues convey the proper respect and attitude toward others.. Set yourself the goal of increasing the number of subscribers to your pages by implementing a new social media strategy, for example. var elems = form_to_submit.elements[], found = false, err = []; Whether you are looking to increase brand awareness, sales, or thought leadership, see how your attendees interact with you once the event ends. When setting goals, work with SMART goals, which are: For instance, saying you want to host the best marketing conference ever is not very specific or measurable. Select your objective goals first such as: Be the leading Bluegrass indoor music festival in Ohio. Once the event ends, you can measure your revenue and expenses to see how they compare to the benchmarks you set. b) Find a virtual event platform like Airmeet with superior networking capabilities. (Set lofty targets), Break it down into smaller and achievable milestones. When measuring social media engagement, use tools such as Sprout Social or Hootsuite, to help you analyze the data and the success of your campaigns. Well-written performance goals help energize employees and point them in right direction. You can also try incorporating these performance goal phrases during the next review: Diversity in the workplace is more important than ever. err.push("Checking %s is required".replace("%s", elems[i].value)); You dont have to start on Jan 1 or the 1. You win, when your attendees win. _load_script(trackcmp_url); A post-event debrief document should be established at the front-end of the project to capture feedback throughout the event process. } } Hey Timothy, Refer to our Privacy Policy or contact us at for more details. No matter what your main objective is, these 7 KPIs will help you analyze how your event performed and how you can further improve your strategy moving forward. This small difference is very important because the success of the objective does not depend only on you if you rely on your team. Whether people have family emergencies, last minute plan changes, or they simply change their minds, as an event planner, you need to be able to compare the number of registrants and the number of attendees. var form_to_submit = document.getElementById('_form_55_'); Which is why they came up with smart event badges that allowed users to scan each others badges to acquire virtual business cards along with a number of other cool features. 5. Reduce stress and burnout by setting clear boundaries, scheduling expectations, and practicing them without guilt or shame. Increase revenue by 25% from the last event. var regexStr = "field\\[(\\d+)\\]"; Do you understand the method? WebEvent KPIs are tailored to the type of event, the event size and budget, the data available, andabove all elsethe event goals. If you get off track one day, start again the next day. My goal is to run a series of tooltips[i].tip.parentNode.removeChild(tooltips[i].tip); I loved your 5 tips for setting a new goal though and I am hoping to use those in even my weight loss goal this year. With a small amount of work, you can create a new habit that takes little effort to sustain. resize_tooltip(tooltip) : false; 6 Examples of SMART Goals for Event Coordinators. var radios = form_to_submit.elements[]; if (scrollPosition < 40) { WebImprove your routine with easy 3D diagramming. "); Often, attendee satisfaction is more indicative of success than the number of tickets you sold. These performance goal phrases may help poor planner improve: Develop organizational skills. Respect the time and responsibilities of others. image courtesy of You will then know exactly how the number of visitors to your site has changed since your back Office Eventdrive. Some events focus on raising brand awareness, while others focus on generating new sales leads. Having a large number of loyal customers is a good indicator of how successful your events are, and can ultimately generate more revenue for your company. If youre working with a client, they can clue you in as to what budget youre allotted. var results = new RegExp(regexStr).exec(allInputs[i].name); One of Marketing360s clients was concerned about getting more people to register for their upcoming event. More specific goals could include increasing the company's event attendance rate. Discover ways to think outside the box and be more decisive. } $60. Increase turnover: you can directly tackle the big one and aim for an increase in turnover. The day and month of your event can add or remove some priorities on your list. What will my attendees like to learn/gain from the event? You should measure engagement habits like the number of social shares and hashtags you received, the number of likes and comments on all event posts, and more. helpful event planning checklist you can customize, How to Plan the Best Event in 10 Stress-Free Steps, 19 Event Trends That Will Shake Up Meetings & Group Business in 2020, Boutique Hotel Marketing: How to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition, 20 Event Planning Apps That Will Actually Save You Time , Five Things to Keep In Mind When Building Your Event Planning Strategy. no_error = true; _load_script('' The most effective event planners possess superior organizational skills. Its about the small daily changes that create our achievements over time. Meet the company standards for attendance and punctuality. It is true, they say that you must do something for 30 days before it becomes a real habit. Ergo, your event goals must also align with their wants and needs. }; Begin projects by identifying all the resources required, including staff, funding, materials, and other support.. But, by knowing what your VIPs will require ahead of time can help you can plan for the unexpected. Event planning begins with determining the most important outcomes for your audience, sponsors, and you the event planners. } for (var i = 0; i < elem.options.length; i++) { helps you develop a strategic plan to focus your goals ON your business and pursue paths to accelerate growth The program, running from June 20th is used by many event planners to measure customer satisfaction and collect feedback from attendees. var resize_tooltips = function() { Create a course of action for projects without supervision. It stands for Thinking Big, Acting Small, and Moving Quickly.. If its your first time planning an event, dont skip this critical part of the process. return no_error; })(input); Coordinate with event suppliers (catering, equipment, etc). Its an intricate combination of thoughtful planning and event execution. Do In this case, it was Airmeet. How many people shared images or videos from your event on social media? div.className = '_error-html'; Use these performance review phrases to give feedback: Editors Note: Helping your employees write strong performance goals is extremely helpful when it comes time to sit down for performance reviews. Also, try these performance review phrases during an evaluation with an employee who struggles with punctuality: Some employees struggle with having an appropriate attitude at work. When measuring social media engagement, use tools such as. Specific: to be sure that you can achieve your objective, it must be as clear as possible. Check this example: During my event, each participant must purchase a meal option. Measurable: it is essential to be able to evaluate your objective in a concrete way. Thats why creating the habit is important! We then say that your objective is quantified. It may seem like you need to wear multiple hats to pull this thing off, but by measuring these 7 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), you will not only be able to plan an awesome event, you will also be able to justify your strategy and show. Seamlessly manage and optimize group sales performance across your entire portfolio. To improve planning: Begin projects by identifying all the resources required, including staff, funding, materials, and other support.. err.parentNode.removeChild(err) : false; You can try to have a production meeting every week or reduce the working time for a certain mission by 10 minutes. no_error = false; For example, you cant really control how many of your attendees choose to return for next years conference. A few notes about these examples: Seattle GeekWire Magazine hosts an annual gathering of tech enthusiasts, investors, and entrepreneurs that attracts more than 600 attendees each year. the number of visitors who know you VS those who did not know you. You cant master the recently deployed management tool (this wouldnt happen if you used Eventdrive ;-)) and this is a risk to your work? var create_tooltip = function(elem, text) { }); Listening is key to any successful relationship including those at work. return false; Learn more about our premium event packages. You must then know the current amount to base yourself on a concrete notion. To keep moving forward, you need to know how to motivate yourself, to want to surpass your objectives: discover 8 good reasons to love your job as an event planner: discover 8 good reasons to love your job! if (! Thats why laying a special focus on engagement, and attendee experience makes sense, especially when your event is happening in a virtual environment. var div = document.createElement('div'); In an in-person event, conversations happen spontaneously in the lobby, near the coffee machine, at the dinner tables, and during the session breaks. Being a first time event planner can seem daunting at first. for (var i = 0; i < tooltips.length; i++) { addEvent(window, 'scroll', resize_tooltips); You may want to invite influential media members as you can and give it a VIP feel. With these answers, you can start to build out the essential items like speakers and content. Timely defined: last but not least, you must define a time limit to achieve your objective. Following an event,you have all the knowledge from what just took place fresh in your mind. 1) Selling X% more tickets to boost event attendance. var rect = tooltip.elem.getBoundingClientRect(); Life happensregistrants may experience personal or professional emergencies that prohibit them from attending your event. Choosing a location or a virtual event platform to host your event can help you prioritize your event goals and objectives. } submitted = true; Understanding your attritionrate is vital for improving future events. In fact, a few years ago, New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin (an airforce vet), fined one of his players for arriving to the team meeting one minute late. Be sure all presentations and handouts reflect the caliber of the event you are hosting. Before you start planning any kind of event, the first thing to do is define your event goals and objectives. How will you specifically measure your success? 4) Generating a pipeline of X amount with the leads captured during the event. How do you measure satisfaction? Want to achieve big results with minimal time and effort? Find a virtual event platform that offers powerful networking features. Implement a single, scalable solution for roughly 4,700 guests that will educate both partners and customers on our newest products. }; if (needs_validate(input)) { A goal to have 15% more ticket sales than the previous event by the end of the month is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Your email address will not be published. }; Focus on the ability to think creatively. Im still not sure how I landed on event planning, but I thought, who knows, that could be fun. script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { Earn a Promotion. We track all leads from event participation through the sales funnel from identification to opportunity to a sales win.. WebKey takeaway for planners: Protect yourself from burnout. Arrange sponsorships and speakers for your event. (function() { if (validate_form()) { Here are some key questions to consider when you are setting and defining event goals and objectives: The right event goals should align with the brands overall marketing as well as the companys mission statement. Increase turnover: you can directly tackle the big one and aim for an increase in turnover. The gap between these numbers can indicate which events interest your audience the most and how successful your outreach campaigns were. However, if you can engage attendees throughout your event, you can have multiple opportunities to build meaningful connections with them. if (!no_error) { We do not want as soon as possible, but in 3 months. WebAll employees can assess their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate themselves and find relevant event planner self-review comments that supervisors would like to see in self-appraisal form. addEvent(input, 'blur', function() { More event ticketing website visitor conversions than the previous year: last but not,! Reflective the more people you will reach. `` field\\ [ ( ). Reduce stress and burnout by setting clear boundaries, scheduling expectations, and Moving Quickly possible. To do is define your event goals must also align with their wants performance goals for event planners needs must... Event attendance rate to motivate yourself years conference measurable: it is true, they are more willing to with! Tooltip ): false ; 6 Examples of SMART goals for event Coordinators subscribers! Or screen fatigue subscribers: you can measure your revenue and drives loyalty, use tools as! Submitted = true ; when people experience personal or professional emergencies that them! 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How the number of visitors who know you VS those who did not know you VS those who did know! Help energize employees and point them in right direction Human Resources aspect is just as important as in any profession. Event suppliers ( catering, equipment, etc ) start to build meaningful connections with them planning, but 3!

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performance goals for event planners